Isenberg Institute of Strategic Satire

Posted on March 1, 2012 by

Welcome to IISS.

For those of you who have seen this acronym before this is not the group in London. This is the Isenberg Institute of  Strategic Satire. I have a longstanding interest in military, national and international security, and foreign policy issues.

Like most of you I think the current state of global carnage is bad. Bad for little kids, bad for business, bad for environment et cetera. But what to do about it? We’ve tried all the usual things, appeals to morality, ethics, basic human decency and none of that seems to work.

My motto: Let’s stop war by making fun of it. The nice thing about doing this is that, as they say at the Pentagon, it’s a target rich environment.

This site continues the private military and security contracting issues focused blog, originally started elsewhere.

Given the numerous claims – some, but not all, of which are true – made by PMSC advocates you can see why the subject is of interest here at IISS.

To read the continually updated posts on the PMSCO blog go to the PMSCO page, or just go directly here.

Enjoy and, if so inclined, feel free to contact me.


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