Your help
gives them hope

Every life matters. We spend 90% of the donations we receive directly on saving lives.

Save lives now. Support MOAS’ search and rescue missions.

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MOAS (Migrant Offshore Aid Station) is a Malta-based registered foundation (VO/0939) dedicated to preventing loss of life by providing professional search-and-rescue assistance to refugees and migrants in distress at sea.

the Mediterranean Sea

the Aegean Sea

the Andaman Sea

Our Mission

Everyone has the right to life. That’s why MOAS continues to save lives at the world’s most dangerous border crossing – the sea.

27 731 lives saved and counting

Want to help? Become a fundraising activist for MOAS.

News & Updates

RT @GivenGain:Film Lionesses & Male Filminists, 1 of our #top10 activists of the week, for Migrant Offshore Aid Station!… 
Listen to MOAS crew member Ryan talk about his duties & #AskMOAS to learn more about what our crew does!… 


Where does your money go?

After media outlets published heartbreaking photographs in September 2015 of Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi washed ashore on a Turkish beach, MOAS has been among many nongovernmental organizations flooded by a tidal wave of support.

Donations have poured in every few seconds from all over the world, including the US, UK, Turkey, Germany and Brazil.

MOAS strives to draw the shortest line possible between funds received and lives saved. In fact, we spend more than 90% of the funds we receive directly on saving lives. To this end, we keep administration costs to a bare minimum, ensuring that donations are pumped into the effort to rescue refugees from certain death.

  • Program Expenses

  • Administration

  • Public Relations and Fundraising

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