

Trump's St Louis debate showing can't paper over Republican dismay at his conduct

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 Washington: There was no opening handshake. The hostility was palpable. Both candidates were tense; their body language awkward.

The fear was that Donald Trump would go nuclear. But by the end of a gruelling second presidential debate, it was clear his weapon of choice was the cluster bomb – and he didn't get the result he needs so desperately.

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2nd US presidential debate highlights

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump battle in the second presidential town hall debate held at Washington University in St. Louis on Monday.

The Republican candidate was more agile then when he last confronted Hillary Clinton – but he was also angry, aggressive, accusatory and conspiratorial. That's his partisan rally schtick and in playing to his base, which is not big enough to capture the White House, Trump offered little for the moderates and independents he needs to get over the line.

The extent to which Trump's campaign is tanking can't be overstated. The tsunami-like crisis that he has brought on the Republican Party is such a huge political story that even this debate - an unedifying slugfest - will in all likelihood be reduced to background noise in news cycles dominated by the fallout from Friday's publication of the "grab them by the pussy" video.

Hillary Clinton shakes hands with Donald Trump after the second debate.
Hillary Clinton shakes hands with Donald Trump after the second debate. Photo: Bloomberg

Trump's chortling as he admits and celebrates his sexual assaults on unsuspecting women sparked a Republican mutiny which continued through Sunday, with more high-profile rejections of his candidacy and a key Evangelical Christian champion revoking his endorsement.

The coming days will reveal if he has stemmed the tide of deserters.


Instead of all eyes on voter reactions to his performance, he'll be watching the party establishment and the ranks of its elected officials for their sense of whether or not he has redeemed himself - a YouGov instant poll on Sunday night called the debate for Clinton, 47 to 42 per cent, and found her to be "more presidential" by a factor of almost two to one - 57 to 31 per cent.

Trump didn't win because he didn't preach beyond his base and his casual treatment of the video that is causing tumult in GOP ranks did nothing to defuse that crisis; Clinton didn't lose because any errors were not striking, she knew her policy stuff and she was personable in the face of Trump's wild attacks.

A man watches the debate at Seoul railway station in South Korea.
A man watches the debate at Seoul railway station in South Korea. Photo: AP

Again, Trump made fact-checkers work for their wages. Of 25 debate statements checked by The Washington Post, Trump was found to be wrong or bending the truth in 20 instances and right in two; in contrast, Clinton was deemed to be wrong or bending the truth in three instances.

Fact checkers at The New York Times had a similar result. Of 27 debate claims checked, Trump was wrong or bendy in 20 instances and correct in two; Clinton was wrong or bendy in two and correct in three.

Moderator Martha Raddatz, left, speaks during the second US presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, ...
Moderator Martha Raddatz, left, speaks during the second US presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Photo: Bloomberg

The Republican's poll numbers were tumbling even before the video bombshell – he's in big trouble nationally and he's in big trouble in the swing states he must win, such as Pennsylvania and Florida.

Trump came to the debate politically wounded, angry and defiant – lashing out at Republican colleagues as much as at Democrats. And despite his campaign's encircling doom, he was playing offence.

Combative: Donald Trump.
Combative: Donald Trump. Photo: Bloomberg

He needed to do something really special in the debate at Washington University in St Louis. But his version of special, and the responses it elicited from Clinton, was not what GOP strategists had in mind.

They wanted Trump to be contrite about a video that his colleagues deemed repulsive and disgusting – the best he offered was "I'm very embarrassed by it. I hate it" – but then "it was just words" and "it's locker-room talk", before an inexplicable segue: "I will knock the hell out of ISIS."

Tense: there was a hard edge to the second debate.
Tense: there was a hard edge to the second debate. Photo: Bloomberg

In parading the women who have accused Bill Clinton of abusing them and giving them front row seats, he ignored strenuous advice, based on years of hard lessons, that this tactic always drives sympathy and support for Hillary Clinton.

And then, in a debate judged by analysts as the "tawdriest in modern history", "dark and bitter," and a "new low in a campaign that often seems like a race to the bottom", he proceeded to accuse Clinton of being a "devil" with "hate in her heart" - before charging that if elected, he'd appoint a special prosecutor to have her jailed over her controversial use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state.

All that prompted GOP strategist Stuart Stevens to tweet: "Only time I've ever heard a candidate threatening to jail his opponent was in the Congo. He lost & was later convicted of war crimes."

Trump quickly shifted debate on the "grab them by the pussy" video to Bill Clinton: "Bill Clinton was abusive to women. Hillary Clinton attacked those same women - attacked them viciously," arguing that accusations against Bill Clinton were "far worse" than his conversation recorded in 2005.

He went on: "[Clinton] brings up words that I said 11 years ago - I think it's disgraceful, and she should be ashamed of herself, to tell you the truth."

Ignoring the detail of any accusations against her husband, Clinton responded with a non-specific denial: "So much of what he just said is not right."

Then she went wide, condemning Trump not just for the 2005 video so much as an historic inability to show contrition for his inflammatory statements.

"He never apologises to anybody for anything," she said as she ticked off a laundry list - including his mocking a Gold Star family, accusing a Hispanic judge of being biased by virtue of his ethnicity, ridiculing a reporter who has a disability, and falsely claiming that US President Barack Obama was not born in America.

"Yes, this is who Donald Trump is," Clinton said of his video talk. "The question for us, the question our country must answer, is that this is not who we are."

This is the section of the debate that will be reviewed most intensely in GOP bunkers, as elected officials and others who have yet to make a decision make their call on staying with Trump or ditching him, if only because an abiding fear in the party is that more, and probably more offensive, videos will surface before election day. There is already a media race on to acquire tapes from the set of his TV show The Apprentice.

Despite his explicit statements on the video of what he had done to women, Trump rejected CNN moderator Anderson Cooper's description of his admitted acts as "sexual assault".

"That is sexual assault. You bragged that you committed sexual assault," Cooper said.

"I didn't say that at all. I don't think you understood what was said. This was locker-room talk," Trump said. "Certainly I'm not proud of it. But this is locker-room talk."

Cooper persisted, pressing Trump on acts of which he spoke in the video – kissing women without consent, groping women's genitals. It ended inconclusively.

And when Trump's party colleagues have done with the video element of the debate, they'll fast-forward to Trump's admission that he had taken advantage of tax loopholes, to shift a near $US1 billion corporate loss to his personal income tax return in 1995 – a device by which he was able to avoid paying any income tax for as long as 18 years.

"Of course I do. Of course I do," said Trump, when Cooper asked if he had used the loophole.

"And so do all of her donors," he said, referring to the donors who bankroll Clinton's campaign.

Trump's is a wounded, challenged candidacy – and the debate did not change that.

Even his running mate, Indiana governor Mike Pence, became a target for his lashing of GOP colleagues.

Asked in the debate about Pence's call for stronger US action in Syria, Trump was rude and dismissive: "He and I haven't spoken and I disagree."

That's a surefire way to lose a running mate. Throughout Sunday there were rumours that Pence was ready to jump ship, but he's hanging in for now.

After the events of the last week, capped by the Trump smackdown in St Louis, it must have been difficult for Pence to tweet: "Congrats to my running mate [Donald Trump] on a big debate win. Proud to stand with you as we [Make America Great Again]."

Last week Trump's challenges were precarious but reasonably straightforward – it's easy to convince voters that "the system" needs to be changed, but it becomes more difficult to convince them that he has the prescription for the new system or that he is the man to drive it.

This week, he has a whole new and difficult challenge on which his party colleagues are fixating – that the skeletons already tumbling from his closet, and the expectation of more to follow, do in fact render him unfit to be the president of the US.