Lockdown Stops DAPL Construction in Iowa; Three Arrested, Including Unicorn Riot Journalist

Lockdown Stops DAPL Construction in Iowa; Three Arrested, Including Unicorn Riot Journalist

from Unicorn Riot Lee County, IA – Early Wednesday afternoon, a group of water protectors entered a Dakota Access Pipeline construction site where earth was being cleared. This is a different site than the drill bore area near the Mississippi River, where most actions in Iowa have taken place thus far. A woman named Krissana Mara, age 31, attached herself to the arm of an excavator using a…

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Honduran Environmental Activists Survive Two Assassination Attempts Months After Berta Cáceres Murder

Honduran Environmental Activists Survive Two Assassination Attempts Months After Berta Cáceres Murder

by Nina Lakhani / The Guardian In June, the Guardian reported that Berta Cáceres’ name had appeared on a military hit-list along with those of dozens of other activists. Photograph: Orlando Sierra/AFP/Getty Images Two indigenous activists in Honduras have survived separate assassination attempts this week, seven months after their leader, the environmentalist Berta Cáceres was shot dead in her…

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Unist’ot’en Call for Winter Camp Prep Volunteers

Unist’ot’en Call for Winter Camp Prep Volunteers

from Warrior Publications Dear Supporters, It was another wonderful pipe-free summer up at the Unist’ot’en yinta. Work began on the second phase of our Healing Centre and for the first time ever we were able to host an art camp for indigenous youth. Connecting our youth to the land is a vital part of our culture, and we relish these peaceful moments that allow us to build community. However, the…

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Submission Time is Here Again

Submission Time is Here Again

For the second year in a row, the Earth First! Journal is poised to release four full issues. First there was Eostar, then Litha; after that came Mabon…and now, we begin working on Yule. However, we can’t publish a magazine if you don’t send us articles, poems, photos, Dear Shit fer Brains, reviews, and cover art. The deadline to be considered for the Yule 2016 issue is November 1, so please get…

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Dozens Blockade Smithfield Slaughterhouse in Virginia, One Arrested

Dozens Blockade Smithfield Slaughterhouse in Virginia, One Arrested

by Tidewater Earth First! / Earth First! Newswire Photography by Britt Hall Photography  & FARM Animal Rights Movement On Sunday October 3rd, World Day for Farmed Animals, animal liberation activists from across the midatlantic converged at the infamously evil Smithfield Foods Slaughterhouse (a Chinese owned Fortune 500 business), known for the 10,000 pigs murdered each day onsite. The Smithfield…

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Banner Drop Against Logging in Indiana

Banner Drop Against Logging in Indiana

by Glacier’s Edge Earth First! On Sunday, October 9th, forest advocates descended on O’Bannon Woods State Park to protest unprecedented logging in the adjacent Harrison-Crawford State Forest.  The protestors, which included two bears, a squirrel, and a tree, hung a banner from the O’Bannon Woods fire tower that read, “Stop Logging State Forest.” Since 2004, commercial logging in Indiana’s state…

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Help Marius Mason Access College Courses

Help Marius Mason Access College Courses

from Support Marius Mason Marius has finally gotten approval to enroll in college. Please donate and help spread the word about the fundraiser. Marius wants to study psychology in order to, in his words, gain a better understanding of how the mind works, to develop a deeper understanding of his own diagnosed gender dysphoria,  and the way in which we all develop a sense of self and our…

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Activists Shut Down All Tar Sands Pipelines Crossing US-Canada Border

Activists Shut Down All Tar Sands Pipelines Crossing US-Canada Border

by Lauren McCauley / Common Dreams Five activists shut down all the tar sands pipelines crossing the Canada-U.S. border Tuesday morning, in a bold, coordinated show of climate resistance amid the ongoing fight against the Dakota Access pipeline. The activists employed manual safety valves to shut down Enbridge’s line 4 and 67 in Leonard, Minnesota; TransCanada’s Keystone pipeline in Walhalla,…

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Track Blockades and Sabotage Continue in Hambach Forest, Germany

Track Blockades and Sabotage Continue in Hambach Forest, Germany

submitted to Earth First! Newswire Due to the international “too little and too late” agreements of COP21 and despite rapidly progressing Climate and Eco-Social degradation of the Planet the Hambach Open Cast Lignite Mine, the largest net CO2 emitter in Europe continues to be operated full steam 24/7 by Fossil Fool Energy Giant RWE, who have just officially commenced 2016/2017 cutting season of…

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Ladislav Kuc Sentenced to 23.5 Years for Explosion at McDonalds in Košice, Slovakia

Ladislav Kuc Sentenced to 23.5 Years for Explosion at McDonalds in Košice, Slovakia

from The Slovak Spectator The man who caused the explosion at the Košice branch of McDonalds and who sent an explosive device to a local vet was sentenced to 23.5 years in the strictest prison, and to a preventive supervision of three more years after he is released. The Košice District Court found Ladislav Kuc guilty of both crimes – as well as eight more minor crimes and misdemeanours – on…

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Earth First! Journal Collective is Back After Hurricane: Please Send Support to Haiti

Earth First! Journal Collective is Back After Hurricane: Please Send Support to Haiti

Newswire readers, We’re back at the office, which survived the mild storm that hit as Hurricane Matthew thankfully took a turn into the ocean and passed us by. We’d like to thank all of you who reached out to see how we were doing, and those of you threw us a couple bucks to get us plywood for the windows and other hurricane prep materials. Matthew may have missed us, but it has killed hundreds…

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Marchers Complete 54-Mile Trek Through Northern California and Confront Logging Company

Marchers Complete 54-Mile Trek Through Northern California and Confront Logging Company

from A.C.O.R.N.   Ukiah, CA— Tribal members and forest activists confront Mendocino Redwood Company at mill site, completing their four day, 54-mile “March to Let the Forest Heal”. The trek from Comptche to Ukiah called attention to Mendocino Redwood Company (MRC)’s ongoing practice of “Hack and Squirt”. The method uses the herbicide Imazapyr, injected into a wound, to kill millions of tan oaks…

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ALF England Rescues Seventy-Five Hens

ALF England Rescues Seventy-Five Hens

received anonymously from Bite Back “50 caged hens rescued from intensive farm unit in the south of England. all now safe in their new homes. until all are free ALF” “25 caged hens rescued from filthy conditions in Norfolk England. ALF east coast”

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Berkeley Hunt Revisited
from Bristol Hunt Saboteurs We started the day outside the Berkeley Hunt kennels on the off chance that they might actually leave to go hunting with us present. We were quickly clocked by hunt staff who were straight on their phones. So we waited, received some words of support from some local joggers and some pissed off glares from passing hunt followers. And we waited some more. A few horses…

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Muskrat Falls Protesters Confront Dwight Ball, Rally Outside Nalcor Energy

Muskrat Falls Protesters Confront Dwight Ball, Rally Outside Nalcor Energy

from Warrior Publications A handful of angry Muskrat Falls protesters gathered at a press conference with Premier Dwight Ball, MPs, and MHAs at Memorial University, after a protest outside Nalcor Energy in St. John’s Friday. “Poisoning children is a crime, not on our watch, not our dime,” the group chanted shortly after the premier entered a room at MUN to announce funding for the university’s…

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