ICH 11 October 2016: Leaked emails : Hillary Hates ‘Everyday Americans’ Clinton Campaign Chair

11 October 2016 — ICH

 U.S. Military Operations Are Biggest Motivation for Homegrown Terrorists, FBI Study Finds
By Murtaza Hussain, Cora Currier

Grievances over U.S. military action ranked far above any other factor.

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Book Review: Petras- The End of the Republic and the Delusion of Empire

10 October 2016 — — Global Research

THE END OF THE REPUBLIC AND THE DELUSION OF EMPIRE by James Petras. 2016, Clarity Press Reviewed by Professor Edward Curtin

Very few public intellectuals pull no punches in their analyses of world affairs.  James Petras is one of them.  Possessed of a brilliant and capacious mind that grasps global events in a comprehensive and interconnected way, he also writes with a moral urgency befitting our dangerous historical moment.  He reminds me of C. Wright Mills, another brilliant sociologist whose warnings went unheeded more than fifty years ago.

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Leaked EU documents show that big corporations have seized control of our food safety regulations

10 October 2016 — SumOfUs

Under corporate pressure, the EU is set to adopt meaningless “guidelines” that will mean dangerously high levels of a substance called acrylamide in our food. Even the EU’s own food safety experts say this substance could damage our DNA and increase the risk of cancer.

It’s a dream come true for the industry giants. In the coming days, the European Commissioner for Health will consider the draft proposal. And even after Brexit, these rules could set the baseline for future UK regulation, too. But a public outcry across Europe for real, legal limits that protect people (not profits!) can still beat the lobbyists. 

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Media Lens: Media Silence Over Deadly Sanctions: From Iraq To Syria

10 October 2016 — Media Lens

Awkward facts that erode the ‘benign humanitarian’ self-image of the West are routinely side-lined or buried by the corporate media. Consider, for example, the severe impact of sanctions imposed on Syria by the United States and the European Union.

An internal United Nations assessment, revealed on September 28 by Rania Khalek in The Intercept, makes clear that the sanctions are punishing ordinary Syrians and preventing vital aid, including medical supplies, from reaching those in dire need. Access has been denied for blood safety equipment, medicines, medical devices, food, fuel, water pumps and spare parts for power plants, amongst other items.

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Video: 13TH

8 October 2016 — Youtube

The title of Ava DuVernay’s extraordinary and galvanizing documentary 13TH refers to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which reads “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States.” The progression from that second qualifying clause to the horrors of mass criminalization and the sprawling American prison industry is laid out by DuVernay with bracing lucidity. With a potent mixture of archival footage and testimony from a dazzling array of activists, politicians, historians, and formerly incarcerated women and men, DuVernay creates a work of grand historical synthesis. On Netflix October 7.

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Air Strikes against Syria: Who are the War Criminals? Who is Supporting Al Qaeda? Russia or America? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

7 October 2016 — Global Research

America is coming to the rescue of Al Qaeda under a humanitarian mandate. The unspoken agenda is to undermine the Liberation of Aleppo. 

The pretext and justification for these actions are based on America’s “responsibility to protect” (R2P) the “moderates” in Aleppo from Syrian and Russian attacks and bombing raids.

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ICH Highlights 8 October 2016

8 October 2016 — ICH

Pentagon Begins Low-Intensity, Stealth War in Syria
By Mike Whitney

Freedom and justice were never part of the West’s agenda.

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Black Agenda Report for October 6, 2016: CBC Report Card, Ignoring Angela Davis

7 October 2016 — Black Agenda Report

CBC Report Card 2016: Why the Congressional Black Caucus Can’t Lead Black America

by Glen Ford with Patrice Johnson for CBC Monitor
The 41 full-voting Black Democratic members of the U.S. House scored higher than last year on the new CBC Monitor Report Card, but that’s mostly because there were far fewer controversial bills crossing their desks in a presidential election season. However, some Caucus members’ names seem to forever live in infamy: Terri Sewell, Marc Veasey, Sanford Bishop and David Scott. None of the Caucus is excellent, but there’s plenty of good, bad and ugly.

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Ritzy staff strike for a living wage for the fifth time!

7 October 2016 — Momentum

[To tell the truth, I’m not a big fan of Momentum, or indeed any of the other ‘Corbynista’ support groups, websites, pr agencies, boosters and hangers-0n. Have I missed anything? But I like to keep my eye on things and as the Ritzy Cinema in Brixton is kinda my ‘local’, I actually know a few of the people in the photo below and remember the last time they struck the Picturehouse chain of cinemas. I mean, in London, you can’t even survive on a so-called London living wage. It should be called the ‘existing wage’, and that’s stretching it. I plan to tackle the Corbyn phenom sometime soon and try and explain why I mistrust these ‘fan clubs’. WB]

Cinema Strikes spreading across London.

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NSA: Bombing of Cuban Jetliner 40 Years Later

5 October 2016 —  — National Security Archive

Colgate Toothpaste Disguised Plastic Explosives in 1976 Terrorist Attack

Confessions, Kissinger Reports, and Overview of Luis Posada Career Posted

National Security Archive Calls on Obama administration to Release Still-Secret Documents

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 202 (Update)

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Syria Propaganda – The Death Rattle of the Corporate Media By Simon Wood

6 October 2016 — Greanville Post

“…a battle is raging within the only remaining global space for freedom of thought and expression: the internet – social media.”

Despite the horrendous costs and the formidable forces arrayed against them, the defenders of Syria's sovereignty do not falter.
Despite the horrendous costs and the formidable forces arrayed against them, the defenders of Syria’s sovereignty do not falter. The image depicts a Hezbollah and Syrian rally.

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NYT Declares Snowden a Thief–and Journalism a Crime

6 October 2016 — FAIR

NYT: NSA Contractor Arrested in Possible New Theft of SecretsThe old “theft” the New York Times headline (10/5/16) refers to is Edward Snowden’s exposure of government crimes.

On the home page today of the New York Times, the lead story (10/5/16) bears the headline: “Contractor for NSA Charged in Possible New Theft of Secrets.” Describing the arrest of Harold T. Martin III, a contractor for the National Security Agency accused of taking classified documents, the home page teaser reports, “The arrest raises the embarrassing prospect that for the second time in three years, a contractor managed to steal secrets.”

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Cheerleaders For US Aggression: Pushing The World Towards The Nuclear Brink By Colin Todhunter

5 October 2016 — Colin Todhunter

As the US and its client states and terror groups keep pushing to destroy Syria, I’m reposting this piece from last year. Washington seems increasingly hellbent on direct conflict with Russia. 

Michael Fallon is British Defence Secretary. He is adept at making the types of statements that epitomise the pro-neoliberal, militaristic rhetoric that people in the UK have become tired of. 

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Video: ‘Neutral’ First Aid Responders in Syria Promoting Regime Change

5 October 2016 — TRNN

Journalist Max Blumenthal shares his latest investigation into the public relations firm Syria Campaign and the USAID-backed White Helmets, both of which are calling for a no-fly zone in Syria

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