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October 10, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Andrew Selsky / AP

The New Slave Revolt

The work stoppages and hunger strikes being carried out in prisons across the country show that many of those locked in cages have a political consciousness we must begin to emulate.


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Credit: Misty K. Snow for U.S. Senate

Robert Scheer Interviews Misty K. Snow, the First Major-Party Transgender Nominee for U.S. Senate

The millennial, a Utah Democrat, tells Truthdig's editor in chief how working full time in a supermarket and living paycheck to paycheck inspired her to run. Transcript added.

Hacked Emails Show Clinton Suggesting She Hides Her True Policy Positions From the Public

The candidate's supporters in the media have long insisted that she is fundamentally honest. Now, emails hacked allegedly from the account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta tell a far different story.
A/V Booth

Democracy Now! gave Baraka a chance to respond in real time to questions put to the Republican and Democratic nominees’ running mates during their face-off this week.

On Thursday the Truthdig team sat down with Mike Farrell, acclaimed actor, activist and anti-death penalty advocate.

John Oliver Looks Into One of President Obama’s Most ‘Inarguable Failures’: Guantánamo Bay (Video)

“No amount of sugar coating can cover up the reality of what we have done at Guantánamo Bay,” said the “Last Week Tonight” host in a clip dedicated to advocating for the permanent closure of the controversial detention center.

Agroforestry Can Help Profits and the Planet

Researchers say agroforestry systems offer a solution to helping combat climate change, feeding the world and increasing farmers’ profits.

For Mexican Towns Attacked by Cartel, Few Answers and No Justice

A new report finds that the Mexican government failed to stop a door-to-door campaign of killing that went on for weeks along the United States border.

Die-Hard Donald Trump Supporters Want to *Be* Trump

I think that the men who back the Republican candidate no matter what are doing so because the celebrity real estate speculator and name-licenser provides them with an opportunity for ego inflation.



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After Days of Political Controversy, Presidential Nominees Hold Their Ground in Second Debate

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton field questions about issues that have rocked their campaigns in recent days. By showing some discipline in his performance, Trump may have staved off political disaster.

Donald Trump’s Misogyny and the Media’s ‘Righteous-Indignation Dollar’

A serious discussion is in order regarding the role of the media in creating the hostile, sexist environment where Trump’s grotesque worldview can flourish.

‘Saturday Night Live’ Tackles the VP Debate and Donald Trump’s Sexism Scandal (Video)

Alec Baldwin is really getting the most out of his impression of the Republican presidential candidate.

How Far Will Americans Take Anti-Muslim Hate?

The de facto criminalization of being Muslim or speaking Arabic is proceeding apace despite being contrary to every core American value and contradicting the First Amendment.

The Front Page of The New York Times Now Includes a Public Record of Donald Trump’s Sexual Bragging

I am 61 years old and cannot recall the front page of The Gray Lady being so spicy.



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Wishful Thinking: The First Hundred Days After Nov. 8

If Hillary Clinton is elected president, hopefully Elizabeth Warren will challenge her in the 2020 Democratic primaries if Clinton isn’t sufficiently progressive and bold during her first term.

Yemen and Dubai May Be at War, but Both Are Going Solar Big-Time

There is news on the solar energy front, with the price of panels and installation falling rapidly and popular adoption for novel purposes on the increase.

Photo of the Week: The Latest Devastation of Haiti

Why is Haiti so vulnerable to disaster? In addition to geography, there’s a legacy of debt, poverty, political instability, foreign exploitation and negligence, corruption and violence.

Truthdigger of the Week: Sir Robert Watson, British Climate Expert

With pressure from the likes of Watson, a sleeping public may awaken to and act upon the imminent dangers of climate change.

The Story of Egypt

A new book on ancient Egypt is full of fascinating material, including a re-examination of Cleopatra’s death, a look at the fluidity of sexual identity, and a tale about being carried off by a hippopotamus.

The Age of Decline, Apple Pie and America’s Chosen Suicide Bomber

Thanks to perhaps trillions of words expended on him by nonstop commentators, pundits, talking heads, retired generals and admirals, former intelligence chiefs and ex-Bush administration officials, Donald Trump and his remarkable ego have become the wallpaper of our lives.

Election Fraud Concerns Extend Beyond Conspiracy Theorists

Potential vulnerabilities in the voting system raise alarms about what could happen when American citizens cast their ballots Nov. 8.

Destruction Is All We Have to Show for a 15-Year War in Afghanistan

Since 2001, the U.S. has spent more than $103 billion on the Asian country—more than it spent on the entire European continent after World War II. And there is no end in sight for the debacle that George W. Bush began and Barack Obama continued.

Vice Presidential Debate Left Us Wanting Less

Tim Kaine and Mike Pence established themselves as national political figures and avoided harming their respective candidates’ chances. But the benefit for voters was harder to discern.

U.N. Special Envoy for Syria Asks Rebel Group Linked to al-Qaida to Leave East Aleppo

The United Nations’ Staffan de Mistura (pictured) has addressed the Levant Conquest Front, whose leader has pledged allegiance to an al-Qaida leader. For reasons that remain extremely mysterious, the CIA ignores this group, with which some of its own favorites have sometimes formed battlefield alliances.

Europe Must Prepare for Extreme Weather

Cities and towns across Europe are being warned to adapt to the battering they face from intense storms as extreme weather events become more frequent.