Featured Reports

Middle East Security

Here's a real, (and sustainable) model for eliminating terrorist safe havens

As we head towards this year’s elections, one of the main questions that the next President will face is how to eliminate terrorist safe havens without getting bogged down in ...

Asia-Pacific Security

Will Kim Jong-un Exploit U.S. and South Korean Elections?

In a National Interest op-ed, senior fellow Patrick Cronin analyzes the strategies needed to uphold American influence and deter any North Korean electoral exploitation in the...

Next Generation Program

Apply now for 2017 Next Generation National Security Leaders Fellowship

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) announced today that it is accepting applications for the 2017 class of the Next Generation National Security Leaders Program. CN...

Most Read

    • Commentary
    • September 14, 2016
    CNAS Commentary: Can the U.S.-Philippine Alliance Endure Duterte?

    Philippine President Roberto Duterte is continuing his anti-American campaign with two latest bombshell statements, first calling for the fewer than 200 American Special Opera...

    By Dr. Patrick M. Cronin & Anthony Cho

  • Reports
    • September 20, 2016
    U.S. Public Support for Drone Strikes

    Over the past fifteen years, the United States has increasingly used drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), as tools of foreign policy. Since the Bureau of Investigative ...

    By Jacquelyn Schneider & Julia Macdonald

  • Reports
    • May 16, 2016
    Extending American Power

    Foreword by Robert Kagan and James P. Rubin Over the past year, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) brought together an extraordinary group of scholars, practitione...

    By Michele Flournoy, Richard Fontaine, Eric Edelman, James B. Steinberg, Kurt Campbell, James P. Rubin, Stephen J. Hadley, Dr. Robert Kagan, Robert Zoellick & Julianne Smith

  • In The News
    • Fox News
    • September 30, 2016
    Here's a real, (and sustainable) model for eliminating terrorist safe havens

    As we head towards this year’s elections, one of the main questions that the next President will face is how to eliminate terrorist safe havens without getting bogged down in ...

    By Ilan Goldenberg & Paul Scharre

    • Commentary
    • National Review
    • September 27, 2016
    Broke Down and Tied to the Pier – the U.S. Naval Fleet Is in Dire Need of Reinforcement

    At this moment the nation’s newest and most expensive aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford, which cost $13 billion, has two of its four main turbine generators out of comm...

    By Jerry Hendrix

Featured Audio & Video

  1. Startups Series: Niloo Razi Howe, RSA
  2. Video: North Korea: New missiles can hit America
  3. Katherine Kidder on Women in Combat
  4. ISIS Study Group - Presentation and Discussion

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