Donald Trump, Banana Republican

“The U.S. officially became the world’s largest banana republic last night during the debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. As viewers watched in disbelief, Trump threatened the former secretary of state, telling her that in a Trump Administration, she’d be going to jail.”


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Stock Fraud, Drug Trafficking, & the ‘Alt-Right’

When Donald Trump’s campaign manager Steve Bannon was recently exposed for using  a vacant house in Miami as his legal residence, he hastily changed his legal address to a beach house in Sarasota, Florida owned by a writer at his website.

His hurried move— made more urgent by Trump’s adoption of ‘voter fraud’ as one of his signature issues— has unexpectedly given a gift that keeps on giving to investigators probing the financing of the newly-emergent “Alt-Right.”


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Trump campaign chief’s hidden ties to Sarasota grifter

When Donald Trump’s campaign manager Steve Bannon hastily changed his voter registration residence from an empty house in Miami to a beach house on Casey Key in Sarasota, it made news. The man he moved in with was described  as one of Bannon’s Breitbart writers. But  Andrew M. Badolato the owner of Bannon’s new ‘registered to vote here’ digs — is a lot more than that.


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Tim Kaine’s Unlikely Biography

Tim Kaine isn’t shy about trading on his year in Honduras as a Catholic missionary.

Accepting the V.P. nomination, he said, “My faith  is my North Star for orienting my life.” He had gone to a Jesuit high school, he explained, with the motto “men for others.” It led him to volunteer as a missionary in Honduras.


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“Jaws” ain’t over till the Sheriff meets the Shark

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was finally “persuaded” not to step onto the podium in Philadelphia of the Democratic Convention that was meeting to ratify the election outcome that she helped engineer.

If this were a Hollywood movie, producers would be waving scripts in the air while screaming, “Where’s the third act? They took out the third act!”

“Jaws” ain’t over till the Sheriff meets the shark.  But that’s not what happened.

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair, Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democrat of Florida, speaks at the DNC's Leadership Forum Issues Conference in Washington, DC, on September 19, 2014. AFP PHOTO/Mandel NGAN (Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

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2016 election decides who controls the drug trade

In the Presidential Election of 2016, Republican and Democratic insiders are wrestling like two dogs over a bone over who controls the illegal drug trade.


To the victor go the spoils. Who wins the election wins control of America’s vast drug bazaar, largest in the world, whose proceeds prop up lucky bankers and politicians lapping at the trough of  the biggest richest slush fund in the history of the world. Continue reading

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Why were Saudis “bulletproof” even AFTER the 9/11 Attack?

The first hugely shocking revelation in the 28-page secret chapter of the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee Inquiry into the 9/11 attack occurs less than half-way down the very first page, and raises the chief question arising out of the release.

The story of the 9/11 attack is a story of Saudis in Florida.  But the until-now classified pages report show that fully one year after the attack the CIA and FBI remained inexplicably uncomfortable with the essential fact of any real 9/11 investigation: that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi. 


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Saudis bribed their way into the heart of U.S. Government

buddiesLeading up to today’s release of the redacted 28 pages from the Intelligence Committee Report on the 9/11 Attack, national security officials have beat out a steady drumbeat proclaiming  “conspiracy theorists” would be  sorely disappointed by the “inconclusive evidence” long-rumored to implicate Saudi Arabian government officials in the 9/11 attack.

Nothing, as it happens, could be further from the truth.

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Beware of Mexicans bearing gifts…


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The Three Amigos, a total dreamboat, and an elephant

The Three Amigos met in Ottawa Wednesday, and no one knows why.


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