@joshtpm je blokiran/a

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  1. Prikvačeni tweet

    I feel like the rest of us need to get behind a canonical pluralism frog to turn back the tide, re-appropriate what's been lost.

  2. David Letterman tees off on Trump in an interview with :

  3. White nationalist PAC that funded robocalls for Trump is back w/new radio ad in swing states

  4. By the biggest measures youre talking 2%, maybe as high as 3%, though thats highly dubious. how is that not tiny?

  5. LOL >>> In Turnaround, Ammon Bundy Denies Leading Refuge Occupiers via

  6. Many, which I'll provide when I become yr butler. 1) You don't seem to know what the term means. 2) even 69% counts

  7. I've never been told to "go back to Mexico" or been called a foreigner until this year. My family has been in LA for 100 years.🙄

  8. Ben Gurion didn't think God gave Israel to the Jews. So not sure that's a good measure.

  9. 2: The vast majority of American Jews are/identify as Zionists. Yr talking abt hard-right Zionist, subset of the whole, especially in USA.

  10. 1: 2 points. That is definitely true. But polls and numbers for political giving back up the shift I'm describing.

  11. I write about biking & transportation issues & have been on the receiving end of anti-Semitic tweets. Never happened before 2016.

  12. 17: white and Christian, we won't be part of the club.

  13. 16: this year. But that only makes the point. When purity and tribalism become the order of the day in a country that is still largely ...

  14. 15 Blacks and Hispanic Americans not to mention Muslims have been treated to as much and in many case far more hostility and racism this...

  15. 14: in his body. But he's going to campaign today with Donald Trump. That's all I really need to know. I shld make clear that I know ...

  16. 13: many Jews who don't feel the change from 2015 and 2016 or know where it's coming from. I doubt Paul Ryan has an antisemitic bone ...

  17. 12: driving this change. But they are standing by and standing with the man and the movement that is. I doubt very much that there are ...

  18. 11: the day it's going to be very hard for them not to end up as outsiders. It's not GOP elites or the great mass or Republicans who are...

  19. 10: almost certainly eventually come around to them too. Jews are a tiny minority. So when race purity and tribalism become the order of ...

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