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  • coopersburg<pa
  • United States

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Mary Grace joined jen's group
Tad Williams commented on jen's group loss of a parent
"Thank you for your comment Diamond. It is really important to have all arrangements in writing before anything happens. I lost my father 6 years ago, but my mom and stepfather are getting older. He recently had a health scare that had me thinking.…"
Tad Williams joined jen's group
Claretha Rice liked jen's group loss of a parent
Diamond commented on jen's group loss of a parent
"For ALL caretakers - when being the sole caretaker it is so important to have in writing prior to your love one decease all arrangements.   It is just common that  death brings about all forms of characters - so having everything in placed…"
Sep 24
Barbara Rieger commented on jen's group loss of a parent
"This is for Jennifer Grossma, Dear Jennifer please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your dear mother! Also, give my condolences to your father. I just read your post about your mother passing and I feel that you have done the right…"
Sep 20
Jennifer Grossma joined jen's group
Sep 20
Cindy Snodgress commented on jen's group loss of a parent
"It's been awhile since I have been on here. I really do not know how to use this site. It's been 6 years since I lost my father and yes it has gotten easier but not. There are times like tonight when I struggle. I think maybe it's the…"
Sep 10
Claretha Rice joined jen's group
Aug 28
Danna Scaletta joined jen's group
Aug 22
Melinda CANDACE Guinn commented on jen's group loss of a parent
"Lean on the strength your Dad gave you all thru your life. Stay strong, he'll be there when it's your time to cross over."
Jul 27
dream moon commented on jen's group loss of a parent
"so sorry cheeus miss my dad tell him e day i miss him wish he cud cum bac ahane i do "
Jul 26
Cherish Yuke commented on jen's group loss of a parent
" dad passed two months ago. I can't believe life goes on without him. I miss him terribly everyday and it hasn't gotten any easier with each passing day! I love him more than words can say..."
Jul 26
Hugh Gladish liked jen's group loss of a parent
Jul 25
Barbara Rieger joined jen's group
Jul 24
Lynda Baron joined jen's group
Jul 23

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At 11:51pm on July 9, 2010, jen said…
My dad has been very close to me these past weeks..... I planned a long trip over my birthday , driving across the country to be in my dads home town- it was one of the nicest birthdays since the last one I spent with my dad a few years ago. I spent the morning showing my children the little town in Kansas where he had grown up, we played in the park where he played, we visited his favorite spots and had lunch in a little restaurant on the dirt-street main st.- my kids were totally charmed, as I had been many times over the years visiting there with my dad. Just as we were pulling out of town , I caught a glimse of an old el camino parked near the old gas station ( el caminos are one of the signs he gives me he is near .....he has always liked them, and always wanted one- I used to tease him because I think they are hideous! I never used to see them around, but since he has passed away, I see them almost every day, usually when I think of him) It had been kind of a tough day, but that made me know he was there with us.
At 12:56pm on March 28, 2010, Vicki said…
Hi Jen : I know the feelings . I lost my Dad & 11mos later my Mom . It has been several years for me but as their anniversay dates of their deaths approach , I start to become a bit edgy. Each year it's different . I am so happy this site exsists , let's you know your not alone. another site that has helped me was , find a grave . I am able to actually see my parents burial site & leave little flowers and messages , since I do not live in my home state this was a wonderful find for me , maybe for others as well. My comfort is knowing that Mom&Dad are together . It's hard for me ,but I'm learning to adjust the best I can , I have great pics & memories so that can be a little bittersweet . I wish there was a regional conference so we could all meet & see that we are not alone in this , if there is one I hope someone will post it . needless to say March& April are not my best months , but I get through them . this site has also been really helpful . My very best to you . It takes time to adjust , I'm still adjusting , but I'm better than before & they will always be with you in your heart . Take care Vicki
At 10:48pm on March 14, 2010, jen said…
My sister just called me, and let me know my Dads last older brother passed away today......there are just 2 siblings left from their wonderful family of 15 children. Dad and this brother had become pretty close the last 15 years, and enjoyed one anothers company so much. I know they are enjoying a drink together and sharing their crazy stories.....i'm glad they are together again.
At 3:13pm on March 9, 2010, Sally Bagwell said…
He's hansom, I know the pain your in, My Dad passed away 2002, it still hurt's and I think about him often. Our Dad's Jen will alway's be in our heart's!
At 2:07pm on February 17, 2010, Joan Martin said…
March 23rd next month will be 4 years since my mom passed and it still feels like yesterday. It seems as though my life will never feel like a life again. I wonder if I will ever adjust. I'd like to say I wish I had found this website 4 years ago. Thank you all.
At 12:24am on February 15, 2010, jen said…
hmmmm, just realized that the day has passed- uneventful just like the day one year ago when I last talked to my dad....I did call my mom, because it crossed my mind that each day might be the last day, no matter how trivial the chat, it is something to hold onto. Do I really have to go on so many more years without talking with my dad? I have said it before, but I imagine him passing and how joyful his heart must have been seeing his parents and siblings, friends and family who had gone on so many years before him. He was always a man who looked ahead, never backwards....i wish I could do that.
At 11:20pm on February 1, 2010, jen said…
i can hardly believe it has been almost a year since I lost my dad. a week ago marked the day I last saw my dad alive, the day we said goodbye, and I hugged him, and hugged me for the last time. The day ended up being much harder than I though it would be. soon, the last I day I spoke with him on the phone will be here.......we talked about nothing really. He and mom were canning salmon that day, he told me all about it, and then moved on to talk about the weather as we always did, because that was all there really was left to talk about. I am not sure how it will be on the 20th. I have good days and not so good days, I suppose that one won't be too good.
At 1:40pm on January 19, 2010, Terry H. said…
So sorry for your loss
At 7:54pm on January 12, 2010, Toy Williams said…
Hi Jen,
I am sorry to hear of the loss of your father to loss a parent to death is very painful, I too loss both my Mom and two years later my father and the one thing that kept me sane was the promises the scriptures holds before me at Acts 24:15 where it says, "There will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous" You will see your father again! Take comfort in God's written words found at John 11:25~ Jesus said "... I am the reusrrection and the life he that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life" May you find peace knowing our Heavenly cares and promises to make a change in the near future!
At 7:42pm on December 31, 2009, manuela smith said…
dear jen i thank you becouse i feel so blessed not to feel so alone anymore i believed i would feel better but i noticed is all a mask that i put on iam so very sad all the time becouse i cant undestand my own pain iam not sure anymore what it is someday iam happy others iam yust so lost everything a do is putting douts in me and i think iam not all there i rad all your storrys and iam thinking how sad it is and then i feel nothing i know that it sounds strange may be iam like i sayd nothing makes sence to me i want to go and let go but i cant my mom was a kind and sweet person and wen i look at her face in my pics i allways cry she rote to me years ago fromm a vacation and she allways called me her littleone also i over shut her bi 2 head lengs but now everything is silent iam yust a reck i want her and everyone be happy and i feel guilty becouse i feel i interupt there peace and i do not want to do that att all but i do not know how to stop grieving

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