Harold McKinstry
  • Male
  • Saginaw, MI
  • United States

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  • Patricia Hamm
  • Sara Murphy

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Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Sara I ordered a stand for it I plan on keeping it out all Year."
Harold McKinstry commented on dream moon's blog post No Title
"We had one of our Dogs Cremated and the Container has that poem on. Always makes me smile. "
Dec 11
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Hi Marsha  How are you doing, I hope things are working out better for you. We suffer enough with the loss of our Loved Ones, hate to see all the added on problems you had to deal with. "
Dec 11
Harold McKinstry left a comment for Gigi W
"HI Gigi I got the Ornament on Amazon it was $14 they had quite a few of them. I also bought a different one for my Father in Law, and one for my 2 step daughters, theirs had a picture for two they lost there Dad awhile back, they all Loved them. It…"
Dec 11
Gigi W left a comment for Harold McKinstry
"Harold, I love your ornament, where did you get it? I miss David so much but always feel better after visiting this page. I feel reassurred I am not losing my mind. Yesterday was 20 months for me and there are still days that my grief overwhelms me.…"
Dec 11
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Here is a Picture of one of the Memorial Ornaments I got.  "
Dec 11
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Hi Sheri You might not realize it but your our Therapist too. I agree it's the little things not just the big things that breaks me down. Doing Memorial Ornaments with Diane's Picture had me crying half the day. That dream you had was…"
Dec 11
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Hi Everyone I did get a tree last weekend Terry was with me so we went he cut it down felt like a real big shot. Helped me string lights and decorate it, was nice I'm not sure I would have down much without him. I decided to get a memorial…"
Dec 10
Harold McKinstry left a comment for Barbara
"Hi Barbara Sorry for your loss of your fiancé, yes it sure does turn your world upside down. I lost my Wife January 29th coming up on a year soon. I went to a class on spousal loss, the instructor asked how we felt. I told him I felt…"
Dec 7
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Hi Sara Not so much that I have more ambition, Seeing that I'm retired it gives me something to do. If I was working none of this would be getting done. I even have time to take a nap most days."
Dec 7
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Sara  Hope your Party was tolerable and maybe a few smiles and laugh or two. I have found like Marsha said sometimes the anticipation is the worst and the event isn't too bad. Hope your finding some way to make the Holidays your own and…"
Dec 3
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Marsha Glad you are feeling better and things are better as far as Christmas for you. The fact that you prayed for your sister in law shows what a sweetheart you are. Might be a band aid on the problem but at least it's some progress. My dogs…"
Dec 3
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Hi Deb You asked what people had planned for the weekend. I went to my 9 year old Grandson's Basketball game and he is spending the night. We will probably cut down a tree today or tomorrow and get it decorated. It seems like you and I are on…"
Dec 3
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Deb I will be cutting down a lot from what we did previous years. We had a 4 ft x 8 ft village with train and decorations through out the house. During a class I took I said my life feels likes a puzzle, before it was a beautiful and peaceful…"
Dec 2
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Gretchen Maybe this would work for you too. I was upset and trying to figure out what to do, thought came to me. I have been thinking of doing what we always did. I believe it might have been on the site you linked too. Nothing is the same anymore,…"
Dec 2
Harold McKinstry commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Gretchen  Thanks for the link to the website, it had some good tips. I read some of the other post and signed up for the emails. I have been having a rough time too, first Christmas without Diane. Diane's Birthday is 11/27, she was…"
Dec 2

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At 5:03pm on December 11, 2016, Gigi W said…

Harold, I love your ornament, where did you get it? I miss David so much but always feel better after visiting this page. I feel reassurred I am not losing my mind. Yesterday was 20 months for me and there are still days that my grief overwhelms me. I don't write much but appreciate every sentiment written. I hope you have a good holiday season.

At 7:08pm on September 12, 2016, Melinda CANDACE Guinn said…

Thank you Harold. The only thing that consoles me is I believe in God. I think He saved them all. God brought them Home before worse things could happen to them. As much as I miss them, I think God saved them! I know we'll be reunited!

At 7:58pm on July 27, 2016, Mary Clough said…
Aww Harold iam so very sorry for your loss, My husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma tumor, it is a very aggressive brain cancer with no cure, some people have live at the most for 5 years, but Bobs grew quickly, within 2 weeks he was paralyzed, 4 weeks he was swollen his who,e body wasn't eating, they feed him threw tubes, 6 weeks his kidneys failed and he went on Dialysis, he started having seizures, 10 weeks to the day of his diagnoses I lost him, I was soo hoping we could fight this and keep him alive for the max of 5 years, but it was not to be, now iam alone and missing him more then I could have ever imagine,I can't see this deep pain and sorrow ever going away, he was my everything. Thankyou mary
At 5:18pm on July 27, 2016, Mary Clough said…
Hi Harold, Thankyou for your very kind words, so very sorry for your loss, very over whelming, I was reading some of your comments, my husband was 18 yrs older then me, I had 22 years with him, 23 in sept. He was so very healthy, and this was such a shock. Love mary
At 9:26am on July 22, 2016, carol said…

Harold,  Thank You for your response and welcome to this site.  I am

also a flower garden lover, but alas the deer also love my flowers,  so far this month they have eaten all hostas,  lilys and numerous others. 

I hope you are having a good day today.  Happy Friday.

At 6:59pm on June 24, 2016, Reponsa Bias said…

Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I know it's doing to be a long hard row to hoe, but no one can do it for me. It's been two years yet it feels like yesterday. I awake each day praying it was only a dream I know it's not, just wishful thinking. He was real.

At 6:28pm on March 8, 2016, Sara Murphy said…

I agree.  I find it impossible to believe it will ever get better.   When people ask that dreaded question "how are you doing", I'll tell some of them I'm in a living hell.  I've also told Ken our roles have reversed since his passing, before I had to watch him suffer and now he has to watch me suffer.  I'm going to hold on to hope though that eventually, probably some day long in the future, I'll be able to see the light (either light will do)

At 4:44pm on March 8, 2016, Sara Murphy said…

Harold,  I feel as you do with the deep, never ending grief.  I'm only 2 weeks ahead of you, my husband passed on 1/13/16.  I contacted my doctor last week because I needed something to help.  Mornings for me are the worst.  I'm so full of anxiety but still have to get up to go to work.  With my husband here, I had strength to do anything.  However sick he was, I could handle it, take care of him, go to work etc.  I got my strength from him.  Without him, I panic over everything so afraid of what the future will hold that I'll have to deal with solo.  The anti-anxiety meds do help a bit.  I can be calmer and focus better at work but it doesn't stop me from crying for him every day, several times a day.  I pray we both find piece although I believe we're a long way from that right now.




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dream moon commented on dream moon's blog post No Title
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Barbara Rieger posted a status
"David Thank You! The Lavender Plants are beautiful.I'll store in my heart today attending a memorial for the founder of my garden club."
10 hours ago
T.C. Goodwin posted blog posts
10 hours ago

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