Deb S
  • Haymarket, VA
  • United States

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Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"   Good morning friends, I am visiting my daughter and granddaughter for a few days. I hope that everyone here is doing as well as can be expected. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.  Debbie "
11 hours ago
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Marsha, I was joking back about being a street person. It is a good way to describe that you are out and about often. I'm still working on getting out daily. I am comfortable traveling and going to movies and restaurants by myself. However,…"
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Steve, For all of you, I thank God that you and Mark found Bella and she became part of your family. She is beautiful and has a heart of gold. Debbie"
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Marsha, This is one of the many times I have recently longed for a magic wand. Good for you for getting out enough that you could be confused with a street person. That is awesome. I haven't any wise words for meeting new friends. Like you,…"
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Steve, Bella is a cutie pie. Her finding of a feather and her prompt to get to work is heartwarming. You likely do have a bit of work ahead of you. Yet the reward is awe inspiring.  Love, Debbie"
Sep 10
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Chuck, OK, this post brought a tear or two or three to my eyes. God bless!  Debbie"
Sep 10
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Marsha, I hope you are doing well. The bouts of loneliness are difficult for me too. It always helps me to get out and about and experience the world when I am feeling down. Today, I'm feeling great. I've spent the last 6 hours (I'm…"
Sep 10
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Chuck, For someone who made her living through the use of words, all I can say is "WOW"!  Debbie"
Sep 9
Deb S and Molly Hales are now friends
Sep 9
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Steve, Thank you for posting the words to this powerful song. It helped me to read it this morning.  HUGS!  Debbie"
Sep 9
Deb S commented on Molly Hales's blog post Research into online mourning
"Molly, Thank you for your kind words and condolences. I look forward to receiving your message. Have a great day.  Debbie"
Sep 9
Deb S replied to Mary Clough's discussion Lost my husband in the group Bereaved Spouses
"Maureena, Please know you are not alone We have all been where you are today. Thank ou so much for posting. Please continue to share. It helps. I promise.  Debbie"
Sep 8
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Steve, I LOVE the new you :) :) :).  Love, Debbie"
Sep 8
Deb S commented on Molly Hales's blog post Research into online mourning
"Dear Molly, I echo Chuck's sentiments and applaud you for choosing this topic for your dissertation. I am sorry to hear about the sudden loss of your father and send along my sincere condolences. I lost my husband suddenly on July 22, 2015. I…"
Sep 8
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Harold, It is so good to see you posting too! I love your post!  I also agree with everything you wrote. Like you, I am still struggling. When I remain active, I do OK. The problem is I can go days without wanting to leave my house. I then fall…"
Sep 8
Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"oops - my edit feature disappeared - should read "our" loved ones"
Sep 8

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At 8:08am on August 29, 2016, Danny Davis said…

Thank you Deb for asking. I wish I could say it was much better, but not really. I miss her more than ever. I pick roses for her first thing everyday. I touch her things and look at her at her pictures. I do try to keep busy. I stay in touch with our families and friends. I volunteer for mission work. I'm just not happy. It seems nothing can make me happy.  I see her everywhere.  I miss and love her so much. It still doesn't seem real. After a little more than 7 months, it just doesn't seem real. Don't get me wrong. Even though I'm very sad and cry a lot, thinking of her, touching her things, and even talking to her, gives me some comfort. I wish I would have shown more how much I loved and needed her before. Thanks again Deb. You are kind. Danny

At 3:15pm on August 28, 2016, Mary Clough said…
At 3:14pm on August 28, 2016, Mary Clough said…
Deb the reason I haven't done anything with him yet, I want to be sure the house is mine, I don't want him to be able to come back at me, lol you to do list have to do list made me smile... Love mart

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Deb S commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
11 hours ago

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