Charles E. Nelson
  • Male
  • Bloomsbury, NJ
  • United States

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  • carol
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Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Marsha, Just a simple wish from a very grateful friend to my special Arch Angel - I hope your birthday tomorrow finds you well, at peace, and that no matter how much or little is planned, that you pause and think of myself and Steve sending you…"
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Hello Sara, Thank you for your kind words. You must believe me when I say that I felt absolutely 100% about Larry the way you do about Ken. I actually got very upset when some friends even vaguely suggested that I might not spend the rest of my life…"
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Patterns           There is weak sunlight filtering through the bare trees on the hill to your back, and your indistinct shadow stretches before you on the ground  - one shadow hand resting on a…"
Jan 7
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Corey, I join all the family here in saying how sorry I am for the loss of your husband. I lost my husband Larry in April of 2015, and it was 7 months before I found Legacy after being urged by a close friend to connect somehow with people who…"
Jan 7
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Sara, The first birthday of Ken's when you are apart is an extremely painful and difficult step on your journey, and for what it's worth I hold out my hand, and my prayers, and ask you to let us all help you through today with our…"
Oct 23, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Marsha, I am so sorry that you are having to go through all this with your family - as Todd said, you are greatly appreciated by us all here, for your generosity of spirit, your kind support, and your wonderful wit. Indeed if we were able to…"
Oct 20, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Sheri, I couldn't have said it better than Chicago Beard and Marsha - so I only add that I remember as if it was yesterday the feelings you are having. Some time ago I wrote a piece comparing the way we get through the days to walking a…"
Oct 19, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Chicago Beard, Your post sharing that incredibly moving and honest piece by Carolyn Moor did indeed bring out my tears, and her plea to everyone around her is the one I wish I had known how to express so many times. Thank you, this was truly a…"
Oct 19, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Sara And Todd, My heart goes out to you both as you grapple with your sad anniversaries - I am sending all the strength and prayers I can to you both, and to all here in our family. I seem to be wrestling with lots of emotions and questions…"
Oct 13, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Hello Gretchen, I'm late in joining everyone in thanking you for the photo, and for sharing with us the deeply meaningful events of that day - you are such a generous spirit and I pray for you and Ethan that your lives will be spared any…"
Oct 11, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Hello Sheri, I am sorry for the fresh pain you are going through now, seven weeks into this journey we all have found ourselves walking - some with a bit of warning, others with little or no time to prepare ourselves for the devastation and shock of…"
Oct 11, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Todd, My friend, you have shared something so positive and uplifting with us  - twice - this week! As I begin weekend tasks of cleaning out closets to make room for my new family, I find myself looking at Larry's winter coats and…"
Oct 8, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Sara, Forgive my being slow to thank you for your kind response to my Halloween piece. I agree that things are much better on the whole now , and stories like that of your niece and her friend Colin make me smile and very grateful that fewer…"
Oct 5, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Hello Todd, I just read the beautiful poem you shared with us all - this says in the most perfect way what I strive to do every day now...we should indeed play and laugh, speak of and to our loved ones - and be who we have always been - the one with…"
Oct 5, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Harold, You have an awful lot on your plate right now my friend, and I know you can't take attention from your Mom's procedure and treatment - just know everyone here is praying for you both, and you entire family...all my strength…"
Oct 4, 2016
Charles E. Nelson commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Dear Trina, Again I find myself marveling at the understanding and compassion of the beautiful family I have found here - your heartfelt response displays an empathy that I have felt coming through your words so very often. Your dear brother is…"
Oct 4, 2016

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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 11:04pm on September 8, 2016, elyse said…
Chuck,Your message to Maureen was beautifully written as many as your posts are,but this one dated Sept.8 was most exceptional.
At 7:18pm on July 21, 2016, carol said…
Thank you for the kind words and the welcome into your group, This has been an extremely hard thing to go through, Again Thank you. Carol
At 11:26am on July 5, 2016, Sara Murphy said…

Hi Chuck.  Thinking about you.  Haven't seen any posts from you recently which has me worried.  I'm aware you have health issues but if you're able to, please check in.  I'm sending extra prayers your way.

Love Sara

At 8:16pm on July 4, 2016, Deb S said…

Chuck, Are you OK?  I haven't heard from you for a while and am concerned. Please check in when convenient.  Thanks.

Love, Deb

At 11:56am on May 25, 2016, elyse said…
Hello Chuck,I was wondering if you can answer one question,I'm not too familiar still with this site.
How do I get my"Blog post" to go back on top ? It dropped to bottom of my page.
thank you
At 3:32pm on April 27, 2016, elyse said…
Chuck,Sorry to hear of your losses as well,especially last April of your husband.We all share similar feelings and I'm glad that I've found this group,I can say whatever may be on my mind without judgment and even if no one responds,it's good to release it.Some people/ family don't know what to say so I usually respond with I'm ok when anyone asks.elyse sister of Lee 6/13/59-5/28/14.I posted on the main wall a suggestion of each member posting this at end,so we can send a remembrance to each other,I thought it was a nice gesture,what do you think?
At 6:05pm on April 24, 2016, Deb S said…

Chuck, Thank you for your thoughts on Friday. I felt them and did well!!  You are such a sweet friend.  I hope your today was better than your yesterday.  Love, Debbie

At 2:35pm on March 12, 2016, Sara Murphy said…

Chuck,  my new friend......As far as I'm concerned, you're just a man going through the same heartbreaking loss we all are.....the loss of our soulmates.  I too was apprehensive about posting on a forum such as this for the same reason,  how do you know what/who is real or fake.  I came to realize very quickly through the comments I read that we are all very real and offering helping hands to each other.

One of Ken's good friends is gay and has been with his partner for over 30 years.  They were lucky enough to get married a few years ago.   Ken and I would go out with them in the same way we would any other couple.  We would go to dinner,  walk around a lake near us, go out for an ice cream etc.  We would talk about the same things anybody else would.  It was of no concern to us what other people may have thought.  I want you to feel comfortable and safe here.  Love is love and that's it.  Gay or straight doesn't least not to me.


At 3:52am on January 8, 2016, Marsha H said…

Dear Chuck ...

Just in case you need me to discuss something more personal with your grief here is my email:   Please, don't feel you need to email me as I know some people are very private and I would never be offended. 



At 5:04am on January 6, 2016, Christina Marangolo said…

Thank you for your welcoming words.  I lost my husband over the summer.  Although I have many friends & family it's nice to know that there are others going through what I am.


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Marsha H commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
11 hours ago
Marsha H left a comment for Deb
13 hours ago
Marsha H left a comment for brenda may
13 hours ago
Marsha H is now friends with brenda may and Deb
13 hours ago

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