
suicide's survivors

talk to other survivors of loved ones that took their life and learn how to cope with everyday life, how to carry on,try to understand and know why you feel the way you do.

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I dont know how much longer i can hold on...

Started by Melissa Shuler. Last reply by Angel Jenkins-doyle Mar 11. 5 Replies

I wasn't ready to say good-bye

Started by Kristin miller. Last reply by T.C. Goodwin Feb 26. 4 Replies

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Comment by T.C. Goodwin on February 14, 2016 at 3:05pm

Sometimes it hard to see the signs...I have learned  not to be afraid to say " Are you suicidal?" - Proverbs 17:17

Comment by Ruth Kendall on January 16, 2016 at 3:12pm

I'm so sorry about your loss Linda. I agree as coping with my sister Anne's suicide has been a mixture of so many emotions. We both had the challenge of battling mental illness. My sorrow is that I am still here while she is not. I try to rationalize out the reasons but that just gets me into a place of frustration. I cannot change the past. I must go on even though she is gone. We were sisters and I will always feel her with me. It's when I need her the most that I feel her near. And when I'm struggling to rise to the challenge of whether or not to react in anger or in kindness. Then I feel her with me. She was a kind person, compassionate to everyone she met. She poured out her caregiver talents in the role of nurse to me to the point of frustration at times. For both of us I think in retrospect. And yet, there were signs of anger when I look back on the times we spent together. I didn't realize at the time just how angry she was. That makes me sad. And then, I remember the good moments because there were good moments. I am accepting that my life is forever changed by her death. Changed. Different. Not the same. That is hard.

Comment by Linda Osmon on November 25, 2015 at 3:19am

Well November 3rd was the one year anniversary of my partner of 24 years Randy's suicide. Not quite sure why they call it an anniversary, I equate that with celebration and this wasn't. I tell everyone that so much has changed in the past year, yet nothing has changed. He's still gone. I wish I could say that things are better, but they are not. Still don't think the shock has worn off, it's always a whirlwind of emotions. Sadness,love,depression,anger, Oh yes the anger. Still grappling with external things that happened after he died. I hope someday that I can put something about this to rest, but i'm not sure that will ever happen. I feel like I wasted 24 years of my life, but thats the anger talking. There was so much of those years that were wonderful, thats the love talking. When I can finally reconcile the 2, I hope that all that will remain, are the parts that were wonderful, not the ending, because the ending happened over a short period of time. I don't i am still trying to figure out where i go from here, this is not where I thought my life would be at almost 60 years old. But here is where it is and i'm still trying

Comment by Blair Alexandria Gorham on September 10, 2015 at 1:57pm

Im so sorry Ellen. I cant even imagine what you went through. When you're in that kind of mindset you're not thinking rationally. I love my family more than anyone, but with having a mental illness I just believed that my life was more of a burden. It's hard to explain. All I can say is that this forum has really helped me see the other side of mental illness and how it affects those who are around people with it. 

Comment by Rosemary on September 8, 2015 at 9:23pm
Sandra, I cannot even begin to imagine that horror. I am very sorry for your loss. There are really no words to comfort you I know. My husband took his own life in May 2013. His was not a violent passing. Still, my heart is shattered beyond belief. I attend the survivors of suicide support group in my area. It has been helpful. I pray you have a good support system to hold you up until you can stand again. You are not alone on this journey. Best wishes, Rosemary
Comment by Sandra Gerencher on September 8, 2015 at 8:52pm

I lost my fiance to suicide on June 22nd of this year.  He shot himself in the heart in our bedroom with my gun, while I was folding laundry in the next room.

Comment by Ellen Sheehan on July 27, 2015 at 4:03pm

Blair I lost my husband to suicide last May the past 14 months has been the hardest  ive ever had to survive and get to where i am today and there were times i nearly didnt. I myself took an overdose 6 weeks after he died as i too didnt see a way out of the pain i was feeling luckily for me and believe me when i say i didnt feel that luckyat the time but a good friend of mine couldnt reach me on the phone that night and called to the house (my neighbour has a key ) so thay entered the house and got me to hospitaI was sectioned for my own safety Well as it is im still here but not a day goes past when i dont think to myself why why why and how could he and im sure every person who has lost someone through suicide asks themselves the same questions.I undertstand that at the time you are making the decision to end your life you feel everyone would be better off if you wasnt around anymore but the truth is we are not we live with that everyday.There is always a way out you just need to say the words I NEED HELP these three words are so important and once you have said them and actually except the help then you can begin to starttrying to live again It is not a easy road sometimes harder than you ever imagined It is not as easy as you think saying not to blame ourselves because we are the ones living with the fact that we didnt see it coming or we didnt do enough I know at the end of the day they made the choice but it doesnt make it any easier for us survivors

Comment by Blair Alexandria Gorham on July 26, 2015 at 5:37pm

I know this is a forum for those who have loved ones who took their own lives, and i'm so sorry for your loss. I have though been on the other side of this. This time last year I was in a facility for attempting to take my own life. Ever since I was probably about 5 years old I never quite felt like I belonged here. Unfortunately when you give in to those constant thoughts it's hard to really see that there is a way out. I guess what i'm trying to say is that, you can not blame yourselves for your loved ones not wanting to live anymore. Mental Illness is hard to understand and even harder to treat. 

Psalms 34:18 mentions that God is close to the brokenhearted, He saves those who are crushed in spirit. 

Lean upon him when you're feeling down, and throw all your anxieties on him. Doing this doesn't take my problems away but gives me the strength to get through it. Maybe this can help you too.

Comment by Shann Renae Lundquist on June 25, 2015 at 10:46am

It help me MJ

Comment by MJ on June 24, 2015 at 5:22pm

(John 11:24, 25) Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life"

Hope in the resurrection can comfort us and give us something to look forward to in the future.


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