Federal Politics

As Donald Trump questioned Muslims, Turnbull and Shorten did something remarkable

Donald Trump's gloating about sexual assault wasn't the only lightning rod of Monday's fiery second presidential debate. 

Muslims living in America and those seeking to come in as refugees from conflict in the Middle East also came in for a serve.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Trump - who once called for a shutdown of all Muslim immigration to the US - said Islamophobia was "a shame" but that there is an undeniable problem and called on Muslims to report suspicious activity. 

At the very same time, a world away, the picture couldn't have been more different as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten rose in Parliament to back a bipartisan motion calling for a respectful and unified Australia.

It highlighted Indigenous people, refugees and Muslims, reaffirming commitment to equal rights, a non-discriminatory immigration policy, reconciliation, multiculturalism and denouncing racism.

"Accordingly, we rise in this Parliament today - as John Howard and Kim Beazley did 20 years ago - to speak on this very motion - a 20-year-old unity ticket perhaps - celebrating and reaffirming the Australian values of a fair go and mutual respect for all regardless of how they look, how they worship or where they come from," the Prime Minister told the House of Representatives.


"Australia is an immigration nation," Mr Turnbull said.

"Today, almost half of us have a parent born overseas and more than a quarter of Australians were born overseas themselves."

He said "everyone sitting in this chamber and every Australian is a beneficiary of the diversity that is at the heart of our nation", before turning to Islam specifically.

"Australia and the world faces the threat of terrorism perpetrated and promoted by extremists who claim to be fighting and killing for Islam," Mr Turnbull said, arguing terrorists "blaspheme Islam" and have been condemned by Muslims.

"Now the object of these terrorists is to divide Islam by driving a wedge of violence between Muslims, between Sunni and Shia and to turn Muslims against the West and the West against Muslims.

"The resolution of this conflict within Islam will ultimately depend on Muslims, but in the meantime the Islamist terrorists have succeeded in raising levels of anxiety about Muslim immigration, about the role of Islam itself within Australia."

A recent poll found 49 per cent of respondents supported a ban on Muslim migration to Australia, citing concerns about integration, divergent values and terrorism.

Mr Shorten recently suggested the motion for racial tolerance amid rhetoric emanating from One Nation leader Pauline Hanson and Mr Turnbull's conservative backbench, with Queensland MP George Christensen and South Australian senator Cory Bernardi calling for a curb on Muslim migration.

Mr Turnbull said Muslim Australians are an integral part of the country and that those seeking to do harm are a tiny minority.

"The terrorists want the wider Australian community to turn against Australian Muslims. Their message to Australian Muslims is 'you are not wanted here, you will never be accepted here, you cannot be Australian'," he said.

"The most effective weapon against the terrorists is an inclusive nation."

Mr Shorten said the word "tolerance" was no longer adequate and said Australians "embrace diversity".

"Diversity is not a minor inconvenience to be endured, it's not a device of political correctness … it's the collective power of our nation, of all of us," he said.

"In Australia, we are not being 'swamped' by anyone," he continued, referencing Senator Hanson's recent speech targeting Muslims.

"Migrants are not filling our dole queues, or taking our jobs, or clogging up our highways – or doing all three at the same time. Migration is not a cost, or a burden.

"It is a powerful force for our continuing economic growth and future prosperity."

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