The Magazine

  • Vol. 27 No. 4
    Fall 2016




    • Making the Most of Your Luck

      Peter Dreier

      The role of sheer fortune challenges the politics of the fortunate—and the conceits of economics. 
    • The Costs of Being Poor

      Adam D. Reich

      Two new books explore how difficult the housing market and criminal justice system make it to climb out of poverty.
    • Rationalizing Trump

      Adele M. Stan

      Coulter threads her way between the Koch brothers, alt-right, and Paul Ryan.
    • Hidden Injuries

      Robert Kuttner

      The decline of the white working class and the rise of the Tea Party and Donald Trump. 


    • Trump’s Riches and the Real-Estate Tax Racket

      Justin Miller

      The industry where you really can make billions and pay no taxes.
    • Progressive Politics After Bernie

      Harold Meyerson

      The Sanders campaign mobilized the largest democratic left the nation has seen in decades. Can its follow-up organization and other liberal groups roll its revolution on?
    • Special Report: A Governing Agenda
      Special Report: A Governing Agenda

      A New Era for the Supreme Court

      Lincoln Caplan

      The transformative potential of a shift in even one seat.
    • From a Contentious Election to a Stronger Democracy

      Miles Rapoport

      Strengthening democracy is the key to all other reforms.
    • Special Report: A Governing Agenda

      Stronger Policy, Stronger Politics

      Jacob Hacker

      More than ever, we need a public option—and other changes—to fulfill the promise of the Affordable Care Act.
    • Special Report: A Governing Agenda

      Aiding Families, Boosting the Economy

      Katie Hamm & Sarah Jane Glynn

      It’s time we saw support for child care and paid leave as central to both economic growth and family well-being.
    • Special Report: A Governing Agenda

      The New Rules of the Road: A Progressive Approach to Globalization

      Jared Bernstein & Lori Wallach

      The new president needs a fresh approach to trade.
    • Special Report: A Governing Agenda

      Infrastructure: Can We Finally Think Big?

      Gabrielle Gurley

      The defining challenge of the next president’s infrastructure agenda will be persuading Congress to come along for the ride.
    • Challenging the New Curse of Bigness

      K. Sabeel Rahman

      Most of today’s abuses call for antitrust remedies from the Progressive Era—if we just get serious about enforcement.
    • The Progressive Tax Reform You’ve Never Heard Of

      Michael Stumo

      How ending profit shifting can fix corporate tax cheating and satisfy Republicans.
    • Race and the Tragedy of Quota-Based Policing

      Shaun Ossei-Owusu

      Arrest targets compound the risk of racially biased stop-and-frisk.
    • Rethinking School Discipline

      Rachel M. Cohen

      Schools are cutting back on expulsions and suspensions, which are doled out disproportionately to minority students. Without adequate funding, though, the new reforms may cause problems of their own.
    • Roberts Rules for Protecting Corporations

      Moshe Z. Marvit

      The chief justice’s changes to the rules for litigation make suing big business a whole lot harder.

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