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Youth mentor Nelly Yoa’s tale of machete attack survival now on youtube

THE true story of a young Dandenong youth mentor can now be seen on screen with the release of a 15-minute documentary this month.

Nelly Yoa was seriously injured in a machete attack in Braybrook in 2011 after stepping in during an attack on a friend by a gang armed with machetes, knives and golf clubs. The documentary, Offside — The Real Nelly Yoa Story, details his recovery from the attack and attempted resurrection of his soccer career.

Slashed on the elbow, wrist and several times on the knee, Mr Yoa spent 13 days in hospital, received 170 stitches and several broken bones.

“I was told if the cut had been any deeper, I would’ve been permanently paralysed,” Mr Yoa, now 27, said. “Anyone can relate to this feel-good story ... The key message is never give up and follow your dream.”

To see the film, search for Offside — The Real Nelly Yoa Story at