- published: 26 Apr 2008
- views: 5819170
Exile means to be away from one's home (i.e. city, state or country), while either being explicitly refused permission to return and/or being threatened with imprisonment or death upon return. It can be a form of punishment and solitude. It is common to distinguish between internal exile, i.e., forced resettlement within the country of residence, and external exile, deportation outside the country of residence. Although most commonly used to describe an individual situation, the term is also used for groups (especially ethnic or national groups), or for an entire government. Terms such as diaspora and refugee describe group exile, both voluntary and forced, and government in exile describes a government of a country that has been forced to relocate and argue its legitimacy from outside that country. Exile can also be a self-imposed departure from one's homeland. Self-exile is often depicted as a form of protest by the person that claims it, to avoid persecution or legal matters (such as tax or criminal allegations), an act of shame or repentance, or isolating oneself to be able to devote time to a particular pursuit. Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."
Exile - kiss you all over
EXILE / Joy-ride 〜歓喜のドライブ〜
Exile - Pândă (feat. DOC)
Exile - Lei Astronauți
EXILE / ふたつの唇
Actors: Danielle Cole (actress), Sean Kaufmann (actor), James Sled (miscellaneous crew), Mark Daniel Dunnett (composer), Ryan Knight (director), Ryan Knight (producer), Peter Higginson (actor), Peter Higginson (actor), Chris Luckhardt (producer), Chris Luckhardt (producer), Chris Luckhardt (actor), Tiffany Wong (miscellaneous crew), Kristin Wallace (actress), Adam Rodness (actor), Craig Cyr (actor),
Genres: Action, Comedy,Actors: Tadeusz Kantor (director), Tadeusz Kantor (writer), Krzysztof Miklaszewski (actor), Krzysztof Miklaszewski (producer), Leslaw Janicki (actor), Waclaw Janicki (actor), Andrzej Welminski (actor), Andrzej Welminski (actor), Lech Stangret (actor), Maria Kantor (actress), Lech Stangret (actor), Maria Kantor (actress), Maria Kantor (actress), Stanislaw Rychlicki (actor), Stanislaw Rychlicki (actor),
Genres: Drama,http://exile.jp 新生EXILE 第1弾シングル「NEW HORIZON」いよいよ7月23日発売!! 4月27日のEXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITION in 日本武道館にて、 新メンバー5人が加入して、第四章へと突入した新生EXILEの第1弾シングル 「NEW HORIZON」がいよいよ発売! 新たなる力が加わり、さらに迫力を増した圧倒的なパフォーマンスに誰もが驚愕する! 新たなる世界を見据えて始動する新生EXILEの想いをATSUSHIが歌詞へと書き下ろし、 名づけられたタイトルは「NEW HORIZON」(地平線)! そしてカップリングにはEXILEメンバーが出演して話題沸騰のコカ・コーラ ゼロのTV CMソングを収録! 話題の2曲ともにMusic Videoを収録した豪華シングル! そして何と豪華盤には誰もが待ち望んだライブ映像が早くも登場! 新生EXILEメンバーを決定した「4.27 EXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITION in NIPPON BUDOKAN」のライブ映像を収録する事が決定! 新生EXILE、THE SECOND from EXILE、三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE、 TRIBE、E-girls、GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE、THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE出演! EXILE一族が総出演した超豪華ライブDVD収録!! EXILE NEW SINGLE 「NEW HORIZON」 2014.7.23(水)発売 【CD+2DVD】\3,800(税別) / RZCD-59639/B~C 【CD+DVD】\1,800(税別) / RZCD-59640/B 【CD】\1,000(税別)/ RZCD-5964...
http://exile.jp 9月27日でいよいよ15周年を迎えるEXILEが待望の新曲をリリース!フジテレビ系列 リオ五輪中継テーマソング「Joy-ride ~歓喜のドライブ~」のMusic Videoを公開! 昨年限りでパフォーマーの松本利夫、ÜSA、MAKIDAIが卒業し、15人の新生EXILEとして初のシングルとなる本作品は、ATSUSHIが日本を代表して戦う選手達へのエールを込めて歌詞を書き下ろしたアップ・ナンバー。 「リラックスした気持ちで本番に臨み、喜びの波に乗って100%の力を出し切り、最高のパフォーマンスを発揮してほしい」という想いが込められた楽曲イメージを映像で表現した今作MVは、アスリート達が競技場で全てをかけて戦う姿を連想させるほど熱量のある、楽曲の頭からラストまで全力で踊りっぱなしという気合いの入った内容!「自分達も一緒に戦っているから、持てる力を存分に発揮して頑張ってほしい」とエールを送っているかのような、見る者の心を奮い立たせてくれる、そんな映像作品が完成! EXILE「Joy-ride ~歓喜のドライブ~」 2016.8.17 Release!! 【CD+DVD】¥1,500(税別) RZCD-86154/B 【CD】¥800(税別) RZCD-86155 <CD> 1. Joy-ride ~歓喜のドライブ~ 2. Joy-ride ~歓喜のドライブ~ (Instrumental) <DVD> 1. Joy-ride ~歓喜のドライブ~ (Music Video)
www.eyau.ro Text: Exile, DOC Instrumental: Desiigner - Panda Mix / Master: NCTK Înregistrările au avut loc în studio EYAU. https://www.facebook.com/gradinarupezona/ https://www.facebook.com/hashtageyau https://www.facebook.com/nctk.rsk https://www.facebook.com/docfacemrecords/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSURI: HOOK: Stau la... pândă, pândă, pândă, pândă, pândă, pândă. Stau la... pândă, pândă, pândă, pândă, pândă, pândă. Exile: Cashflow eminescian, arunc cu banii pe geam, MC cu plase-n ghiozdan; party-party, bairam. Wack MCs, gata! Wack MCs, gata, pe dreapta! Visez la bețe - sunt panda, pufăi ca Gandalf, gata de scandal. Ora 7-l ard, geamu larg deschis, las să iasă fumu, Să cadă scrumu, o nouă zi, vedem care-i drumu'. Am ...
#LeiAstronauți, al 2-lea single de pe mixtape-ul #EYAU2. Totodată țin să vă prezint noul label și studio multimedia EYAU, pe care vă invit să-l urmăriți pe https://www.facebook.com/hashtageyau. Voce, text: Exile Instrumental: Lil Wayne & Drake - Believe Me Mix, master: NCTK Artwork: CHILL https://www.facebook.com/hashtageyau https://www.facebook.com/exileiv https://www.facebook.com/nctk.rsk https://www.facebook.com/chill.artworks Versuri: 1] The Money Team, dau ca Gavril, yo "even in my will, keep it #trill", yo. De la prima sută vreau un mi-lion, tre s-o dau la modu' "whats da deal", yo. La modu' "dolla, dolla bill", yo, atât cât să-mi intru-n film, yo. Dreamchaser, ăsta mic - Meel, yo, pumni de OȚEL, asta ca STIL, yo. Shieeet, întinde-o, bă, pleacă, vorbești căcaturi de parcă gur...
http://t-second.jp/ 10/29 からスタートする、初の単独アリーナツアー「EXILE THE SECOND LIVE TOUR 2016-2017”WILD WILD WARRIORS”」に向けたEXILE THE SECONDシングル三部作の第3弾「WILD WILD WILD」のMV解禁!! 第1弾シングル「YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!!」のミュージックビデオでは、EXILE TRIBEメンバーをはじめ、縁あるアーティストたちが参加。第2弾シングル「Shut up!! Shut up!! Shut up!!」では、スペシャルゲストとしてEXILE AKIRA が特別参加。そして三部作第3弾では、EXILE AKIRAがメンバーに加わり新たに6人体制で繰り広げられる、進化を遂げた“EXILE THE SECOND エンタテインメント”を、サウンドとパフォーマンスで表現!! [Twitter] https://twitter.com/EXILETHESECOND_ [Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/TheSecondFromExile/ [EX FAMILY] https://exfamily.jp/ [EXILE mobile] http://m.ex-m.jp/ 商品形態 【CD+DVD】 RZCD-86176/B ¥1,800 (税抜) 【CD】 RZCD-86177 ¥1,000(税抜) CD収録内容 1. WILD WILD WILD 2. RAY 3. WILD WILD WILD (Instrumental) 4. RAY (Instrumental) DVD収録内容 1. WILD WILD WILD –Music Video-
[HP] http://t-second.jp/ [Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/TheSecondFromExile/ [Twitter] https://twitter.com/EXILETHESECOND_ [EX FAMILY] https://exfamily.jp/ [EXILE mobile] http://m.ex-m.jp/ EXILE THE SECOND NEW SINGLE「YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!!」 2016.7.13 ON SALE 2016年、“EXILE THE SECOND”本格始動! 初のアリーナツアーに向けたシングル3部作の第1弾は、 この夏 最強のパーティーチューン!! 豪華ゲストも多数参加のミュージックビデオは必見です!! Special Guests: PKCZ®, DANCE EARTH PARTY, EXILE AKIRA, NAOTO (EXILE / 三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE), 小林直己 (EXILE / 三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE), ELLY (三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE), DOBERMAN INFINITY, Crystal Kay, THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE, ZEN and Far East Movement ・商品形態 【CD+DVD】RZCD-86144/B ¥1,800(税抜) 【CD】RZCD-86145 ¥1,000(税抜) ・収録内容 -CD収録内容- 1.YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!! 2.Going Crazy 3.YEAH!...
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exile exile tribe exile atsushi exileカジノ exile 道 exile rising sun exile pride exile 24karats tribe of gold exile lovers again exile craving in my soul exile . exile exile tribe exile atsushi exileカジノ exile 道 exile rising sun exile pride exile 24karats tribe of gold exile lovers again exile craving in my soul exile . exile . exile exile tribe exile atsushi exileカジノ exile 道 exile rising sun exile pride exile 24karats tribe of gold exile lovers again exile craving in my soul exile tribe exile .
exile exile tribe exile atsushi exileカジノ exile 道 exile rising sun exile pride exile 24karats tribe of gold exile lovers again exile craving in my soul exile tribe exile . EXILEカジノ0714 EXILEカジノ0714 AKB48 SKE48 NMB48 HKT48乃木坂46 西野七瀬 井上公造 「755」でトーク 中京テレビ「キャッチ!」2015 04 13 AKB48 SKE48 . EXILEカジノ0714 exile exile tribe exile atsushi exileカジノ exile 道 exile rising sun exile pride exile 24karats tribe of gold exile lovers again exile craving in my .
Contradiction in my thoughts is the barrier of my life
I cannot jump that nigh to overcome
Too many hidden ways - their destination is the same
Which way is wrong and which is right
Sometimes I wish I had a choice
To end or to begin
Sometimes I wish I could live on my own
But nothing's breaking through the walls inside
All the dreams remain behind
All the voices fade away
I'm falling into nothingness of life
I don't care about the time
I don't need to understand
There's no confusion in my mind but the clarity is gone
I hope you'll never ask about tomorrow
My abandoned ship is carried by the current
I cannot fight against it and I cannot force it
Sometimes I wish I had a choice
To end or to begin
Sometimes I wish I could live on my own
But nothing's breaking through the walls inside
All the dreams remain behind
All the voices fade away
I'm falling into nothingness of life
I don't care about the time