Hosting a large or complex event? Call 1-888-215-3611 to get started.

More Powerful Together: Eventbrite and

Create feature-rich, customizable websites, hosted on,
and automatically synced with your Eventbrite events.

  • Make It Yours

    Customize the template with your look and feel by adding headers and logos, changing the background, or attaching your own CSS properties.

  • Sync Your Event Info

    Reduce work by publishing your event once to Eventbrite, and it will automatically sync with your WordPress CMS.

  • Go Mobile

    Templates have a responsive design that is optimized for mobile devices, making it easier for your attendees to discover events on the go.

  • Powerful Hosting

    Take advantage of the same platform that CNN and the NFL trust to host their websites. is the unmatched when it comes to scalable and affordable hosting.

  • Get Social

    Connect with your attendees by embedding social widgets from Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

  • Easy Setup

    No development or technical expertise required. It’s quick, easy, and cheap to integrate your website and event management.

Select One of Two Custom Themes

We designed two custom themes to meet the distinct needs of our users.
Toggle between the two themes to learn more.

  • Rotating Featured Events

    Drive views and sales for your most popular upcoming events by utilizing the rotating
    carousel module.

  • Posts to Engage
    Your Audience

    Engage your community by taking advantage of WordPress’ core blogging features.

  • 30-Day Calendar View

    Attendees can easily browse your catalog of upcoming events in a calendar view, so they can line up their schedule with your events.

  • List of Recently
    Added Events

    Display to repeat visitors what shows have been added since the last time they came to your site.

  • Event Banner

    Set your own first impression with an event banner to include important information about
    the event.

  • Posts Updates

    Keep your attendees
    and community informed
    with WordPress’s core
    blogging features.

  • Add Extra Pages

    Include separate pages for
    your event must-haves,
    like schedules or FAQs.

  • Persistent
    Call To Action

    Drive sales and convert
    attendees once they're on your website with obvious and persistent call to actions.

See What's Been Built

  • Music Multi-Event

    Noc Noc Room set up their music venue with the multi-event theme to always keep their event calendar up to date.

  • Conferences Single-Event

    ElevateNYC provides a better attendee experience by answering common questions on an added Frequently Asked Questions page.

  • Comedy Multi-Event

    Sex and the City Live! highlights their best upcoming acts in the featured events module which displays as a scrolling banner image.