
Latest commentary

Donald Trump, Groper in Chief

Defiant: Donald Trump vows to stay on.

Jill Harth's first concern with Donald Trump's hands wasn't that they were small. It's that they were everywhere.

The issues with Fifita are wider than his friendships

Andrew Fifita: Was not selected in the Kangaroos squad for the Four Nations tournament on "character" grounds.

As if you didn't know, an extraordinary defence of the footballer Andrew Fifita was launched by Senator David Leyonhjelm this week, decrying the fact that the Cronulla forward was left out of the Australian team, despite being undoubtedly the best player in his position.

Goodbye to a country that once built cars

Moving on: Holden engineers are being offered new opportunities abroad, as well as outside the company.

To my mates and me, the acrid fumes from the automotive paint and subsequent baking booths merely provided enough cover for our most daring stunt yet – smoking cigarettes right under the nose of one of our most reviled and authoritarian teachers.

The invisible victim in the greyhound racing ban

Invisible victim: A rescued greyhound.

In almost all media reporting on the greyhound racing ban in NSW, and social media for that matter, the discussion quickly drifts away from the horrific treatment of greyhounds to almost any other issue.

Churches aren't business and they still deserve a tax break

Religious organisations do pay tax where appropriate.

Religion and money have surely made, at times, for an unsavoury mix.   So in an age when government and public space is self-consciously secular, do tax breaks for churches and other faith-based organisations still make any sense?