
TV & Radio

Evan Rachel Wood explains how Westworld scares her

Robotic: Evan Rachel Wood explores not being human in Westworld.

HBO's robo-drama Westworld premiered this week, and with its big debut came a whole heap of questions. Evan Rachel Wood, who plays host Dolores Abernathy, reveals why her character needed to be raped in the show and why that scares her.

Big boys do cry

Gus Worland is encouraging men to speak up about mental-health issues in <i>Man Up</i>.

Gus Worland fronts Man Up, the new ABC documentary about mental health issues and suicide.

Green Guide Letters: The final straw 1

Western Bulldogs won the Grand Final, but Seven cops a blast for its broadcast.

The final straw 1 Listening to Channel Seven's Grand Final broadcast gave us a good reason to turn off the sound completely. We could not hear Dennis Cometti for crowd noise.  Was his microphone switched on, we wondered, or had the techs done a sound check on his mic against the yelling crowd? Then there was the usual boring commentary by Bruce McAvaney, who constantly tells you what we have just seen, and stats that you don't really want to know, during an exciting match. Bouquets to Channel Nine for using the spider camera occasionally to show attacking formations in the NRL Grand Final.  John Hart, BrightÂ