"Shadow Regulation" deals aren't the way to address online problems. Our new infographic outlines a better approach.

Yesterday we exposed the dangers of Shadow Regulation; the secretive web of backroom agreements between companies that seeks to control our behavior online, often driven by governments as a shortcut and less accountable alternative to regulation.

What do you call it when companies make back-room deals to control Internet content? We call it Shadow Regulation.

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Sen. Ron Wyden sent this letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper about unused transparency bonuses, following EFF's report.

EFF is leading the fight against the NSA's illegal mass surveillance program. Learn more about what the program is, how it works, and what you can do.

We're at the Human Rights Foundation (HRF) San Francisco Freedom Forum today! Stop by and learn more about digital security best practices for journalists & activists. #SFFF


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Much interest at the WTO in new global trade rules for the Internet… but also acceptance that users must be involved.

This week, EFF has been at the World Trade Organization (WTO)'s annual Public Forum.

Read this: Librarians who challenged National Security Letters in 2005 on why the Senate shouldn't expand NSL powers

We are the four librarians who fought a government gag order a decade ago when FBI agents demanded library records under the Patriot Act and told us, under penalty of criminal prosecution, that we couldn't talk about it. We members of what the media called "the Connecticut Four" haven't reunited in…
courant.com|By Hartford Courant

10,000 of you demanded that HP fix its self-destructing printers. Here’s its response.

HP Promises to Restore Printers’ Functionality, But Questions Remain

Californians now have the right to challenge their inclusion in the CalGang database. Thank you, Gov. Jerry Brown.

Over the last few weeks, a broad coalition of civil liberties and social justice organizations rained down letters, tweets, and op-eds on Gov. Jerry Brown, urging him to sign A.B. 2298, a bill to begin the process of overhauling the state's CalGang gang affiliation database. On Wednesday, it all pa...

EFF exposed massive abuse of California's police databases. An Associated Press investigation reveals the problem is nationwide.

For more than a year, EFF has been investigating how police in California misuse the state’s law enforcement database with little oversight from officials. An investigation published by the Associated Press today shows that abuse of law enforcement systems is a nationwide problem.

We're about to hit 10,000 signatures! Tell HP to make amends for its Officejet debacle.

HP recently activated a secret feature in its Officejet Pro printers (and possibly other models) that causes the printers to refuse to print with third-party or recycled ink cartridges. Please join us in demanding that HP say no to DRM.

Apple shows that privacy-threatening cloud computing and data collection do not have to be the industry standard.

Many users rely on cloud-based machine learning and data collection for everything from tagging photos of friends online to remembering shopping preferences. Although this can be useful and convenient, it can also be a user privacy disaster.

Are you raising a voice for digital rights in your community? Tell us how, and recruit allies to help! https://eff.org/2016-09-EFA

Are you part of a student group, community organization, or hacker space? If not, do you know others who share your concerns about digital rights?

Watch as we deliver 30,000 letters urging Congress to stop the updates to Rule 41. Thank you, Sen. Ron Wyden, for defending privacy.

Representatives from EFF, Access Now, and Demand Progress delivered letters from 30,000 concerned individuals urging Congress to oppose the changes to Rule 4...

Want to protect your privacy online, but not sure where to start? EFF's tech tools have you covered.

Do you get creeped out when an ad eerily related to your recent Internet activity seems to follow you around the web? Do you ever wonder why you sometimes see a green lock with “https” in your address bar, and other times just plain “http”? EFF’s team of technologists and computer scientists can hel...

The U.S. Trade Representative has resisted transparency reforms for too long. A new bill aims to change that.

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) has failed the American public. Let's count the ways.

Today EFF and our coalition partners delivered letters from 30,000 concerned Internet users demanding that Congress halt the updates to Rule 41, a change to criminal procedure that will make it much easier for the FBI to break into our computers, take data, and engage in remote surveillance. Speak out now: https://noglobalwarrants.org

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Delivering letters to Senator Wyden opposing the changes to Rule 41


In a blow to universal access, the EU Court of Justice OKs locking open wireless networks behind a registration wall.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently announced its decision in Sony v McFadden with important consequences for open wireless in the European Union.