Federal Politics

Women half as likely to benefit from tax cuts as men

Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson.

Male mining engineers, school principals, surgeons and anaesthetists will be the biggest beneficiaries of the high-end tax cut currently before the Senate, with men more than twice as likely to benefit as women.

Goodbye to a country that once built cars

Moving on: Holden engineers are being offered new opportunities abroad, as well as outside the company.

To my mates and me, the acrid fumes from the automotive paint and subsequent baking booths merely provided enough cover for our most daring stunt yet – smoking cigarettes right under the nose of one of our most reviled and authoritarian teachers.

Same-sex marriage plebiscite advice intensified Brandis row

Attorney-General George Brandis is embroiled in a matter so esoteric we can't afford the legal advice to explain it here.

A toxic row between the country's two most senior lawyers escalated after Attorney-General George Brandis rejected advice on the same-sex marriage plebiscite from the government's chief legal adviser and instead sought the opinion of his predecessor in the Howard government.