
Paul McGeough

Paul McGeough is chief foreign correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald.

Donald Trump's tax affairs are under the microscope.

Donald Trump's leaked tax returns reveal $6108 salary

Oh that ordinary American taxpayers, about whom Donald Trump professes to worry sooooo much, could get a deal like a 1995 bonanza by which the US taxman gave the Republican presidential candidate a truly remarkable gift – a deduction so massive that he quite likely paid no federal income tax for almost 20 years.

Trump wilted when his words were used against him.

Trump's tricks fall short against Clinton

Donald Trump must have left Long Island's Hofstra University a confused man on Monday night – he had dispatched 16 challengers for the Republican presidential nomination, most of them men – but pitted against that Clinton woman in the first of three presidential debates, none of his old tricks worked.

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee.

Hillary Clinton shades Donald Trump in points-win

The fact-checkers had a field day, the candidates less so. As the first of three presidential debates closed on Monday night, a good number of analysts called it a points-win for the Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton.