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Monthly Archives: September 2013

CRUCIFIX- s/t 12″EP (Universal Records, USA, 1981)


As of late, and don’t ask me why, I have learned to appreciate the debut by CRUCIFIX. It is sloppy, the guitar’s out of tune, the songs sound like the band was sedated, they’re just too slow. But still, this has got a lot of charme, especially when you think what a scorcher the following […]

Squirt, The: s/t Cassette Album (selfproduced, Switzerland, 1983)


First off – My goodbadmusic-sabbatical is over! I’ve been quite busy with some private stuff which has basically occupied me full time throughout the year. So let’s kick off with two things here. An immensely great demo tape you haven’t heard before and with the annual donation round, which is open now (see the Donate-Button […]