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Monthly Archives: March 2006

Note about mp3 Files: Fuck the kids!


I finally decided to occassionally include audio files. But for various reasons I will not post entire records here. This is for once because I find it inappropriate to do so without the artists approval (yes, I know, I have been a vinyl bootleger myself and also one of them artists being bootleg frequently. I […]

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS «Bringing down the big boys» 7"EP (Fat-Man Records, USA, 1985)


Remember the days when slagging off the Rock business still seemed to make sense? When there magically shone a dividing line between “them” and “us”? That’s how I got to know of MTV; it wasn’t aired in Europe until I don’t know when, but songs like “I hate MTV” from ACTIVE INGREDIENTS or “Get off […]

CCCP – FEDELI ALLA LINEA «Ortodossia» 7" & 12" EP (Attack Punk, Italy, 1984)


Although CCCP seem to have been quite popular in Italy with their later work, they remain still very unknown worldwide. The bands later work seems to be more on the electronic side of things and is not too interesting for a man like me, but their first record has one of the smash hits ever […]

AC/DC Highway to Hell LP (Atlantic Records 1979)


After so many years, this is still the best LP I ever heard. Of course, when you play a record that often in now nearly 27 years, there are ups and downs you experience with it. Sometimes the sparks don’t fly so high and after all, long-time relationships with music have their own conjunctures in […]

Welcome to «Good bad music for bad bad times!»


After two very successful volumes of “Reanimated by Life” (several thousand downloads), a virtual bootleg compilation with Punk and Hardcore from all over the world (Vol.2 was an Italy Special) I kept getting lots of mails asking for another volume. I decided not to continue the series however; time is limited and bootlegs have become […]