
I like words.

I grew up in the High Plains of Texas, joined the Peace Corps, served in Nepal, and then moved to New York City to work in publishing, first print and now print and digital. I live in scenic Queens, New York with my wife Binita and our son Archer.

Scott in Ojtu, India
Photographs by Scott Wallick


I like making them.

I like making photographs—that is, using a camera—as much as compiling some 'final' body of work. The process interests me as much as its results. I have here some of those results, though.


I like to work.

I am currently the communications manager for Student Affairs at St. John’s University. I have been a professional editor, teacher, communications strategist, copy writer, contributor to the WordPress core, and more. I am technically inclined and personable, open minded and creative in my approaches to problems.

St. John's University