If you are developing a cutting-edge technology in one of our areas of focus, we want to hear from you.

While we attempt to evaluate every proposal quickly, we also are intensely thorough. Once we receive a complete proposal, we do a preliminary review and if we believe your technology could meet our needs, we assign analysts from our business and technical teams to review your company and assess your technology, including its potential to address challenges in the Intelligence Community, and we may review the proposal with the CIA and other agencies that we think might be interested. This process takes time, but you can help by ensuring that your submission includes all of the requested information. If we determine your technology meets our needs, we will request a meeting with your company. To save your time and ours, we take meetings only when our initial assessment reveals a likely match for our interests.

View our Business Plan Submission FAQs

A note on NDAs: Please note that due to the large volume of submissions and the involvement of IQT in the review and development of new businesses, we do not sign nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements in connection with submissions of proposals. You should only include information which you deem to be non-confidential. By submitting information to IQT, you agree to the foregoing terms, and our terms of use. In appropriate circumstances, we will sign a reasonable non-disclosure agreement when we reach a point of mutual interest in moving forward.