WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, September 13th, 2016
WHERE: The Base – 1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (directions below)
NOTE: The Base is on the ground floor, is wheelchair accessible, and has a gender neutral toilet....
COST: Free

We hope you all are recovering nicely from the amazing noise demo and march in solidarity with #PrisonStrike and #BX120. If you missed last night, we feel sorry for you. The amount of love and energy that goes through prison walls during a noise demo is indescribable. There were 100s of people there making noise in solidarity with those nationwide who were kidnapped from their daily lives to be chained and forced to work by the State. The folks inside were participating by flickering their lights and banging on their windows. That love and energy continued on to the streets, where folks burned the flag and chanted “Attica!” throughout the prison’s neighborhood and to oncoming traffic on the BQE for an hour. There was no shortage of solidarity in Brooklyn last night.

We will be continuing our every other week letter writing dinners this week by writing to two political prisoners, Chip Fitzgerald and Cinque Magee, located in California State system, which has a notorious history of prisoner resistance and rebellion.

Romaine “Chip” Fitzgerald, born and raised in Compton, California, joined the Southern California Chapter of the Black Panther Party in early 1969 as a teenager who had just been released from the California Youth Authority. In September of that year, as a dedicated member of the Party, Chip was arrested in connection with a police shoot-out and tried for assault on police and related charges, including the murder of a security guard. He was sentenced to death.

Commonly regarded as the longest held political prisoner in the U.S., Ruchell “Cinque” Magee has been imprisoned since 1963. He was politicized in prison and participated in the August 7, 1970 Marin County Courthouse Rebellion— the attempted liberation of political prisoner George Jackson and the Soledad Brothers by Jackson’s younger brother Jonathan. Magee was seriously injured in the incident and subsequently pleaded guilty to aggravated kidnapping. He was sentenced in 1975 to life in prison and has been denied parole numerous times.

It is with great sadness that we remind people that in the past there was a third person, Hugo “Yogi Bear” Pinell on the list of California political prisoners that we would have written to this evening. Yogi Bear died on August 12th, 2015. Rest in Power Yogi Bear.

If you are unable to join us for our homecooked vegan meal, you can write them from the comforts of your ABC-less home at:

Romaine Fitzgerald* #B27527
Kern Valley State Prison
Post Office Box 5101
Delano, California 93216
*Address card to Chip

Ruchell Magee* #A92051
California State Prison – Los Angeles County
Post Office Box 8457
Lancaster, California 93539-8457
*Address card to Cinque

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We hope you all are recovering nicely from the amazing noise demo and march in solidarity with #PrisonStrike and #BX120. If you missed last night, we feel sorry for you. The amount of love and ene…

Running Down the Walls (RDTW) 2016 was a success in building relationships, feeling the solidarity of running as our imprisoned comrades did the same, and raising funds for the ABCF Warchest and the Queer Detainee Empowerment Project (QDEP is a collective Alternative to Detention (ATD), detention center visitation, direct service, and community organizing project that works with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Two Spirit, Trans, Gender Non-Conforming, and HIV+ detainees and th...

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Brandon Baxter of Cleveland 4 Solidarity needs folks to write letters for his clemency petition. Details are available at http://cleveland4solidarity.org/blog/dear-supporters-brandon

Dear Supporters of Brandon. Attached to this post are the instructions on how to help Brandon with his clemency petition! Included is the email for his attorney if you have any questions. Thanks for your support! Tags: brandon baxter clemency Files: AttachmentSize Info of letters in support of Bran...
Dom 14:00 em EDT
46 pessoas interessadas · 25 pessoas confirmaram presença

Running Down the Walls is only a week and a half away!

WHAT: Running Down the Walls – 5k Run/Walk/Jog/Bike
WHEN: 2:00-7:00pm, Sunday, September 4th
WHERE: Prospect Park– Lincoln Road/East Lake Drive, east of the Terrace Bridge (see the below map for exact location)...

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Janye has been transferred. Please write to him at:
Janye Waller BA2719
California Correctional Center
Facility B
Post Office Box 2400...
Susanville, California 96127
Hands Off Janye

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Please help us give Eric McDavid the welcome he deserves and make his regional speaking tour memorable. He rarely makes it to this region and this is the first time he has publicly spoken in NYC. Share, invite, and all that stuff, but most importantly come to this event and bring your friends.

Sáb 19:00 em EDTNova Iorque, Estados Unidos
61 pessoas interessadas · 19 pessoas confirmaram presença

Eco-activist Van Phan has a court date TOMORROW at 10am in Stamford, Connecticut and needs folks to show up and support him. He is currently facing charges for a banner drop in protest of UBS's involvement in the mountaintop coal removal that is plaguing Appalachia.

123 Hoyt Street
Stamford CT...
(Look for name Van Phan on the docket)

From his support crew: "Please come out to support Van at his next court date at the Stamford courthouse as he faces additional charges and jail time for his actions with Hands Off Appalachia In Stamford a few years ago. Friends and hugs will be most appreciated! Whle there may be more need for support in future court dates, it is important to have a presense every time he has to go to that courthouse and deal with all of this.
More background on the case:
Two years ago, Van helped Hands Off Appalachia hang a banner from a 20-story construction crane facing the UBS headquarters, urging them to stop funding Mountaintop Removal. Van was told that if he took a plea deal, he wouldn’t be asked to pay the $34,000 restitution with which the court was threatening all 14 arrestees. After he pleaded guilty, however, he started receiving demands for the full sum of the corporate restitution. While he has been doing what he can to address this bogus and unpayable penalty, his one-year suspended sentence means that Van is likely to have to serve some appreciable jail time as he approaches the end of his probationary period with most of the $34 k still unpaid."

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WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, July 19th, 2016 WHERE: The Base – 1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (directions below) NOTE: The Base is on the gr…

Mad respect to our comrades in Sacramento who held it down today against the neonazis/fascists. Please go to https://rally.org/June26th and donate some funds to help out our troops with medical and legal fees.

It is necessary to not forget our Antifa comrades who are currently being held captive by the State. On July 19th we will be signing cards to Antifa prisoners worldwide leading up to the 2nd Annual International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist prisoners. Below is a link to the call from NYC ANTIFA including their addresses, which you can use to write to them.

In the one year since the first July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners in 2015, there has been a disturbing increase of far right activity worldwide. Every day brings …
Sex 20:00 em EDTNova Iorque, Estados Unidos
76 pessoas interessadas · 14 pessoas confirmaram presença
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Free the NATO 3

June 4, 2016
Call in suspended until further notice

May 31, 2016


This is what we are asking you to do:

1) Demand Jay Chase get medical care NOW:

Call/fax/write and politely make the request that Jared Chase M44710 receive medical treatment for a broken nose sustained in December as well as treatment for Huntington’s Disease and Hepatitis C.
Michael Melvin, Acting Warden
Phone: (815) 842-2816 or Fax: (815) 842-3420

Note: Callers have told us that the person they end up speaking to is claiming Jared never filled out a grievance form for not getting medical care. This is not true. He has grieved the lack of medical care and the fact they do not treat him for Huntington's Disease and Hepatitis C.

2) Help Jay get his good time reinstated NOW

Jay lost one full year of good time while being held in solitary confinement at Pontiac Correctional.

Please call, email or write the Illinois Department of Corrections and ask that they reinstate Jared’s good time so he can get out earlier than expected. Jared lost his good time by getting ‘tickets’ at Pontiac, a result of his constant demands for health care and treatment for his Huntington’s Disease and Hepatitis C.

(217) 558-2200 x6003
Illinois Department of Corrections

Note: Callers have said that the person they end up speaking to claims Jared never filled out a grievance form for getting his good time back. Again, this is not true.

Please make them take a message and let us know how it goes via freethenato3@gmail.com

As you may know, Jay received a one year sentence after pleading in Cook County to assault on a correctional officer. We support Jay in pleading out to one year versus rolling the dice and potentially getting 3-5 more years tacked on his sentence. His judge in that case was the same as in the original NATO 3 entrapment case and no one had any thoughts that this time, he would be fair, or cognizant of Jay’s terminal illness he struggles with daily (Huntington’s Disease).

To make matters worse, Jay recently found out he lost one full year of good time which pushes his release date back to November 6, 2017. This loss of good time is based on incident reports or ‘tickets’ Jay received while vigorously and persistently demanding treatment for the terminal illness and Hepatitis C. It is a cruel irony that the Illinois Department of Corrections not only medically neglects its own prisoners but then punishes anyone for speaking out and demanding treatment. This is about neglect and indifference that is bigger than Jay’s specific case- a point he makes clearly in letters sent out from solitary, which brings us to the reason for this dispatch.

Below are two letters from Jay that he sent out to supporters in the last month. In it, he details the mistreatment he has received at the hands of his captors. Not only do they describe an obvious pattern of medical neglect but also, outright assault on Jay. Options are being investigated but what we need is your help. Please read these letters, let it sink in and do not forget: Jay is still in these cages, surrounded by people who could not care less whether he lives or dies, by people who have assaulted him and yet, he is still brave enough to write and speak out.

Note: X is used in place of an individual’s name due to our very real concern that Jay will be retaliated against.

Letter from Jay Chase
April 2016
On the morning of December 3rd, 2015, at around 9:00am, I was called for a healthcare pass. The officer doing my transport told me I had to put my cell in compliance or I wouldn’t be allowed to go. After arguing with him for a while, he called the X. After arguing with X for a while, he left my cell (N-740) and went to stand in front of my neighbor’s cell (N 741) and talked with him for a while.
After he left, I spit out in front of my cell and he said ‘nice try’. The X and Y came awhile later and told me to cuff up and go downstairs which I did. After my cell was moved to N-341, X followed me into my cell and while I was kneeling to take the shackles off, X tackled me from behind into the ground face first. He repeatedly smashed my face into the concrete so hard and so man time he broke my nose, smashed my front teeth though my lip, splitting my lips. I had two black eyes, my face was completely swollen, my cheek bone was broken and there was blood coming from my mouth, nose and ear. My nose did not heal, my cheek is still broken and my teeth are now loose and crooked.
It has been 4 months and I have not received any medical attention. I have not seen a nurse, doctor or even a psych worker since this happened. I am denied my basic right to health care.
I also have Hepatitis C and Huntington’s Disease and am receiving no medical care or attention at all.
Jared Chase

Letter from Jay Chase to pen-pal
I just want to give a quick update. I am still not receiving any medical treatment. It’s been 6 months since my nose was broken. I am still being denied treatment. Now I have a sinus infection, my nose is infected and I am getting terrible aches and migraines.
Now I am also not even receiving my medication. I am not getting any medication for my Huntington’s Disease, Hep-C or my broken nose, or anything. I am still not getting my psych meds either.
Thank you.

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Tuesday 3/15 7pm. Join us in writing letters to animal liberationist political prisoner Brian Vaillancourt. As always, we will be signing birthday cards, announcing upcoming events and political prisoner related news, and eating a homemade vegan meal.

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 WHERE: The Base – 1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (directions below) NOTE: The Base is on the g…

Eric King needs some help right now. His unit is on lockdown and is being deprived of communication to his family and friends. PLEASE send him a postcard or a letter. What will only take a few minutes to do will make so much of a difference to him.
Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace...
Leavenworth, KS 66048

If for whatever reason you are unfamiliar with Eric, click through his support website below to learn about his case, read his writings and poetry, and see how else you can support him.


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It has come to our attention that after a difficult time in court today before Eric's facility has gone into lock-down. These lock-downs usually last a week and during this week prisoners are not p...

Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3 is finally on his way home after 43 years in solitary!

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BK/NY Letter Writing Dinner for Joe-Joe Bowen and Muhammad Burton on Tues 2/16 at The Base.

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, February 16th, 2016 WHERE: The Base – 1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (directions below) NOTE: The Base is on th...
Jihad Abdulmumit, co-coordinator of the National Jericho Movement, joined us for his Facing Reality political prisoner report for an update on the refusal of...

Oso Blanco has been moved. Write Oso at:
Byron Chubbuck #07909-051
USP Hazelton
Post Office Box 2000
Bruceton Mills, West Virginia 26525

Oso Blanco has been moved. Write Oso at:
Byron Chubbuck* #07909-051
USP Hazelton
Post Office Box 2000
Bruceton Mills, West Virginia 26525...
*Address cards and letters to Oso Blanco, envelopes to Byron Chubbuck

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Happy birthday, Casey!
Casey Brezik #1154765
Jefferson City CC
8200 No More Victims Road
Jefferson City, MO 65101...

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