Posts Tagged ‘Migrant Struggle’

Communique from Anarchists from D Wing, Korydallos Prison, Athens, for the struggle in Syria (Greece)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

1st of October
A minimum response on the call-out for the day of Rage against the massacre at Aleppo.

Even if there are only ruins left at Aleppo, the bombings haven’t stopped. Even now, after 5 years of bombs and sieges, people still live in this city. Some because they didn’t manage to leave, some because they didn’t see a better future at Mediterranean’s seabed, some because they refused to abandon the revolution against the dictatorship of Assad, that started with the Arab Spring. At Aleppo’s ruins a guerilla warfare is taking place, that until now, Assad with Hezbollah, Iran and Russian military machine haven’t achieved to defeat.

If the things that happened with the repression of Spanish Revolution by Franco and the Nazis were the rehearsal of World War II, probably the war in Syria is an image of the post-industrial future on earth. A future, where the democratic excuses collapse and the absolute violence prevails. A world, that despite the gigantic military power of the tyrants, the most effective way to control the insurrection is still by division. A situation of despair, where people in order to defend themselves and survive, are organized in groups manipulated by generals, who only seek more power and who lead the revolting crowds away from the fight against the regime and into a fight for control of the war zones of their interests.

The result is a constant war, a profitable business for the capitalists, who sell weapons and armament to war zones, where trade and economy still exist.

The example of Syria’s punishment is a clear warning to everyone in the world, who even thinks about revolting.

In this chaotic total war, the reference point for us, are the few guerilla groups, organized outside the control the “moderate Muslims” of Al Nusra, or the “cosmics” of the FSA, who are both manipulated from the dominant powers of imperialistic competition, like USA, and both have the same target, a big piece from the power reallocation.

In a situation where people are cruelly attacked from one imperialist, and seek safety from the actions of its rival, we are affected by some revolutionaries, like the Leon Sedov Brigade, who stand against any imperialist and propose the solidarity and unity among the repressed of this world. We are inspired from the attempts of organization from the Revolutionary Coordination Committees against the dividing of the uprising, from the manipulant organizations.

Those rebels who try to self-organize in a battlefield with bombs and chemical weapons, who are still fighting despite the heavy losses, who prefer to die rather than surrender to the murderer Assad, who define and defend their freedom at all costs, they spread the message that in every condition struggle is possible, if there is the will to fight.

They spread a message that the powerful military machines of Al Assad, Iran, Lebanon, Isis, Russia and USA haven’t achieved to defeat them for more than 5 years.

That explains the cruelty of the attack to Aleppo, the capital of revolution. After smaller towns were besieged and lead to starvation, the same tactic was attempted at Aleppo. But there were dynamic demonstrations where banks were expropriated, actions outside the guidelines of the army parties, which control the masses. That’s why Aleppo is now being totally destroyed.

A major factor for the ongoing slaughter in Syria is the absolute absence of social resistance to this war, from the people of the imperialistic countries that invaded Syria.

European people, not only they do not react to the war, but the majority consent to the closure of the borders for refugees, who, if they survive from the death in the sea, are the only fighting, like the great example of Syrian refugees in Paris who went on hunger strike, demand the termination of the war.

We don’t have a clear picture of what happens in movements in the rest of the world, but we are going to talk for the Greek case. Because after all, the economic crisis and poverty here in Greece, except from radicalizing parts of the people, lead more to the pacification. On the one hand we have people who take care of the refugees, rescuing them with their boats, independently from political parties and non-governmental organizations, and on the other hand there were beatings, fascist attacks and actions against the refugees. No big anti-war demonstration though, as happened in the past, because now economy is the only concern. Using it’s left mask, Syriza combining fear management and harsh repression, lead social resistances, in general, to surrender. And now Greek state is placing refugees to concentration camps, obeying the demands of the European Union. Sadly, the solidarity to the refugees is limited to charity, without any reference to the revolution, that lead to war.

For the lefts, the “anti-american” feelings and the belief that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” doesn’t allow them to stand against Assad, while the majority of the anarchists, lacking analysis, refer exclusively to Rojava.

At the same moment, refugees give their own fights like the uprising in Moria, where after destroying a large part of the infrastructure, they escaped, but rather than run, as usually happens, they gathered and demonstrated, resulting their arrest.

In our opinion, we seek the expansion of the solidarity to the refugees, in a more general context, that will regard the war in Syria as an example of an uprising and how capitalists dealt with it, in order to be able to exclude the proper conclusions from it.

It’s obvious, that the unity of the rebels doesn’t come from the big, centralized, hierarchical organizations, that end up fighting each other for the biggest share of power. The only hope is a horizontal organization, that doesn’t allow to any ambitious leader to sell the fight. The decentralized network of collectives that fight with their one will to a common direction, coordinating when possible, exchanging information, know-hows, arms and political ideas.

The views that see hierarchical organization as a necessary condition to achieve victory in a revolutionary war, were tried in the past and were lead to defeat or to the reproduction of the same social systems that they hypothetically fought.

The example of Syria, where small guerrilla groups and no centralized armies stand against the Russian military machine and the alliance of local armies, proves that what is missing is not the proper leadership, but a new mindset of organization. And that applies to every field of organization of revolutionary action, whether it is guerilla warfare, or the spread of revolutionary ideas, that do not persuade anyone because they are signed by the biggest federation, but are spread through initiative, close human contact, and co-action.

The massacre in Syria won’t stop, unless we do something to stop it.

Unless we face it as a part of the repression that we all have felt. If we don’t feel the tenacity of the rebels who don’t surrender. If we don’t realize that the distance from suffocating because of tear gas in demonstrations to the endless gas chamber of Syria is short. As long as we abstain from the streets, we give our permission to this bloodshed.

When captivity and death become universal condition, we are called to make insurrection and solidarity a universal condition.


Anarchists from D’ wing of Koridallos Prison (Greece)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Wilson Security Vandalised in Narrm/Melbourne (Australia)

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

Pictures: 1, 2 & 3

Wilson Storage and Wilson Parking benefit from the suffering caused by Wilson Security on Manus, Nauru and elsewhere. In the past week we attacked both subsidiaries with glue, concrete, paint and hammers. We will continue to attack Wilson Group until they pull out of detention wholly and permanently. Any company associated with the border industrial complex is a target. We urge our comrades to join us in solidarity with protesters on Nauru and all others incarcerated.

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Posted in No Borders

Wilson Security spray-painted and locks glued in refugee solidarity action (Australia)

Sunday, July 17th, 2016

On the night of Sunday 26th June we glued the locks and spray painted the entrance to Wilson Security on Sydney Road, Coburg in Melbourne.

Wilson provides security at Nauru and Manus Island detention centres and are responsible for numerous, well documented abuses of detainees.

Solidarity with the protestors at Nauru detention centre!

Close the camps!

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Posted in No Borders

Sabotage of political offices in solidarity to detained migrants (Australia)

Friday, July 8th, 2016

On the 2nd July, the day of the federal election in so-called Australia, we glued locks, graffitted and broke the windows of Liberal and Labour MP offices across Narrm/so-called Melbourne.
We did this in solidarity with those on Manus Island, Nauru and in detention centres everywhere. End the border & prison industrial complex. End white supremacy.

[three photos here]

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Posted in No Borders

‘London: Resistance against Immigration Raids & Perspectives of Rebellion’ Info Event in Exarchia (Athens, Greece)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

DISCUSSION | Thursday July 7th at 20:00, Gini building Athens Polytechnic School (entrance from Stournari St.), Exarchia

Themistokleous 58 squat
& anarchist counter-info sites Rabble LDN and Contra info

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Posted in No Borders

Caravan to NoBorder-Camp in Thessaloniki (Greece)

Thursday, June 9th, 2016

Alf is going to Thessaloniki in Greece. There the NoBorder-Camp is going to take place from 15th to 24nd of July and is a self-organized camp, which „aims to realize horizontal and direct-democratic structures and procedures.“ The camp announces the fight against all the oppressive and hierarchic settings. It raises the claim to „create new, steady, self-organized structures for support and solidarity to refugees and link together the already existing ones.“

Our plan is to start at the 1st of July in Germany. But we don’t want to travel to Greece alone with the Bus Alf, we want to go in a caravan.

During the journey Alf is not going to be the center of the caravan and cannot fend for the catering. In fact we want to plan and drive together with you in a kempt DIY-manner. That means, that Alf Partout on the one hand and the caravan on the other hand lives on people taking the initiative. We don’t want principals.

We’re going to try organizing free places in carts for people that want to come without car, together. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Solidarity and complicity with the comrades arrested in Brenner (Italy)

Friday, May 27th, 2016


Solidarity and complicity with the comrades arrested in Brenner
Apocalyptic scenarios of a fascist future, right-wing forces taking hold in Europe, walls being erected and borders being closed, deportations and detention camps.

The leaders of global capitalism are about to close the Brenner pass in order to stop the transit of human beings. People must be stopped even at the cost of contradicting the constitutional principles of the EU itself, as it crumbles in the face of the first wave of migration.

We knew very well what we were in for on 7th May, on the demo ‘Destroy the borders in Brenner and everywhere’; we knew perfectly well what it meant to march in an unauthorized demo through a 370-metre wide pass from mountain to mountain. We knew very well that the geography of the place was against us.

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Posted in No Borders

Thousands protest around the world against immigration detention centres

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016




A coalition of groups from the UK and around the world joined today (Saturday 7 May) a mass simultaneous protest in 15 detention centres, calling to end immigration detention centres. An international coalition joined forces with groups from all around the UK as well as groups from the US, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Iceland, N. Ireland, Belgium, France and Italy. In the UK, thousands took part in the protest in solidarity with the 30,000 adults and children in detention. Protesters held demonstrations at St Pancras train station, held noise demonstration in various detention centres, flew kites so detainees can see them beyond the high walls, danced, sang songs and called for the immediate release of those held against their will without judicial oversight, a time limit, or adequate access to legal support, translation, and healthcare. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Lesvos: Riots in the detention center of Moria (Greece)

Thursday, April 28th, 2016

The front gate of Moria
The front gate
The broken down side gate

1. Conditions of the showers in Moria detention center, Lesvos, Greece.

Riots in Moria (Lesvos, Greece)

On the 26th of April, on the island of Lesvos, there were riots in the detention center of Moria.

This day the Greek vice-minister of immigration, Muzalas, visited Moria to have a look at the situation inside. The minors in Moria are officially not allowed to be kept imprisoned, so they get to go out for half an hour every day. These 30 minutes out is the big thing of the day, what the minors are waiting for every day. On the 26th, they where not taken out at the usual time, assumable because of the visit of the vice-minister, and hour after hours of waiting they became more furious that they were not let outside. To express their rage they threw water over the vice-minister, who was removed out of the prison wet directly for his safety. A few minors started to rebel further on by setting things on fire, presumably trash bins and other burnable materials. The police reacted by beating up these minors, which enraged more and more minors. Around 4 o’clock they started to rebel at the main gate of Moria, setting trash bins on fire and throwing rocks at the riot police (who is stationed just outside the main gate of Moria 24/7). The riot police went inside but had to pull back after a few minutes, running for their lives together with translators, Frontex officers and people who work in Moria. The riots spread to different sections of the prison, where refugees managed to break down the fence and go outside of Moria to seek confrontation with the riot police. The riot police was clearly outnumbered and unprepared, and the refugees had the chance to seek confrontation with the police for hours.

Teargas was shot without effect since there was no wind at all. The refugees managed to break into the office that has control over the main speakers in Moria, shouting ‘freedom’ over the speakers hear-able all over the camp, and got entrance to the registration center where they destroyed documents and computers. In the night people started to climb on top of the buildings, set up more fires through the camp and attempt to destroy the buildings itself. Also there were several more attempts to destroy fences on the inside. In the end the police went back inside, trying to desperately break up the riots by shooting several flashbang grenades at short distance, presumably aiming straight at refugees. 5 ambulances were driving on and off the site, unknown whether they were taking wounded cops or refugees to the hospital. What happened after that remains unknown, since the police ordered the last witnesses to leave the area and the police then shut down the complete road to Moria on both sides, making it impossible for anyone to get close. In the morning the situation was calm again.

For us these incidents show that humans can not be kept imprisoned without having an emotional reaction of resistance to it. We support refugees in their struggle for justice, acknowledgement of their situation and existence in Europe and abroad by the European Union, and we support them for their FIGHT FOR FREEDOM!

Freedom for all prisoners now!

Some anarchists.

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Posted in No Borders

7 May : Transnational Day of Solidarity with People in Detention + Protest against Detention Centres

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

The last few years have seen an immense rise in protests inside and outside of detention centres. On Saturday May 7th, simultaneous demonstrations will be held around the UK and beyond, to protest against the existence of immigration detention centres and show solidarity with the 30,000 adults and children who are being detained against their will under the Immigration Act every year in the UK – without judicial oversight, a time limit, or adequate access to legal support, translation, and healthcare. We will come together with people inside detention to demand the closure of all detention centres and an end to border and migration controls!

May 7th is part of a wider transnational campaign to shut down detention centres and end the inherently abusive and violent system of immigration detention that criminalises, detains, and imprisons people simply because they have chosen or been forced to migrate. Actions also take place in solidarity with wider struggles against borders and migration controls and with people who are living in detention without walls, from Calais to Idomeni. So far actions have been planned across the UK and in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Iceland. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Dover: Report from demo against neo-nazis (UK)

Friday, April 8th, 2016


From AFN:

Today, anti-fascists from across the country stood in solidarity with locals from around Dover to oppose neo-nazis and assorted far-right rejects who descended on the town, once more openly flying fascist flags and seig heiling.

The AFN had organised coaches from across the country, with groups traveling from Brighton, Berkshire, Oxford, Bristol, Portsmouth and London amongst others. London2Calais also organised transport, as did the UAF. We were met in Dover by a large contingent of locals organised by the Kent Anti-Racism Network.

All in all, around 350 antifascists gathered around a KARN aid convoy to Calais, which, after being filled with donations from locals, was to be sent to the port. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Lesvos: Incendiary call to action against Frontex and all parts of the European deportation machinery (Greece)

Monday, April 4th, 2016


Today, on the island of Lesvos, Greece, where the weather is at its best day since 2016, the deportation machine to send refugees back to Turkey has started. This morning a ferry left to Turkey with a couple of hundred refugees on board, this afternoon the same will happen, and this will repeat itself from now on.

Frontex has started sending our comrades back to hell…


We beg the worldwide anarchist movement to seek revenge! Let’s start to burn down Frontex, police, military and all those in power!!!

Let’s burn the deportation machine down!

Some Anarchists

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Posted in No Borders

Updated: No Border Kitchen Lesvos under threat of police raid and eviction (Greece)

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016


On the island of Lesvos, where the deportation machine is working at full speed, all the camps for refugees are cleared out and registration center ‘Moria’ has showed the true purpose and is now functioning as an deportation centre, NBK is still standing strong and operating at full speed.

On the island of Lesvos, where the deportation machine is working at full speed, all the camps for refugees are cleared out and registration center ‘Moria’ has showed the true purpose and is now functioning as an deportation centre, NBK is still standing strong and operating at full speed.

The current situation is that we now host a couple of hundred refugees, who have been hunted down the island by Frontex and police and have no other place to go. The kitchen is up and running day and night to help anyone in need on food, shelter, medical aid and a (semi)safe place to rest, where refugees work side by side with people in solidarity on an equal level. We host, the refugees participate, and together we keep the camp up and daily life running. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Dover: Demo against Neo-Nazi groups – April 2 (UK)

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

Anti-fascist demo called by Kent Anti-Racist Network to counter violent neo-nazi and far-right nationalist groups who are making a demo themselves in the town.

Stop the Nazis marching – Dover 2 April, 11am

The neo-Nazi South East Alliance (SEA) and others have announced a ‘Unity’ march through Dover on Saturday 2 April.

These groups left a trail of violence and vandalism in the town when they last marched on January 30. They are seig-heiling Hitler-loving neo-Nazis that try whip up hatred and intolerance. They have no support in the town, but bring their hatred to our community, pretending to care about locals and lorry drivers. They are the British equivalent of the groups in Europe that are attacking and murdering migrants. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Marseille: Incendiary attack against a GDF Suez car in solidarity with Calais (France)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

In recent weeks, the State and its “good” army have intensified their attacks against our friends in Calais, between two racist pogroms unleashed by fascists. But those who attack libertarian networks should expect strong reactions.

If the houses built in Calais are destroyed, we’ll destroy the repressive infrastructure, in Marseille like anywhere else.

In response to the destruction and attacks against the Calais Jungle, we burned a van of {Cofely – GDF Suez}, who profit from the management of so-called “migrants” by participating in the construction of detention centres in France and in Italy – Friday 4th March in the neighbourhood of Baille.

The struggle against all borders, States, and the society of exclusion and eviction, will continue.

For a solidarity-based life.

(Insomniac Owls with Internationalist Mood and Incandescent Humour)

-via contrainfo

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Posted in Direct Action