Email an Inmate—
Stay in touch with instant electronic messaging connects family and friends with inmates in correctional institutions using a fast, low cost and easy to use two way e-mail style electronic messaging system. Save time and money over traditional postal mail. When using you can connect in just minutes and correspond every day in near real time instant communication with your loved ones. Don't wait days for that letter to arrive, sign up and connect now, it's quick, easy and free to sign up! Brings Families and Friends Together is working hard to bring friends and families together with inmates in correctional institutions. Avoid the delays involved with sending regular postal mail and realize the benefits of sending messages electronically.

  • Fast and safe message delivery
  • Messages are stored on our secure servers
  • Prevent lost or stolen mail
  • Only 50¢ for each message sent
  • NEW! Send photos to inmates

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Comments on a Call to Regulate

The Prison Policy Initiative recently reported on the electronic messaging industry and is calling upon the FCC to regulate electronic messaging services. Read our response...

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