Editor's Desk, New in Ceasefire - Jun 23, 2016 18:30 - 1 Comment

    Analysis | Rumi, Mateen and DiCaprio: On Afghan Identity, Ours and Theirs

    DiCaprio - Rumi -Mateen - Ceasefire

    Whether it’s DiCaprio being cast to play your cultural icon, or an American mass shooter being foisted upon you, it’s not easy being an Afghan; especially when others define your Afghan identity for you, writes Ali Latifi.

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    Ideas, New in Ceasefire - Jun 22, 2016 12:38 - 6 Comments

    Comment | To Leave or Not to Leave the EU: A British Muslim Perspective

    eu ref 2

    Is there a distinctly British Muslim case with regards to Thursday’s referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU? Dilly Hussain examines the arguments.

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    New in Ceasefire, Politics - Jun 15, 2016 18:02 - 1 Comment

    Politics | “We are the lions, Mr. Manager”: Revisiting the Great Grunwick Strike

    Grunwick - Ceasefire Magazine

    This month marks the 40 year anniversary of the Great Grunwick strike, a pivotal episode in the history of the British Labour movement. Amrit Wilson argues we need a broader reading of the strike as a key moment in race, class and gender relations in the UK.

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    New in Ceasefire, Special Reports - Aug 3, 2016 15:17 - Comment

    Special Report | “Solidarity is being criminalised”: Anger as Greek police raids refugee housing squats and camps

    Orfanotrofeio, squatted and active since 2009, being demolished.

    Last week saw police raids on refugee housing squats and camps across Greece, which resulted in the demolition of a long-term refuge space and a hundred refugees and accomplices arrested and hauled off before the courts. One of them, Can Simit, reports from Thessaloniki.

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    In Theory, New in Ceasefire - Jun 22, 2016 14:35 - 1 Comment

    An A to Z of Theory | Augusto Boal: The History of Theatre

    Boal - Greek chorus - Ceasefire

    In the third essay of his series on Brazilian revolutionary dramatist Augusto Boal, Andrew Robinson explores Boal’s analyses of classical and bourgeois theatre, as well as his criticisms of modern mass media such as television.

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    Books, New in Ceasefire - Jul 11, 2016 17:57 - 2 Comments

    Books | Review | Corbyn: The Strange Rebirth of Radical Politics

    Labour leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn speaks outside the Tyne Theatre and Opera House, Newcastle, during his campaign.

    How was a committed socialist on the fringes of Westminster politics able to win one of the strongest leadership mandates in British political history? Tom Mills reviews Richard Seymour’s new book, ‘Corbyn: the strange rebirth of radical politics’ and finds an astute analysis of the socio-political conditions which have given rise to Corbynism, its future prospects and the substantial obstacles it will inevitably face.

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