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Monday, October 10, 2016, 1104 (UTC)
World Wildlife Fund: 75% of seafood species consumed in Singapore not caught sustainably
World Wildlife Fund: 75% of seafood species consumed in Singapore not caught sustainably

The Singaporean branch of the World Wildlife Fund published a guide on Tuesday critiquing the practices employed to catch seafood destined for sale in the country. According to the publication, three-quarters of the more than 40 species of seafood commonly consumed by Singaporean residents were obtained in a manner detrimental to environmental sustainability.

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Pakistan frames law against 'honour killing'
Pakistan frames law against 'honour killing'

On Thursday, Pakistan's parliament announced a bill has been passed against the practice of honour killing.

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Yoshinori Ohsumi wins Nobel Prize for research on autophagy
Yoshinori Ohsumi wins Nobel Prize for research on autophagy

Japanese cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi of Tokyo Institute of Technology won this year's Nobel Prize in the field of physiology or medicine for his research on autophagy.

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Stingray kills head diver of Underwater World Singapore
Stingray kills head diver of Underwater World Singapore

Following an accidental death at the closed Underwater World Singapore aquarium in Sentosa on Tuesday, operations to relocate the facility's animals have been suspended.

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Argentina wins maiden FIFA Futsal World Cup
Argentina wins maiden FIFA Futsal World Cup

In the 2016 FIFA Futsal World Cup final in Colombia, Argentina defeated Russia 5–4 to win their first trophy.

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