- published: 13 Dec 2008
- views: 20094
Alan may refer to:
Wei Chen may refer to:
It was released from avex trax on October 29, 2008. Duet tune of alan and Wei Chen. To encourage the sales promotion of "ME 30/300" printer series of Epson in China as students, it was made. Alan became the spokesman of the printer of above-mentioned Epson in September, 2008. Alan and Wei Chen were representatives of the mainland China of the 9th Shanghai Asian music festival in 2006, and, then, it got acquainted. The representative of mainland China is only their two selves.
alan & 魏晨 -「 加油!你有ME!」
加油你有ME MV
近日魏晨来到北京郊区的一所中学,为新单曲《加油!你有ME!》拍摄MV。而在这首单曲中与alan对唱的人气快男魏晨,也在忙于拍戏之余为这支MV返京。两人在寒冬之中身着单薄的校服,拍摄了这支充满朝气的励志加油歌。 中学校园拍MV 老同学说笑叙旧分外亲切 这两个早在几年前的歌唱比赛中就已相识的老友,因彼此工作的忙碌,在《加油!你有ME!》歌曲录制和宣传照拍摄之时均未能一起工作,这次MV拍摄终于得以见面。因拍摄场地选在一所中学,给这两个身着校服拍摄的老朋友营造了一份老同学的感觉,见面后两人说说笑笑,分外亲切。 回到校园再做学生 用力歌唱为彼此加油 《加油!你有ME!》的MV取景北京郊区的一所中学,歌曲青春、励志,MV内容也以励志为主题,alan、魏晨两人走进校园,穿越时光,回到青涩的学生时代。操场、教室、图书馆、琴房校园的各个角落都留下了他们俩青春洋溢的笑容和忙碌的身影。魏晨的忙碌是为了给alan惊喜,而alan的忙碌为了给魏晨打气。至于故事内容,就请大家期待MV的播出吧。 魏晨粗心打到alan 搏君一笑麻小赔罪 两人虽是歌手,但演技了得,拍摄过程也非常顺利。虽然拍摄从一大早就已开始,但两个人精力充沛,身着单薄的衬衫、短裙冒着严寒在户外演出。拍摄过程中不时说笑打闹、扮鬼脸,活像两个大孩子。拍摄时,魏晨要做伸展双臂转圈的动作,不小心打到了alan的脸颊,任由魏晨怎么道歉赔罪,alan都故意不饶他,拗到魏晨请一顿麻辣小龙虾才罢休。而喜欢唱歌的两个人,亦不时唱起歌,连拍摄对歌词的镜头时也自然地唱起来,连工作人员都不禁为他们优美的歌喉鼓掌叫好。 据悉,这支MV已经进入后期剪辑阶段,完成后期制作后,会很快与大家见面。相信这支风格清新、充满校园气息的MV一定会带大家重温学生时代的美好,让大家在繁忙的学习、工作中呼吸到一丝清新的空气。 http://h...
魏晨和阿兰-加油!你有ME! 词穷的人 英文只能这样翻译了
男女情歌:阿兰 达瓦卓玛&魏晨 合唱 中文歌词: 你有我 会一直为你加油 加倍快乐的呼吼 有你有我 就是最好时候 我 对你没保留 就算看不见 你也在心里面 摸摸心就觉得很温暖 思念呼吸般自然 就像被你加冕 灵魂加了亮点 就想再好一些 对你再好一点 想什么 就说什么 你让我做原来的我 不计较什么 喜欢我 你有我 会一直为你加油 加倍快乐的呼吼 有你有我 就是最好时候 我 对你没保留 你刻印在我的胸口 像温柔 默默在渗透 爱为你加油 加油加油加油再加油 你刻印在我的心头 当忧愁 都被你没收 爱为你加油 加油加油加油再加油 就算看不见 你也在心里面 摸摸心就觉得很温暖 思念呼吸般自然 就像被你加冕 灵魂加了亮点 就想再好一些 对你再好一点 想什么 就说什么 你让我做原来的我 不计较什么 喜欢我 你有我 会一直为你加油 (你有ME!刻印在我的胸口你有ME像温柔在渗透) 加倍快乐的呼吼 (你有ME!爱为你加油 加油再加油) 有你有我 就是最好时候 我 对你没保留 你有我 会一直为你加油 加倍快乐的拍手 有你有我 就是最好理由 我 对你没保留 你有ME...
Summary/Translation: http://cfensi.wordpress.com/2009/01/15/alan-receives-a-call-from-wei-chen-on-a-radio-show/ They talk about their past collaboration and their present collaboration, EPSON's Jia You! You Have Me (加油!你有ME!)
alan & 魏晨 -「 加油!你有ME!」
It was released from avex trax on October 29, 2008. Duet tune of alan and Wei Chen. To encourage the sales promotion of "ME 30/300" printer series of Epson in China as students, it was made. Alan became the spokesman of the printer of above-mentioned Epson in September, 2008. Alan and Wei Chen were representatives of the mainland China of the 9th Shanghai Asian music festival in 2006, and, then, it got acquainted. The representative of mainland China is only their two selves.
加油你有ME MV
Vision Wei Chen is a mandopop singer and actor. A third place winner in Super Boy 2007 talent show and a runner up winner of a competition called Just the Two of Us (alongside Rujjana Utaiwan from Thailand Lu Dan). Awarded as the most multi-talented newbie in 2008 at Mengniu Yoghurt Music ceremony 蒙牛酸酸乳音乐盛典。 His first EP was released in January 2008 called Le Tian Pai 乐天派 This song is a single he recorded with Alan : Jia you. Ni You ME ! 加油!你有ME!**We'll showcase Alan's songs soon** Upcoming movie/drama summer 2009: -Drama: Let's watch meteor shower together (a.k.a Chinese H4) as Ye Shuo -Movie: Le Huo Nan Hai 乐火男孩 ( Super Boys 3D musical) as Ou Xiaolang 欧小浪 Name: Wei Chen 魏晨 English name: Vision Nick name: Chen Chen, Xiao Lao Hu, Xiao Guai Born: February 22, 1986 Zodiac: ...
魏晨和阿兰-加油!你有ME! 词穷的人 英文只能这样翻译了