- published: 30 Sep 2016
- views: 757
A30 or A-30 may refer to:
and also :
"The Man" is a slang phrase that may refer to the government or to some other authority in a position of power. In addition to this derogatory connotation, it may also serve as a term of respect and praise.
The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe oppression. The phrase "stick it to the Man" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist", either passively, openly or via sabotage.
As a phrase meaning "the boss" it dates from at least 1918.
In the Southern U.S. states, the phrase came to be applied to any man or any group in a position of authority, or to authority in the abstract. From about the 1950s the phrase was also an underworld code word for police, the warden of a prison or other law enforcement or penal authorities.
The use of this term was expanded to counterculture groups and their battles against authority, such as the Yippies, which, according to a May 19, 1969 article in U.S. News and World Report, had the "avowed aim ... to destroy 'The Man', their term for the present system of government". The term eventually found its way into humorous usage, such as in a December 1979 motorcycle ad from the magazine Easyriders which featured the tagline, "California residents: Add 6% sales tax for The Man."
Solo en MeriStation #3: YouTuber en bikini y Resident Evil ¿a 30€? +SORTEOS | Nacho Ortiz y Jen
Castlevania a 30 ans - Notre vidéo hommage !
Destaques da Semana - De 26 a 30 de setembro de 2016
Nicholas Negroponte: A 30-year history of the future
The Man with a 30 Second Memory
A 30 Min Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Presentation
Consignan a 30 normalistas detenidos en Carapan, Michoacán; ingresan al penal Mil Cumbres
The Link That Can Crash Chrome: http://a/%%30%30
Esta semana Nacho Ortiz y Jen Herranz tocan temas que han resultado muy polémicos en los últimos días: los precios de las ediciones físicas de Resident Evil HD 4, 5 y 6 que se han ido hasta los 29,99 euros ¿Capcom please? la demanda a Hello Games y No Man's Sky por publicidad engañosa y cómo la streamer ex de Twitch Zoie Burgher se cobija en YouTube para seguir emitiendo en bikini y lograr cifras récord en sus directos a base de twerking. Y en el sorteo, esta semana os mostramos nuestro hamor con el que es el Juego del Mes en MeriStation: Forza Horizon 3, regalando una copia del título, y tres copias del próximo gran lanzamiento de Nintendo, Paper Mario: Color Splash. Puedes participar enviando un comentario, pregunta, duda o trolleo sano de dos formas: Síguenos en Twitter a MeriStat...
Castlevania a 30 ans - Notre vidéo hommage ! ► Abonnez-vous à JV com: http://bit.ly/1b3a14L ► Retrouvez toutes les émissions et les articles de la rédaction Sur le web : http://www.jeuxvideo.com/ Sur Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/jvcom Sur Twitter : @JVCom ► News, tests, previews, reportages... Retrouvez sur cette chaine toute l'actualité du jeu vidéo avec Jeuxvideo.com, le premier site dédié exclusivement au jeu vidéo en Europe
Confira as notícias do Exército Brasileiro que foram destaque na semana de 26 a 30 de setembro de 2016. Assine nosso canal no Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/exercitobrasileirooficial Acompanhe nossas mídias sociais: EBlog: http://eblog.eb.mil.br/ Facebook: http://facebook.com/exercito Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/exercitobrasileiro Instagram: http://instagram.com/exercito_oficial Twitter: http://twitter.com/exercitooficial Faça parte da Força Terrestre: http://www.eb.mil.br/web/ingresso/concursos Página oficial do Exército Brasileiro: http://www.eb.mil.br
MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte takes you on a journey through the last 30 years of tech. The consummate predictor highlights interfaces and innovations he foresaw in the 1970s and 1980s that were scoffed at then but are ubiquitous today. And he leaves you with one last (absurd? brilliant?) prediction for the coming 30 years. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com...
This 30 minute presentation is meant to help nuclear scientist understand nuclear meltdowns or anyone that can tie their own shoes . Please support these Fukushima videos we need support to have the material and ability to make a difference please donate at paypal https://www.paypal.me/danadurnford or use credit card at my site thenuclearproctologist.org its a big company handling those transaction so its very reliable . http://www.thenuclearproctologist.org/ My Twitter http://bit.ly/2ccwu8G Fukushima : Help Stop Killer Victoria B.C. Travel Agent LOUIS LAMOUREUX http://bit.ly/2aBM9gc See study's on marine life on Canada pre fukushima - B.C. CANADA Marine and Animal Studies http://ibis.geog.ubc.ca/biodiversity/efauna/SpeciesChecklists.htm Chat room & info by and for the Fuku...
Un grupo de aproximadamente 500 personas, entre normalistas y comuneros mantienen retenidos a cinco policías municipales en la plaza principal de la comunidad de Arantepacua, en el municipio de Nahuatzen.
http://tomscott.com - http://twitter.com/tomscott - In the news today: a link which, when moused over or clicked on, crashes Google Chrome. It's a heck of a bug: but how does it work, and what does it have to do with "null-terminated strings"? TECH DETAILS: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=533361
Los terroristas del “Frente al Nousra” y el “Estado Islámico” sufrieron cuantiosas pérdidas y numerosas bajas, en una nueva jornada de operaciones antiterroristas de las Fuerzas Armadas sirias.Homs...En el este de la provincia central de Homs, la Fuerza Aérea en el Ejército Árabe Sirio lanzó ataques contra sedes y convoyes de los terroristas del “Estado Islámico”.Según una fuente militar, decenas de vehículos artillados de los terroristas quedaron destruidos en los bombardeos que se produjeron en las inmediaciones del campo gasífero al Shaer y en las colinas Sawaneh al noroeste de la ciudad de Palmira. En el campo norte de Homs, una unidad del ejército infligió bajas y heridos entre las filas de los terroristas del Frente de al-Nousra al sur del pueblo de Ez Addin en el eje de Talbiseh.......
VEJA O QUE VAI ACONTECER EM ABISMO DE PAIXÃO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV6SfXaG_RI ABISMO DE PAIXÃO Capítulo 131, segunda-feira, 26 de setembro 00:01 ABISMO DE PAIXÃO Capítulo 132, terça-feira, 27 de setembro 01:27 ABISMO DE PAIXÃO Capítulo 133, quarta-feira, 28 de setembro 03:07 ABISMO DE PAIXÃO Capítulo 134, quinta-feira, 29 de setembro 04:29 ABISMO DE PAIXÃO Capítulo 135, sexta-feira, 30 de setembro 05:51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV6SfXaG_RI RESUMO ANTERIOR ABISMO DE PAIXÃO Capítulo 126, segunda-feira, 19 de setembro ABISMO DE PAIXÃO Capítulo 127, terça-feira, 20 de setembro ABISMO DE PAIXÃO Capítulo 128, quarta-feira, 21 de setembro ABISMO DE PAIXÃO Capítulo 129, quinta-feira, 22 de setembro ABISMO DE PAIXÃO Capítulo 130, sexta-feira, 23 de setembro ...
Breaking reports of a 30 year old unarmed Black Man shot by El Cajon Police, who was allegedly having a seizure when his sister called 911 for assistance, witnesses say the man had his hands up when shot. Police also confiscated all witnesses cell phones and told them not to talk to anyone... Stay Tuned for more updates.
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We get dirty today with our friends - Grace, Hannah, and Mamrie! GMM #983! Check out the 'Dirty 30' movie on September 23rd in select theaters or by digital download here: http://dirtythirtymovie.com/ SUBSCRIBE to GMM for daily episodes: http://bit.ly/subrl2 Watch Today's Good Mythical More: https://youtu.be/H9VnuDXylnQ Choose a Season: http://bit.ly/2axhxZN Follow Rhett & Link: Facebook: http://facebook.com/rhettandlink Twitter: http://twitter.com/rhettandlink Tumblr: http://rhettandlink.tumblr.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/rhettandlink Google+: https://plus.google.com/+rhettandlink Other Rhett & Link Channels: Main Channel: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/user/rhettandlink3 Rhett & Link EXTRAS: https://youtube.com/user/rhettandlink4 GMM ...
VEJA O QUE VAI ACONTECER EM AMOR E INTRIGAS DE 19 A 30 DE SETEMBRO AMOR E INTRIGAS Capítulo 97, segunda-feira, 19 de Setembro 00:01 AMOR E INTRIGAS capítulo 098, terça-feira, 20 de Setembro 04:27 AMOR E INTRIGAS capítulo 99, quarta-feira, 21 de Setembro 07:19 AMOR E INTRIGAS capítulo 100, quinta-feira, 22 de Setembro 09:05 AMOR E INTRIGAS capítulo 101, sexta-feira, 23 de Setembro 10:50 AMOR E INTRIGAS capítulo 102, segunda-feira, 26 de Setembro 13:17 AMOR E INTRIGAS capítulo 103, terça-feira, 27 de Setembro 15:28 AMOR E INTRIGAS capítulo 104, quarta-feira, 28 de Setembro 17:04 AMOR E INTRIGAS capítulo 105, quinta-feira, 29 de Setembro 18:49 AMOR E INTRIGAS capítulo 106, sexta-feira, 30 de Setembro 21:24
top 30 most amazing facts about people, places, animals and the world! Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/
Tudo que vai acontecer nos próximos capítulos da nova A Terra prometida. RESUMO DOS PRÓXIMOS CAPÍTULOS (26/09 A 30/09): A Terra Prometida 26/09/16 - Resumo do Capítulo 59 Completo (26/09/2016): https://youtu.be/KvEvJje2TwI A Terra Prometida 27/09/16 - Resumo do Capítulo 60 Completo (27/09/2016): https://youtu.be/2DktZenQVw0 A Terra Prometida 28/09/16 - Resumo do Capítulo 61 Completo (28/09/2016): https://youtu.be/j7UZQvxkw-k A Terra Prometida 29/09/16 - Resumo do Capítulo 62 Completo (29/09/2016): https://youtu.be/gnFlLSPQEAI A Terra Prometida 30/09/16 - Resumo do Capítulo 63 Completo (30/09/2016): https://youtu.be/IOuo2MDbk7A RESUMO DOS CAPÍTULOS ANTERIORES (12/09 A 16/09): A Terra Prometida 19/09/16 - Resumo do Capítulo 54 Completo (19/09/2016): https://youtu.be/Cs0xDufKh10 A T...
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http://www.moslembrothers.com/2012/01/mp3-al-quran-30-juz-syeikh-maher-al.html click here to download mp3 Al qur'an 30 Juz. Syeikh Maher Al Muaiqly
A 30 Min Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Presentation https://youtu.be/xNnAgI1-mEk Dana Durnford's Information: Consider donating to Dana Durnford through Paypal https://www.paypal.com/home to his email address DanaDurnford@hotmail.com Here is his YouTube site called BeautifulGirlByDana http://tinyurl.com/nqmkk9z Here is his web site called The Nuclear Proctologist dot org http://tinyurl.com/oydf4sk Here is Jeff Rense's site where he does weekly radio broadcasts Monday evenings: http://www.rense.com/ The Age of Fission Radio Show focuses on the lies of the nuclear industry. Dana co hosts on Fridays when he can. http://tinyurl.com/j3ywp7k 8 am - 9 am PST, Mon, Wed, Fri. Fukushima Is Silent But Deadly https://youtu.be/-ecjduysHrM Fukushima Vegetables Have Bizarre Tumor-Like Growths And Deformi...
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DOWNLOAD LINK: http://bit.ly/ZbbGyP FOLLOW ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/C2CShows FOLLOW ON TUMBLR: http://c2cshows.tumblr.com Linda Moulton Howe has made a breakthrough—she has finally, after more than thirty years of trying, gotten one of the Montana sheriffs most involved in the cattle mutilation investigations to tell the truth about what he saw and how he understands it. He begins by telling about being invited to Malmstrom Air Force Base to observe the radar track of an object that was appearing during the time that the mutilations were taking place—and finding himself asked to leave the radar room by mysterious individuals in black uniforms who were from off-base, much to the embarrassment of the colonel who invited him. His story continues with his telling of what was found d...
Essa aula apresenta os esquemas de aterramento mais utilizados em residências e como elaborar um aterramento em conformidade com a NBR 5410/2008. IPT Engenharia www.iptengenharia.com Consultoria * Vistorias e Laudos Técnicos * Estudos de Alteração de Cargas BT * Análise para Redução de Custos com Energia Elétrica * "As Built" - Documentação * Análise de Projetos SPDA * Análise de Projetos Elétricos, Residenciais e Comerciais * Análise para Instalação de Ar Condicionado em Apartamentos * Análise Luminotécnica * Automação de Iluminação e Equipamentos Elétricos * Cursos e Palestras Engenharia Predial Manutenção *Manutenção em SPDA “Sistema de Proteção Descarga Atmosféricas" *Quadros Elétricos de BT em Residências e Condomínios *Manutenção Preditiva e Corretiva *Inspeção por Termográf...
30 minutes of FREE excellent modern Blues Music. Please enjoy and share! SET - LIST: 0:00 Shining Light Blues 1:46 Front Porch Boogie 4:33 Super Session Blues 6:54 Mississippi Bender 10:03 Sad & Lonely Blues 13:01 Delta Dog Days 16:09 Kenny's Shuffle 18:57 Cinnamon Sedge 22:43 Kathy's Choice 24:41 Banjo Bangle 25:57 Chilled Blues On Ice 28:07 Strip Trip Photo credits: Feliciano Guimaraes @ Flickr.com link here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jsome1/477100921/ Additional Music Credits audionautix@ http://audionautix.com/ incompetech@ http://incompetech.com/ Ph...
Gerente De Noticias, Carlos De Elía Productoor General: Ricardo Ravanelli Producción Periodistica: Francina Delgado Coordinador De Producción: Maximiliano Heiderseheid Asesoramiento Periodístico: María Seoane Guión: Ricardo Ravanelli, Miriam Lewin, Francina Delgado Cámara: David Santiestebe, Marcelo Funes Edición: Ffelix Villaverde Cae: Alejandro Guido, Jorge Ferloni, Marcelo Gallo Voz En Off: Paulo Cedrón Publicado Por: Telenoche Investiga, Canal 13, Artear, Buenos Aires, Argentina 13 Y 14 De Septiembre De 2006
What's up fool, I got like 3 buck on the Rossi
Let's go get perved
You don't wanna get perved, nigga
You don't wanna fuck wit this Rossi shit
Man, don't forget the ice man
Oh, you want something to
Top of the line wine, Carlos Rossi
Drinkin' on some of of that top of the line wine, Carlos Rossi
Top of the line wine Carlos Rossi, man
I drinks it all the time it's extra satisfying
Three of four times a day you can catch me drivin
Back and forth to the liquor store buyin
Jugs and jugs of tha shit cause I'm addicted wit no denying
Perving, swervin rannin all into the fuckin curb and
If I get one more D.U.I. then it's curtains
I can't cope, I guess I'm a alcoholic sometimes I hit the chronic
It's just like gin and tonic when it's time to get erotic
5.99 for a big ass bottle of Rossi wine it's right on time
Once you become a member of my drinkin' club you will find
The key to set ya free so give it a try
But don't mistake it for Chablis unless you already high
Spread the word get sprung and drink it with ya down chromes
That's another word for sohobs, potna, folks, homies
Every motherfuckin' year
We do this shit every other fuckin' day if not every day
But anyway I want
Hocus motherfuckin' Pocus
The top of the line wine, yeah nigga that's the dopest
And if you in The Click, them motherfuckers notice
that we be downin jugs from the tallest to the shortest
Everywhere I go, people wants to know
What's the name of that shit you and the Click be like fuckin' wit
I keeps it on a hunch on the ... cause brother I be perved
Fuckin' wit some shit that will send you to the curb
And if you wit a bitch, then nigga you nice
Cause Rossi goes good wit some dank over ice
Take her to the telly let the wine fill her belly
Fired up some smelly then ya jammin' like jelly
Bust a couple of nuts, hit the butt and than the grill
Dick hard like I did time up in Vacaville
But still I be bossy
What you fuckin' wit though
Fuck wit some of that top of the line wine
Yeah nigga
Carlos Rossi
Sunny day, sky blue, shit, I think Imma barbecue
Let me get my ass up outta bed and call up the whole motherfuckin' crew
Ray you bring the chicken, Kaveo you bring the links
Mugzy you bring the hamburger meat and I'll supply the drinks
Shit it's good to be on damn it
I got Suga-T in the house whippin' up some potatoe salad
4 slabs of ribs up in the refrigerator marinatin'
Bring home the .. I got tha .. and I can't be waitin'
Well, what do you know, though the door comes Kaveo
You know!
Mugzy and Tap that ass, T-Pup and Hell and Moe
Thick ass niggas like B-Legit and E-Duece
.... Mac Shawn, Mac D-Shot and Little Bruce
The man behind the counter of the liqourstore loves me
Be ... and ready to hug me
On the strength that I done spend
Over a G within a week on the Carlos Rossi