About Us

oleh EngageMedia Mar 07, 2016

EngageMedia is a non-profit media, technology and culture organisation. EngageMedia uses the power of video, the Internet and open technologies to create social and environmental change. We harness old and new media to assist movements challenge social injustice and environmental damage, as well as to present solutions.

EngageMedia works with independent film-makers, journalists, technologists, campaigners and social movements to generate wider audiences for stories of social change, to intervene in the public discourse and to move people to action.

We demystify and provide strategies for the effect use of video distribution and engagement technologies; connect video makers and activists to media distributors and audiences; and form peer networks of media-makers, technologists and campaigners.

Our work comprises the following key elements:

  • EngageMedia.org: an online video sharing site focused on social justice and environmental issues in the Asia-Pacific. Get uploading!
  • Open Technology: we support civil society and social change actors advocate for digital rights, and also produce open source software including the Plumi video sharing platform.
  • Video4Change a global network of advocates developing training tools and methodologies to enhance the impact of video as a social change tool.
  • Research: we study how video and online technologies are used to advance human rights and environmental movements.
  • Skills building: we undertake a wide variety of training and skill-sharing programs to build the capacities of video makers and activists in video production, distribution, online engagement and security.

Organisational Aims

The core aims of EngageMedia are to:

    • Assist individuals and groups, who produce thought-provoking and informative media on social and environmental issues, to distribute and engage audiences with their work
    • Develop the digital media and online skills of independent multimedia producers and marginalised communities
    • Foster global and regional networks of media producers to assist each other in creating and distributing their work in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond
    • Promote, expand and make use of open technologies and an open Internet

      The EngageMedia Team

      The EngageMedia has offices in Indonesia and Australia, and team members in Singapore, Myanmar, the USA and the Philippines. Check out our team page for a full staff listing. Our team page is also available in Indonesian.


      We are also fortunate to have established several key partnerships through out various projects. For a list of our project partners please see our partners page.

      Working at EngageMedia

      If you are interested in working or volunteering with us please check our jobs page.


      EngageMedia is multifaceted! We engage in a number of different projects from social and technology research, content distribution, networking and skill-sharing events, training programs, software development and more.

      Take a look at our projects page for just some of the initiatives we are responsible for.

      The EngageMedia Committee of Management (Board)

      Our Committee of Management includes:

      • Rachel Maher - Media Development and Communications Consultant
      • Dr Ellie Rennie - Swinburne University of Technology
      • Andrew Lowenthal - EngageMedia
      • Merlyna Lim - Professor, Carleton University
      • Enrico Aditjondro - Media and Communications Consultant

      Full biographies of our Committee of Management are available here.


      EngageMedia is a non-profit organisation and is supported by donations, external consulting work and a range of funding bodies. Current funders include the Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, the Oak Foundation, Tifa Foundation, Hivos, Internews, the Web Foundation, the Bertha Foundation and the Global Fund for Human Rights. Previous funders include the Donkey Wheel Foundation, Asia Link/Myer Foundation, the Sigrid Rausing Trust and the Mercy Foundation.

      Please contact us if you are interested to support us.

      Annual Reports

      The EngageMedia Collective Inc. is an incorporated association under the Victorian Associations Incorporation Act (1981), Australia.

      Reg No. A0048171P
      ABN. 77919614410

      You may view or download our Annual Reports here.

      APC Membership


      EngageMedia has been a member of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) since May 2009. APC is an international ICT Rights organisation ensuring people the world over have easy and affordable access to a free and open internet to improve their lives and create a more just world.

      Consulting, Web Development and Training

      We consult on technology and social change projects, run trainings on request and execute web development projects. We've done work for OXFAM, the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Commission, Transparency International, the University of Southern California, Open Channel and iCommons among others. Please contact us if you are interested in any consulting work.