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Training guides in English, Arabic and Burmese covering Video Making on Android, Video Compression and much more.



Reports from our global and regional Video4Change network gatherings.



An index of materials focusing on pre-production, production, post-production, distribution and impact.



A research project exploring the design and evaluation of impact in Video for Change.

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From 24-26 August, EngageMedia participated in the Southeast Asia Video for Change Forum, which was held as part of the Freedom Film Festival in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

We are in the moment of an explosion of opportunity and hype around the possibilities of the ‘wildfire’ of immersive media – the ‘empathy machines’ of virtual reality and the breathless urgency of personal live-streaming video via Facebook and Periscope.

Video for Change practitioners can no longer get around impact. Donors require video-makers to measure their impact and lately, a lot of attention has been given to video’s role within society and civic movements. 

WITNESS presents the first Video As Evidence workshop in Yangon, Myanmar.