
A general strike starting from refinery workers at the caribbean island of Curacao - awaiting new masters from China

Curacao strike refinery workers 2016

The strike of a week of refinery workers, followed by the general strike on September 15 in Curacao, has aroused much interest in the Caribbean. In particular, the fact that a mysterious third party showed up paying over 1.8 million ANG [Antillean Guilder (ANG). Per 23-9-2016 1 ANG = 0,50 EUR or US$ 0,57] in back wages, has caused astonishment. F.e. Surinam media reported extensively on the workers' actions. One remembers the Curacao strikes and riots of May 30 1969, that were repressed by Dutch marines, and that led to changes in policy.

Bloodshed in Bayonne

October 8, 2016 is the 100th anniversary of the strike at Standard Oil’s Bayonne, N.J., refineries. In the course of the ten-day strike, 4 people were killed and 86 wounded. The free press demonstrated collusion between the corporation and the city authorities in what John Reed described as a police riot. Yet, not a word of this is mentioned in the Rockefeller biographies.

Break the silence on Azerbaijan oil workers' deaths

Flowers on the Caspian shore

In Azerbaijan, oil workers and their families are demanding answers about offshore safety standards, but the authorities have stayed silent for nine months about the causes of a disaster that killed 31 people

Labour Movements and Opposition Groups in Saudi Arabia: 1950-1975

An article about the growth of the Saudi Labour movement and additional radical opposition groups, focussing on two strikes at the ARAMCO oil company in 1953 and 1956.

Protests over workers' deaths met by police and fascist repression

Riot police protecting the Golden Dawn office in Aspropyrgos

A fire at the Hellenic Petroleum(EL.PE) refinery cost the lives of four workers back in May. Since then protests against this industrial 'accident' targeting the second richest family in Greece have been meet by joint police and fascist repression.

Activists jailed in Azerbaijan, the house that BP built

demo in Baku

A protest against Azerbaijan’s crackdown on political dissent will be staged in London this Friday, 12 June, as the first European Games open in Baku.

Reflections on sabotage, theirs and ours - Jeff Shantz

An illustration of 'the leisure class'

On capitalist and worker sabotage in environmental struggle.

Libyan petrodollars and the overthrow of Gaddafi

A speculative blog on the NATO-backed overthrow of Libyan dictator Col Gaddafi, looking at whether Gaddafi's refusal to recycle petrodollars through US banks was a factor.

A short account of sabotage at a US army oil depot

A short, personal account of worker and army veteran sabotage of oil supplies to the military towards the end of the Vietnam war.

Oil, arms and the Gulf War - Joe Stork

Iranian oil refineries destroyed by Iraqi attacks, 1980.

Joe Stork examines the Iran-Iraq war from the viewpoint of its main material aspects - oil and arms.