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Hearty laughs from hapless guests

EVEN Fawlty Towers purists should find some hearty laughs in this stage adaptation of John Cleese and Connie Booth’s iconic 1970s BBC comedy series, writes reviewer Kate Herbert.

21 Things On In Victoria

21 Things On In Victoria Sept 24 onwards like Elmo’s Super Show, TWENTYSIXTEEN, Sediment, Little Big Bash & Weekend Markets, chosen by Mikey Cahill

Gumnut baby brilliance

The kooky critters from Australian author May Gibbs’s Snugglepot and Cuddlepie are brought to life in this school holiday production of the children’s classic, writes reviewer Stephanie Glickman.

A high bar

Circus features prominently in this year’s Melbourne Fringe Festival and Casus Circus’s Restrung is a strong example of both the extreme skill and offbeat ethos of Australian-grown circus in an intimate stage environment, writes reviewer Stephanie Glickman.

Magnificent pilots looked to the future

THE brave pilots who forged Australia’s aviation industry from the first death-defying act in 1914 did it at Point Cook, where the world’s oldest military air base is still operating. PICTURE SPECIAL

Wine myths 101

Sshould you drink red or white wine with cheese? Should you decant? And what the hell do ‘wine legs’ look like? Wine critic Nick Stock busts the most common wine myths. Cheers to that!

Yarra River novel makes a splash

A Huckleberry Finn-style novel about two boys and their adventures on the Yarra River has won a Victorian Premier’s Literary Award

A solid emotional punch

CONTEMPORARY ballets are a fixture of The Australian Ballet’s seasons but rarely one as complex and intricate as Nijinsky, writes reviewer Stephanie Glickman.

Art of death wins city hall cash

SURGEONS will fashion “death relics” from plasticine weighing the same as a cremated dead body in one of 67 new art projects funded by Melbourne ratepayers.

“Bounce to my problems”

Rock City: REMI, Flowertruck, Nicole Millar, Gabriella Cohen, Darebin Music Feast & Must See Gigs: BUOY, Listen Out & Liz Stringer, chosen by Mikey Cahill

Ice Cold

Switzerland is a sharp-witted and intelligent play and its highlight is Peirse’s audacious portrayal of Patricia Highsmith, writes reviewer Kate Herbert.

A triumph in Havana

It’s a shame to see Our Man in Havana just once but opera fans would be mad to miss this production completely, writes reviewer Paul Selar.

Who made BIGSOUND buzz?

Who made BIGSOUND buzz? Lastlings, BUOY, Alex Lahey, Tash Sultana, Flowertruck, Olympia, Sampa The Great, Alice Ivy & more, writes Mikey Cahill

I’ll Show u 21 Things On In Victoria

21 Things On In Victoria Sept 17 onwards like Melbourne Show, Fringe Festival, Koalas at Phillip Island, Weekend Markets & more, chosen by Mikey Cahill

Olivia, Bindi step up for cancer fight

AUSSIE megastar and cancer survivor Olivia Newton-John has stepped out with Bindi Irwin to raise funds for cancer research and the ONJ centre that bears her name.

What really happened to Amelia Earhart

A MELBOURNE radio operator’s record of a desperate call from a remote Pacific island is shaping as the final clue into the the fate of pioneer aviator Amelia Earhart.

Four of Melbourne’s best meatballs

COMFORTING in every guise, the lure of a meatball is hard to beat. Here’s some of our city’s finest offerings right now.

Our Melbourne Instagram food stars

IT’S a case of post it and they will come for a host of Melbourne cafe owners using Instagram to lure diners. See which are Melbourne’s most-posted dishes.