The EngageMedia Team

by EngageMedia June 29, 2016

Nikholas Borang – Content and Training Coordinator (Yogyakarta)

Borang Yerry Niko is an independent journalist based in Yogyakarta. While studying in university in 1998, he joined the student democracy movement and produced several propaganda bulletins. From 1999, working with publishers in Yogyakarta, he helped translate several English books on politics and literature into Indonesian, including Orwell's Animal Farm.

In 2004 he participated in early meetings to rebuild Indymedia Jakarta. He worked as a radio/web/video journalist for more than six years at During that time, he also worked with community radio and media networks.

Languages: English, Indonesian, Javanese, Malay-Manadonese

Cheekay Cinco – Program Manager - Strategic Technologies (Manila)

Born, raised and living in the Philippines, Cheekay is a feminist activist who has been working in the area of non-profit technology for more than a decade. From 1998 to 2001, she worked with the now-defunct Asian Women's Resource Exchange (AWORC), a network of women's resource centres. From 2002 to 2010, she was a regular staff at the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), where she was part of the Women's Networking Support Programme (WNSP) and the Strategic Technologies and Network Development Programme (STAND). At APC, she also developed the Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM), managed the Feminist Tech Exchange (FTX), conducted training on different internet-based technologies for other organisations, and wrote manuals on social media for advocacy.

Since then, Cheekay has been working as a freelance and volunteer trainer for various local and international activist groups, designing and conducting training workshops to support the strategic, secure and appropriate use of internet-based technologies for advocacy and activism.

Languages: English, Tagalog + Spanish, Korean (conversational)

Palupi Hapsari - Finance and Admin Officer (Yogyakarta)

Palupi has more than 10 years of experience working in finance, auditing and taxation based on Indonesian rules and regulations. Her previous employers includes Pikko Land and Development, Jawa Pos (Surabaya), and Van Deventer Maas Stichting.

In 2009, she was actively participating in Sahabat Anak to contribute as a Math and English teacher to street children.

As Finance and Admin Officer at EngageMedia, Palupi is responsible for providing high standards of finance and administrative support, including logistics, under the supervision of the Operations Manager and in collaboration with the Accountant.

Languages: Indonesian, Javanese and English

Andrew Lowenthal – Co-Founder and Director of Strategy and Development (Boston)

Andrew has been working in the field of media and technology activism since 1998 when he joined community television show Access News in Melbourne, Australia.

His work traverses the fields of organisational development, video production, network building, research, software development, and project and event management.

Andrew was active in the Indymedia network from 2000-2006. From 2006-08 he worked with the UK based Tactical Technology Collective as their Participatory Media Project Lead, editing the NGO-in-a-box and Message-in-a-box open source communications toolkits.

Andrew is currently a Ford Foundation JustFilm's Fellow, a Fellow at Harvard University's Film Studies Center, a Research Affiliate at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society and a current member of the Impact Producers Group. He is a former Fellow of the MIT Open Documentary Lab.

Languages: English, Spanish + Italian, Indonesian (conversational)

Seelan Palay – Communications and Outreach Coordinator (Bangkok)

Born in Singapore, Seelan Palay has been an artist, filmmaker and activist since 2004. He has campaigned on human rights issues in Southeast Asia, with a focus on Singapore and Myanmar. He has produced over 100 videos, and was one of the first contributors to EngageMedia. He has organized numerous exhibitions, demonstrations, forums and workshops to raise awareness and encourage action to bring about positive change in the region.

As the current Communications and Outreach Coordinator for EngageMedia, he is working to broaden public access and communication on critical human rights and environmental stories from Southeast Asia. He also manages the Crossroads project on migrant workers, refugees and stateless people.

Languages: English, Tamil + Thai, Malay, Indonesian, and Mandarin (conversational)

Kartika Pratiwi – Project and Outreach Coordinator (Yogyakarta)

Tika was born in Indonesia. She has been an independent researcher with an interest in narrative discourse on the 1965 Tragedy in Indonesia, Chinese-Indonesian issues and alternative pedagogy.

Since 2008, she has been a part of kotakhitam forum, an independent organisation focuses on research, workshops and documentary movie production for social change. During that time, she has produced three documentary films and several video archives on Indonesian political history and collective memory. She has also led various workshops and training sessions to encourage history teachers to use popular media for teaching in schools.

As Project and Outreach Coordinator at EngageMedia, Tika works to expand our video outreach, engagement & impact work in Indonesia.

Languages : English, Indonesian, Javanese + Dutch (conversational)

Kyal Yi Lin Six – Editorial and Outreach Coordinator (Yangon)

Kyal Yi Lin Six is a filmmaker best know for her documentary 'The Open Sky', which was banned in Myanmar due to pressure from religious extremists.

She started her career as a reporter at Myanmar People Magazine in 2005, and has had more than eight years of experience working as a journalist for various media outlets in Myanmar.

Kyalyi studied filmmaking at Myanmar Motion Picture Organisation, British Council and Yangon Film School. She is also associated with the Human Rights and Human Dignity Film Institute as a student and a filmmaker. She is also a published novelist with five books under her belt. Also a technology enthusiast, she has previously worked as a web specialist for local celebrities in Myanmar.

As Editorial and Outreach Coordinator, Kyalyi works to support EngageMedia's communications and outreach work in Myanmar through content curation, outreach and partnership building.

Languages: English, Myanmar + Malay (conversational)