Tory backlash at Amber Rudd’s migrant plan for firms to declare foreign workers

THE Conservatives are facing a bitter divide in their own party over Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s “toxic” plans to force firms to declare their foreign workers.

Amber Rudd and Ruth DavidsonGETTY

uth Davidson, Tory leader in Scotland, announced her furious opposition to the idea

Parts of the party’s immigration plan were unveiled at the Conservative Party Conference in a bid to pressure businesses to "prevent migrants taking jobs British people can do".

But it has been met with a furious backlash by politicians across the spectrum, along with big businesses and organisations.

The proposals mean companies who fail to give British jobs to British people would be named and shamed.

Under the new rules, firms will have to be “be clear about the proportion of their workforce which is international”.

Ms Rudd said: “The test should ensure people coming here are filling gaps in the labour market, not taking jobs British people could do.”

However the plans have sparked a huge debate within the party, with Ms Rudd coming under fire for her so-called “racist” proposals.

Ruth Davidson, leader of the Conservatives in Scotland, announced her furious opposition to the idea - saying it was not something she would ever have put forward.

Ruth DavidsonPA

Ruth Davidson slammed the plans in her Conservative party conference speech

This unsettling policy would drive people, business and compassion out of British society and should not be pursued any further

Neil Carmichael, the Tory chair of parliament’s education subcommittee

During her speech to the conference on Wednesday, she appealed to the party not to forget “the people, homes and families” behind the immigration debate.

She also argued economic migrants were embracing Conservative principles by “striking out to build a better future” for their families.

Neil Carmichael, the Tory chair of parliament’s education subcommittee, spoke on behalf of the pro-EU Open Britain campaign to say: “This unsettling policy would drive people, business and compassion out of British society and should not be pursued any further.”

Conservative party conferencePA

Thousands gathered in Birmingham for the Conservative party conference

Small businesses could be turned into “immigration officers” by the proposals, the Federation of Small Businesses said.

Mike Cherry, the national chairman of the FSB, said: “Fundamentally, the UK has been a global magnet for talent and this must be considered by ministers. The ability to hire the right people for the right job is paramount, and we will be championing this in the upcoming consultation.

“We also do not want to see small business owners turned into immigration officers nor encumbered by new bureaucracy.”

The head of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) said the move would amount to a "badge of shame" for businesses struggling to meet skills demands in the UK. 

Acting director-general of the BCC Adam Marshall said: "Companies do so much here in the UK to train up their workers and of course look for local hires before going to the overseas market, so I don't think they should be penalised for having to do so when they have specific skills needs."

Opposition MPs also slammed the plan, part of a package put forward to encourage companies to recruit local works and reduce immigrations.

Jeremy Corbyn claimed the plan would “foster division and discrimination in our workplaces,” while shadow home secretary Andy Burnham added it “runs counter to everything that this country has ever stood for”.

Theresa MayPA

Ms Davidson's speech came immediately before Theresa May took the stage

Leaders of the Scottish National Party, Plaid Cymru and the Green Party also issued a rare joint statement, accusing the Conservatives of deploying “the most toxic rhetoric on immigration we have seen from any government in living memory”.

But Ms Rudd later appeared to distance herself from the proposal, saying: "This is one of the things we're going to look at in the review. 

"It's not something we're definitely going to do, it's one of the tools we're going to use as a review to see if we can use it as a way of nudging people to do better behaviour."