Site update: Join us on Twitter for a wide range of news & interesting articles

Socialist Unity twitter feedSU runs a lively Twitter feed. Every day, we find a wide range of articles from all over the internet, focussing mostly on UK politics, union and economic news, but also focussing on the other stuff that SU regularly covers: the continuing massive injustices committed by Israel against the Palestinians, the collapse of US civil society, interesting economic and political news from around the world, and generally a big dose of stuff that progressive people will find interesting. It’s a fully curated list – each article we share is chosen by a human, not a computer. Sometimes we focus on sharing interesting stories from the UK media, but we also place a strong focus on posting articles from other progressive media outlets.

Please join us – our feed is one of the only ones you’ll ever need; we’ve spent a lot of time digging up interesting sources for you, and we think you’ll really enjoy reading the articles we share.

Here is our Twitter feed – click “follow”, and pass it on to your friends.

If you need any help getting set up on Twitter, drop us a note in the comments and we’ll help you out.

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