Mar 18

Interpretive dance... one of the many ways to kill... IN SPACE!Click for full image

JaunPaul Comments: In space, there may be many ways to kill, but there is only one way to twerk!
Published 1986

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 7.36 out of 10)

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25 Responses to “The Wardove”

  1. SI Says:

    And many ways to be fabulous! Turn up the space disco music!

  2. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:

    Ever realized–too late–that your clothes are still wet and need to be hung up to dry just for a few moments longer?

  3. THX 1138 Says:

    Is this Siegfried or Roy? Whichever, the tiger’s got a gun this time!

  4. Ray P Says:

    We are getting a lot of bum covers. Glam rock never died.

  5. A.R.Yngve Says:

    “I call this dance… Whirling Galaxies.”

  6. Perry Armstrong Says:

    “I’ll distract the assassin with my arse while you escape in your teeny-tiny spaceship, Ant-Man!”, said Dazzler.

  7. Bibliomancer Says:

    Are those really her arms or is she nailed to a cross?

  8. fred Says:

    Rock star touring space to raise money for an unpopular war because their confederation has a Libertarian government with no taxes and someone is killing all the rock stars taking part and I’m thinking a cross between Cher and Stevie Nicks with the voice of Annie Lennox.

  9. Perry Armstrong Says:

    @Tag Wizard: guess that rules out Trump as a suspect!

  10. anon Says:

    Nice keister, icy BF clone
    Nilth Smile
    Womanly rear, tail, seat, cheeks …piny?

  11. Tat Wood Says:

    At last, a book cover with a sound-track. It’s Friday, so you’ve got time for all nine minutes of it.

    Like so many covers here, this is magnificent, ludicrous and an example of true talent woefully misapplied.

  12. SI Says:

    @Tat Wood – never seen a live version of that.. there’s a key-guitar and there’s having a whole keyboard being supported by your neck!! Ouch! But awesome!

  13. Anna T. Says:

    There’s nothing more fabulous to wear at the space disco than a bedsheet serving as a makeshift shirt.

  14. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:

    What will we do with a drunken wardove
    What will we do with a drunken wardove
    What will we do with a drunken wardove
    Early in the morning?

    Fashion her a parka with a rusty razor!
    Fashion her a parka with a rusty razor!
    Fashion her a parka with a rusty razor!
    Early in the morning!

    Tie her to the yardarm ’til she’s sober
    Tie her to the yardarm ’til she’s sober
    Tie her to the yardarm ’til she’s sober
    Early in the morning!

    Dress her up like the captain’s daughter
    Dress her up like the captain’s daughter
    Dress her up like the captain’s daughter
    Early in the morning!

    Smush her breasts up against the cover
    Smush her breasts up against the cover
    Smush her breasts up against the cover
    Early in the morning!

    Have her shake her arse when she’s on Good Show Sir!
    Have her shake her arse when she’s on Good Show Sir!
    Have her shake her arse when she’s on Good Show Sir!
    Early in the morning!

    Way, hey, and up she rises!
    Way, hey, and up she rises!
    Way, hey, and up she rises!
    Early in the morning!

  15. FearöfMûsic Says:

    ‘in space there are many ways to kill’ As opposed to..where? The Planet Of Mono-Causality Fatality? That would be a more interesting twist

    ‘I’m going to shoot you!’

    ‘Oh, okay. Go ahead.’

    ‘What, that’s not it?’

    ‘Uh, nope.’

    ‘Damn! Ok, stab? No? Incinerate? Poison? Crush? Covered in honey and carnivorous ants? Venomous duck attack?Dipped in a vat filled with the stomach acid of a hippo with a peptic ulcer that’s just eaten ten ScotchBonnet peppers?’

    ‘Ya know,I’m just gonna go sit down over here.’

    ‘Ninja vampire kittens with leprosy?’



  16. Tat Wood Says:

    ‘In space, there are so many ways to kill’ but nonetheless Americans default to using guns, despite the obvious recoil risks of shooting a projectile in zero-g and the evident hazards of bullets vis-a-vis thin walls and vacuum. The intended victim may well be the only survivor of such an attempt.

    Especially as he’s wearing a Linus blanket that could plug the hole.

  17. Tat Wood Says:

    Or, at a pinch, he could use the method in the Heinlein short story ‘Gentlemen, Be Seated’.

  18. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:

    @Tat: …which, involved pinching?

    @FöM: Actually, that would make being a coroner quite a straightforward job. ‘Ho, hum. The patient seems to have died of acute melanomas of the lower back. Next stiff, please, nurse.’

  19. anon Says:

    @Tat Wood#11: I’m guessing Edgar Winter is the keyboard player, then. There’s just something about the way he was mixed a bit too loud, the way he stomped all over the others playing rhythm, the way he simply had to get to bang the drums and force the more talented drummer to participate in it and the way he included a juvenile synthesizer masturbation part in that piece that says “this is my band, not yours”.

  20. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:

    I had thought that her clothes were a form-fitting top and bottom, but it looks like a body suit with a superfluous belt! Err, how does she…you know…get out of that thing to use the bushes?

  21. anon Says:

    @DSWBT: Well, we don’t get to see the front.. Also, she could be wearing a sheet, tight bottom, belt and white paint.

  22. HappyBookworm Says:

    Flee, Wardove! Flee! Your head is right in the bull’s-eye!

    (Although the gun is not pointing anywhere near there. But to be safe…dance away from there.)

  23. Perry Armstrong Says:

    In space, there are many ways to dress…

  24. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:


    In space, there are many ways to have a talk with the Beaver…

  25. B. Chiclitz Says:

    I think I’ve found out where she got her arms.

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