Media Matters


Flickr/Kat Northern Lights Man
Coalition urges Trudeau to support UN 'journalists' protector' | Nov 3 2016 | Canadian Journalists for Free Expression | A coalition of media organization and press freedom groups have joined forces to call on the Canadian government to help protect journalists.
Participation: Building a sense of belonging in our communities | Nov 1 2016 | Victoria Fenner | What makes a healthy community? The Vital Signs report from the Community Foundations of Canada has some surprising findings.
Join us! Announcing the 2016/2017 labour beat reporter position at | Oct 27 2016 | rabble staff | In partnership with Unifor and CALM, is pleased to announce our fifth annual labour beat internship!
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka at CHUO with other panelists heard in the program
Executive Director of UN Women on violence against women in Canada | Oct 25 2016 | Sarah Newton | In a roundtable with Canada's National Campus and Community Radio Association, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka discussed violence against Indigenous women; how to include transgender people.
Missing Mars Lander
Schiaparelli lander missing; ground control still in contact with Postmedia; prognosis grim for both | Oct 21 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | You don't need a calculator to know that if Postmedia keeps losing money at this quarter’s pace, it'll soon be burning through $400 million a year.
Photo of Amy Goodman by Aditya Ganapathiraju/flickr
Amy Goodman's arrest puts fierce spotlight on standoff at Standing Rock | Oct 20 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | Attempts to criminalize nonviolent land and water defenders, humiliate them and arrest journalists should not pave the way for the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline.
Who are you anyway? Take our 2016 reader survey! | Oct 18 2016 | rabble staff | Tell us about yourself. Who are you anyway? Why do you come to rabble? We want to know. Take our 2016 rabble reader survey today.
The history of the Internet: Military anxiety and a hacker's ethic | Oct 16 2016 | Kyle Curlew | The Internet we know today is an unlikely combination of radical philosophy and military surveillance.
Can Quebec take a joke? Comedy and human rights clash in court | Oct 15 2016 | Cara Sabatini | Quebecois comedian Mike Ward is appealing a ruling by the province's human rights tribunal against offensive jokes he made about a teenager.
Edward Snowden Wikimedia image
Pardon Snowden | Oct 14 2016 | President Obama needs to know the world supports this.
Photo: Cam Miller/flickr
Join our team! seeks Editor -- Deadline for applications November 4 | Oct 12 2016 | rabble staff | Do you understand the power of media in making political and social change, and want to do something about the need for a powerful, alternative media voice in Canada? You may be our next Editor!
Fred Peabody on Speaking Truth to Power, Unplugging and Pressure From Below
Fred Peabody on speaking truth to power, unplugging and pressure from below | Oct 11 2016 | Face2Face | Peabody and I talk about his new film "All Governments Lie: Truth, Deception and the Spirit of I.F. Stone," speaking truth to power, unplugging from the mainstream and good journalism.


Sat, Nov 19, 2016
Media Democracy Days 2016

on babble

how do I search the Ontario Elections site for a list of contributors? mark_alfred said... Hi folks.  I've been trying to find the information on who (either person or corporation or...
Liberal climate change plan coming, $7 billion expenditure mark_alfred said... A document was leaked to the Globe and Mail, describing a $7 billion climate change plan of the...
Why is Rabble now sidelining Babblers in its comments section? mark_alfred said... It used to be that comments on articles in Rabble came exclusively from signed in Babblers. ...
CBC ends all comments on Aboriginal stories swallow said... Uncivil Dialogue: Commenting and stories about Indigenous Peoples Shorter CBC: Because racism. in
Election deals blow to Canada's dominant press group montrealer58 said... Conservative slime and their own, doing their slimy Conservative things for their slimy rich...
NDP candidate said he is personally against same sex marriage and abortion takeitslowly said... “If I win, it will be easier. As a group, when we tell them, they definitely have to listen,”...
Censorship of political opinion as we head into an election ygtbk said... Well, obviously censorship of political opinion is a bad thing. Please let us know more... in
Elizabeth May Press Gallery speech mark_alfred said... I haven't been able to find a video of the whole speech.  But there is a description of it...
Please stop closing threads where productive discussion is happening jas said... Here were the last two posts that apparently were so offensive to Catchfire: jas wrote:Being new to...
Charlie Hebdo - new! NDPP said... Ali Abunimah: French President's Holocaust Day Speech Presages Crackdown on Palestine Supporters...

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in cahoots

Unifor calls on CRTC to boost local news
Unifor is calling upon Canada's federal TV regulator to put teeth into broadcasters' licence conditions for daily local news, including programming targeted to Canada's ethnically diverse populations.

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