

Drum dancer, Allyson Gear, stops a bus load of construction workers.
If Canada really wants Truth and Reconciliation it should start in Muskrat Falls | Oct 21 2016 | Hans Rollman | Any hopes that the governing federal and provincial Liberals might have had that the Muskrat Falls struggle would remain a remote and isolated matter of regional politics are rapidly evaporating.
Photo of Amy Goodman by Aditya Ganapathiraju/flickr
Amy Goodman's arrest puts fierce spotlight on standoff at Standing Rock | Oct 20 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | Attempts to criminalize nonviolent land and water defenders, humiliate them and arrest journalists should not pave the way for the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline.
'Indigenous London' re-imagines colonial telling of London's past | Oct 20 2016 | Megan Devlin | University of British Columbia professor Coll Thrush's work reveals Indigenous history at the centre of an empire.
Muskrat Falls project violates the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | Oct 19 2016 | Brent Patterson | Council of Canadians says the Muskrat Falls project violates the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Emily Wolfrey's arrest at Muskrat Falls
Don't whitewash police violence at Muskrat Falls | Oct 19 2016 | Hans Rollman | Let's be clear: Muskrat Falls, and the actions of Nalcor and the provincial government, constitute an act of racist violence against rural and largely Indigenous communities in Labrador.
Ukraine foreign minister makes news in Canada for wanting to scuttle Arctic co-operation with Russia | Oct 13 2016 | Renfrey Clarke, Roger Annis | Some Canadian media seems to think that sabotaging co-operation between countries in the Arctic region a climate-warming world is a legitimate weapon in the ongoing propaganda war against Russia.
Photo: Paulann Egelhoff/flickr
Land protectors and activists stand together for climate justice | Oct 13 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | The movement to combat climate change is growing dynamically and unpredictably, and is facing increasing repression from the fossil-fuel industry and government authorities.
Grassroots Indigenous organizing against the Site C dam | Oct 12 2016 | Scott Neigh | Helen Knott talks about the grassroots opposition among Indigenous people to the proposed Site C dam.
Not Rex: Revolution on! | Oct 12 2016 | Humberto DaSilva | The airwaves and wires are full of circus debates, so the revolution is not being televised!
After winning nine-year legal battle, children on reserve still wait for essential services | Oct 11 2016 | Doreen Nicoll | After winning a nine-year court battle and with a new government in power, lags in implementing the tribunal's recommendations discriminate against children living on reserve.
Photo: Vancouver International Film Festival
'We Can't Make the Same Mistake Twice': Interview with director Alanis Obomsawin | Oct 11 2016 | Alyse Kotyk | Obomsawin's documentry, featured at the Vancouver International Film Festival, highlights the lack of services for Indigenous children living on reserves.
The Rideau River about 35 kilometres downstream of the Energy East pipeline cros
Energy East pipeline spill would affect Ottawa's drinking water within 48 hours | Oct 6 2016 | Brent Patterson | Council of Canadians says the Energy East pipeline is "all risk and no reward."

on babble

Young Indigenous politicians are leading the Manitoba NDP robbie_dee said... Quote:The mood was mainly sombre and the cash-bar business was mainly brisk as Manitoba New...
Alberta mother's battle puts spotlight on First Nations medical care rejections mark_alfred said... Alberta mother's battle puts spotlight on First Nations medical care rejections   Quote:An...
NDP confronts Liberals on Dept of Justice denying 3000 residential school survivors justice due to a technicality mark_alfred said... CBC article on it:Indigenous affairs minister to look into rejected residential school cases...
'Nation to Nation'? Indigenous people and the Trudeau government swallow said... Quote: If Prime Minister-elect Justin Trudeau wonders how to honour his historic promise of...
Israeli terrorists kill Palestinian baby, critically wound rest of family lagatta said... More on this atrocity from Al Jazeera, with a video report.
AFN asks Ottawa to declare all Aboriginal languages official lagatta said... I certainly agree with this in principle, and there are several languages spoken widely in northern...
quiet champion Carey Price urges First Nations youth to be "confident" lagatta said... Yes, I really liked that. Important message, and amazingly, he doesn't sound full of himself. in
Missing and murdered. Leah Anderson, 15 years old... and others lagatta said... Teresa Casandra Robinson of Garden Hill, Manitoba, age 11.
Australia: PM Abbott & Premier Barnett, stop forced closures of Aboriginal communities epaulo13 said... 300 Indigenous Protesters Stage Brisbane City Hall Sit-In Around 300 people stormed into Brisbane’s...
Connection between C-51 and Aboriginal and labour rights KenS said... There is quite a bit of discussion of this in aboriginal-oriented Facebook groups (and presumably...


Thu, Mar 30, 2017
the NDN way

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Public Service Alliance of Canada
PSAC supports calls to strengthen MMIW inquiry
The Public Service Alliance of Canada joins Indigenous Peoples in recognizing the importance of the newly-launched National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

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