Industry bodies need deeper links with universities

One Ventures' Dr Michelle Deaker says working with industry enables universities to develop commercial knowledge.
One Ventures' Dr Michelle Deaker says working with industry enables universities to develop commercial knowledge. Nic Walker
by Mark Eggleton

The nation's industry organisations need to step up and promote better collaboration between academics and research institutions, says UTS Business School Associate Professor Dr  Antoine Hermens.

At the recent "Lost in Translation" roundtable co-hosted by The Australia Financial Review and PwC on how best to improve commercial collaboration between industry and universities in Australia, Dr Hermens said industry bodies were losing members as they struggle to stay relevant in a changing world.

"Peak bodies seem to have lost their way a little and one way to re-engage with industry would be to arrange and co-sponsor relationships between industry and universities," Dr Hermens said.

"This would be especially important for small to medium businesses as it would demonstrate to them how important they are to the nation's long-term economic prosperity."

Dr Hermens cited the example of the Mittelstand category of businesses in Germany – small to medium-sized manufacturers often cited as the engine room of the German economy. And while it's difficult to make direct comparisons because of different business cultures and geography, Hermens's point was to emphasise the importance of Australia's SME sector.

Beyond industry bodies, PwC partner Manoj Santiago suggested universities could better utilise their alumni networks to forge closer ties between business and academia.

Dr Hermens also said academics should be made to work more closely with industry especially through professional development programs. Too often academics go to other universities as part of their professional development.

Co-founder and CEO of Planet Innovation Stuart Elliot believes it would be a great idea for academics to be incentivised to work in industry and vice versa.

"Collaboration needs to better incentivised."

Yet while collaboration needs to be rewarded the round table panel were not able to reach consensus on how it should be funded. While government should take a role, Mr Elliot said the danger of too much government meddling is its innate desire to pick winners and create ecosystems around an industry.

Too much duplication

"Governments should stop attempting to build an ecosystem from the start. Rather than trying to create a whole consortium around a fund, governments should look to funding one partner. Most business just wants to solve a problem and make money. The ecosystem will come as other businesses spin out of the original company," he said.

Moreover, he believes there is too much duplication in universities and different institutions should focus in different fields of research and not try to be all things to all people.

Chief executive officer and managing partner of venture capital firm One Ventures, Dr Michelle Deaker, agreed and said universities should aim to develop areas of expertise that are top five globally.

"They need to create that depth of knowledge and work closely with industry. Importantly, working more closely with industry allows them to develop commercial knowledge as well."

Dr Deaker cited head-lice treatment company Hatchtech and vaccination innovators Vaxxas as companies spun out of university research that One Ventures has invested in.

"They were able to bring the right people in and implement industry best practice across their operations," she said.

Getting the incentives right and better leadership from both business and academia are the key to better collaborations PwC partner Charmaine Chalmers believes but there is "no silver bullet".

"We already have a world class R&D; tax incentive program in Australia – a lot of programs that are well-designed. There is plenty of support for R&D; in this country but we do have a different culture around university and industry collaboration than other countries. Part of the reason revolves around misinformation and some of it is cultural. Maybe a way forward is for university R&D; incentives to be changed. Maybe a higher rate is applied when universities collaborate with industry."

For Dr Hermens universities just need to focus on adding economic value. They have to be business-friendly.

"Maybe the vast majority of research should be more practical and focused, while sitting around and thinking of profound ideas could be in a different faculty."