Wednesday, 19 February 2014


Learn about the secret history of Leopoldo López, the CIA and what they want for Venezuela


They have in common the U.S. General David Petraeus, the former director of the CIA who recently resigned, and Leopoldo López Mendoza, head of the fascist hordes seeking to put an end to the work of Chavez? Both are linked to the Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University, a well-known breeding ground for officers of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Many elements in the life of Lopez, in addition to his current coup provocateur activity, is linked it to U.S. intelligence agencies. Son of a family that always thrived in the higher spheres of right-wing political fauna, from a young age he identified with the United States and elites of the imperial universe.

Typical bourgeois upbringing – those who grow over-protected behind the walls of opulent mansions in the most exclusive neighborhoods of Caracas – Lopez was sent by his family, at age 18, where the privileged send their heirs to buy a future.


So, in 1989, the young Lopez landed at the very exclusive Kenyon College in Ohio from which where he will discover his new homeland. Almost five years was spent in this prestigious institution reserved for the rich: the annual cost of the academic prestige to rises today to 60,000 (sixty thousand) dollars from Uncle Sam, a real fortune.

The CIA does not recruit its people among the poor. Kenyon College, is known to have CIA control elements among teachers whose task is to identify students who might be useful to the “company”.

The years of the era of the cold war, referred to the famous case of the poet John Crowe Ransom, which was considered by the CIA as an ‘active agent’ when he taught at Kenyon College, according to experts in the field.

Its literary magazine, Kenyon Complete Review, has great influence among intellectuals, was even funded by the Agency for purposes of penetration of this world of difficult access. There is evidence that Ransom was helping recruit potential employees for the CIA among students. One student of Ransom, Robie Macauley, belonged to the roster of the Agency when Ransom worked as editor for the magazine.

Such prestige Kenyon has that Michael Morrell, number two of the “company”, chose to pronounce his retirement there. Among other things, Morell talked with students of torture, specifically of near-drowning (waterboarding).

It is hard to believe that Lopez, coming from a wealthy Latin American family, was not monitored and signed by the “assets” of Kenyon.

It cannot be by chance that Lopez then reappears at the Harvard University – another nightclub for those who have money – and specifically in the Kennedy School of Government, where he earned a master’s degree in public policy in 1996.

Harvard Kennedy School is another field where Langley heads hunters walk.


We also have something spicy history of General David Petraeus, head of the CIA and confidant of Barack Obama in terms of intelligence, who resigned recently after confessing his adulterous relationship with Paula Broadwell.

Broadwell graduated from the Military Academy of West Point and worked in intelligence and military for a long time. He specialized in counter-insurgency and geopolitical analysis. Broadwell met Petraeus while doing a Ph.d…. in the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.

Petraeus for years frequented the institution where he felt comfortable: he frequently participated in debates where faced with other senior officers of the military leadership.

Retired General, Petraeus quickly got another job. He now teaches at the Kennedy School.

President of the right-wing Spanish people’s Party, Deputy Pablo, served as a CIA link to instruct his junior Angel Carromero of its counter-revolutionary Mission in Cuba. Mission that ended with the death of the Cuban “dissident” was delivered with a hefty sum of money.

Married to that he came in contact to Carromero with a mysterious correspondent in Sweden which in turn connected him with a Swedish right leader with whom he would travel, is a pure product of these great American schools where CIA recruits its agents which then puts in the political hierarchy of their country of origin.

Lawyer in Madrid, white married graduated from the Kennedy School.

Back in Venezuela, Lopez holds the position of analyst, Assistant to the Chief Economist and economic adviser in the Coord


Bolivia's President calls for UNASUR meeting to address fascist violence in Venezuela


Bolivia's president Evo Morales called Tuesday for an urgent meeting with the heads of state and foreign ministers of the member countries of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to set position on the imperialist conspiracy that has led to fascist actions in Venezuela from February 12.

"Our obligation is to defend the democratic revolutions, because this coup attempt is an attack on democracy. If we let it happen in Venezuela it would surely happen in other countries. It's a conspiracy to democracy, but basically is an attack on an anti-imperialist government," said the president in an interview with Telesur.

Furthermore he reiterated that the United States funds violent groups to attack anti-imperialist and democratic governments, in order to seize their natural resources, as happened in Libya, a nation devastated and plundered by the imperial forces.

Morales stressed that despite these claims the peoples of the world have woken up and are constantly mobilizing to free themselves from oppression, so he categorically rejected any intervention that undermines democratically elected governments.

Moreover, he confirmed his visit to Venezuela next March 5, which marks the first year of the physical departure of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez.



Yesterday (Sat., Feb. 15) at a demonstration in Washington, D.C., the racist, privileged and pampered character of the ultra-right-wing opponents of Venezuela’s revolutionary government revealed itself in a grotesque display.

Vividly unmasking the true class nature of the opposition to Venezuela’s progressive government, the enraged children of Venezuela’s upper classes, who live a coddled existence in Washington, D.C., yelled insults and racist slurs against a multi-racial group of demonstrators who rallied for six hours to condemn the U.S. government and the CIA for trying to carry out another coup against the progressive government led by Nicolas Maduro.

Standing in front of Venezuela’s Embassy in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C., the demonstration was one of many taking place all over the United States in opposition to the CIA’s effort to carry out another sabotage and destabilization in Latin America.

“We, the people of the United States, are mobilizing around the country with a simple message: the government of the United States is trying to use the tactics of economic disruption and sabotage to overthrow the Bolivarian Revolution. The U.S. government speaks in our name but we, the people, oppose this policy,” explained one of the demonstrators over a bullhorn.

The empowered children of Venezuela’s elite went nuts.

“You are Cuban mother****ers” they chanted. Pointing at Black demonstrators, they yelled: “Go back to your homeless shelter.”  Stylish, well dressed and chic, Venezuela’s elite arrived for several hours in expensive cars to conduct a counterdemonstration. They brought a team of four impeccably groomed, small, purebred dogs adorned in costumes, and proceeded to pose for pictures with them.

They reflected the typical arrogance of those who have lived with servants throughout life. They spent their entire time pouring out abuse and hatred toward the rally of working-class people who had come out because they oppose the U.S. government using its vast power in an attempt to derail a revolution that is so clearly benefiting Venezuela’s poor.

They called the multi-racial, progressive demonstrators “stupid” and “lazy” and, of course, “communists.” Americans fighting for civil rights or an end to the Vietnam War recognize these echoes from our own homegrown right-wing bigots. But the arrogance of Venezuela’s affluent community in Washington, D.C., seemed boundless.

These empowered rich kids from Venezuela – who go to Georgetown University, which costs over $58,000 a year to attend – screamed out at the demonstration that was attended mostly by working-people in Washington, D.C., “why don’t you get a job” and “who are you” and “go home.”

It was a bad showing for Venezuela’s upper classes. Even though they were in Washington, D.C., they acted like they owned the place. They are an owning class and they cannot conceal their arrogance. They are convinced that they should always own Venezuela’s vast wealth while the majority of the population lives in dire poverty. Why not own the streets of Georgetown too while yelling at working-class people in Washington, D.C., that they should “go home!”

They were dripping with class privilege. These coddled teenagers and twenty-somethings whipped themselves into a frenzy. They gave people the middle finger, and yelled and screamed things such as “Who’s paying you?” and “Come over to our side and we’ll pay you twice the minimum wage.”

They came in shifts so they wouldn’t have to stay out in the cold too long. But it was clear that the progressive demonstration was determined to stay. The temperatures were below freezing. There was a stiff wind, making it feel even colder, and snow for part of the time. The numbers of the right wing dwindled and dwindled. At 4:30 p.m., the last of them retreated and the progressive demonstrators raised their signs and banners, and chanted: “The people united will never be defeated.”


Venezuelan government thanks Russia and China on Weds for their solidarity against the attacks of the Venezuelan right trying to destabilize the country, said the Foreign Minister, Elias Jaua. (source)

The Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday expressed concern over the unrest in Venezuela and confidence in Nicolas Maduro will preserve the constitutional order.

"We have received with concern the news about the growing tension in Venezuela, the result of street clashes and fatalities," consists in a commentary published on the website of Foreign.

Russia expresses its "solidarity with the Government and people of this friendly and strong support for the policy that aims to prevent destabilization nation."

"We hope that the efforts of President Nicolas Maduro enable consolidation of Venezuelan society and ensure the preservation of law and constitutional order," the statement said.

Last week, several cities in Venezuela were the scene of clashes between supporters of the current government and the opposition. Disorders and clashes resulted in three deaths and dozens of injuries and arrests. (source)


The nonsense in Venezuela is the exact same model of that which white imperialism rolled out on Libya 2011, Syria 2011 onwards, Ukraine currently, and is the choice model along with other things in their tool box against GlobalSouth countries. - Sukant Chandan, Sons of Malcolm

U.S. spent millions of dollars on NGOs in Venezuela to destabilize the country

The lawyer and investigator, Eva Golinger, reported Monday that the US Government allocated several million dollars of its annual budget of 2014 for funding to non governmental organizations (NGOs) that are responsible for generating destabilizing acts in Venezuela.

She said that this reality is nothing new, for years the U.S. Government has been at the forefront of the attacks against Venezuela.

She urged the revolutionary Government to be alert of this situation, recalling that in 2010, the Commander Hugo Chávez enacted the law of Defense of the political sovereignty and national self-determination, which prohibits this type of financing.

During interview broadcast on the State network, the lawyer said that the only difference between the coup of April 2002 and which is now brewing is the use of social networks.

“Social networks have become a great irresponsibility, there is much information that is not verified and then pass it as a truthful news media. “We are already accustomed to the CNN media manipulation but this situation is coming even to local media to show a reality of something that is not happening”, she emphasized.

She said that the former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe Vélez, who, in turn, is linked to the U.S. Government, who continues to support him in his coup plans against the Venezuelan people is behind these destabilizing acts.


Pak to spend Rs. 4 cr to preserve Bhagat Singh's memories


Legendary freedom fighter Bhagat Singh's ancestral house, school and village in Pakistan's Punjab province will be restored under a project worth 8-crore Pakistani rupees (Rs 4.72 crore in Indian currency).

"We have allocated the money for the restoration of the house and school of the Independence-struggle hero. We'll also spend on the uplift of his village, where clean drinking water is unavailable and the drainage system is in a bad shape," Faisalabad district coordination officer Noorul Amin Mengal told PTI.

"The people in Faisalabad take pride in the fact that Bhagat Singh was the son of their soil. They want the place to be known by his name," said Mengal. The revolutionary hero of the freedom movement was born on September 28, 1907, at Bangay village in Jaranwala Tehsil of Faisalabad (then Lyallpur) district. "Once his house is restored by the year-end, his birthplace, which is 150 kilometres from Lahore, will become a tourist attraction for Indians especially," Mengal added.

The village of Shaheed Bhagat Singh, being just 35 kilometres from Nankana Sahib, can be another point of attraction for Sikh pilgrims. The Pakistan Punjab government also plans to shift his belongings from Faisalabad Museum and Library to his house.

Bangay has a population of 5,000. The martyr's 2-kanal house is owned by advocate Iqbal Virk. "We will buy the house from him," said Mengal. On March 23, 1931, following a trial for involvement in the Lahore conspiracy case, the British government had hanged Bhagat Singh at Shadman Chowk when he was 23.

In October 2012, when the Pakistan Punjab government had decided to rename Fawara Chowk after Bhaghat Singh Chowk but it had to put the plan on hold after objections from some quarters.



Kim Jong Il - Contributions to the struggle for socialism

By brother Eric Struch

The more a people’s leader is slandered, ridiculed and belittled by the racist capitalist press in this country, the more important it is to look beyond the propaganda to find out why the ruling class considers this leader and what he/she represents such a threat.

Media in the U.S., privately owned—like everything else—by our obscenely wealthy rulers, have presented a profoundly distorted picture of the socialist northern part of Korea and its leader, Kim Jong Il. Racism and personal attacks are the norm and the most outrageous lies are promoted as fact.

The truth is that Kim Jong Il, who is chairperson of the National Defense Commission, general secretary of the Korean Workers Party (WPK) and supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army (KPA), has had a prominent leadership role in the DPRK since the late 1970s.

Juche, the Korean philosophy of self-reliance, was originated by Kim Il Sung—founder of the WPK and the great leader of Korea’s revolution against colonialism and capitalism. Kim Jong Il has continued in the Juche tradition and added to it the policy of Songun, which puts the People’s Army at the center of Korean society. This is what allowed the DPRK to maintain its socialist system, defend the nation and pull through an extremely difficult period during the mid to late 1990s.

That period began with the counterrevolutionary overthrow of the socialist bloc in Eastern Europe in 1989 and in the Soviet Union in 1991. This fell as a heavy blow on the DPRK, since nearly all its trade was with the socialist community of nations.

On July 8, 1994, the Korean people suffered the profound loss of Kim Il Sung. After a period of national mourning and before Kim Jong Il was even able to take the reins of power, Korea was hit by devastating record floods in 1995 and 1996 and then suffered years of drought, starting in 1997. This was absolutely catastrophic in a country where only 18 percent of the land is arable.

U.S. imperialism under Bill Clinton attempted to take advantage of the suffering of the Korean people during this difficult period by ratcheting up the military pressure of its more than 30,000 occupying troops in the south and threatening the DPRK with nuclear destruction.

In response, Kim Jong Il strengthened the military capability of the KPA and developed Songun to strengthen the nation ideologically. Rodong Sinmun, in its January 1999 New Year’s editorial, defined Songun as an ideology “in which the People’s Army serves as the main force of revolution and in which the unity of the army and the people helps to safeguard as well as build socialism.” The army not only defended the country against attack—a real threat for Korea, which has been mercilessly invaded in the past by both Japan and the U.S.—but worked alongside civilians on many development projects to repair the damage caused by the floods and drought. The U.S.-backed government in South Korea has outlawed Web sites that promote Songun.

In addition to Songun, the three other mainstays of Kim Jong Il’s politics have been an intransigent opposition to bureaucratic privilege, the development of Juche and moving the struggle for national reunification forward.

Kim Jong Il became known in the late 1960s for his opposition to the use of material incentives to increase production. His belief, which he shared with Ernesto “Che” Guevara, was that this broke down socialist solidarity among workers. In the early 1970s, after being elected to the Central Committee of the WPK, he was responsible for legislation mandating that higher-level bureaucrats spend 20 days a month at regular working-class jobs alongside other workers.

Songun politics rest on the foundation of the Juche idea. The three principles of Juche are independence in politics (chaju), self-sustenance in the economy (charip) and self-defense in national defense (chawi).

Kim Jong Il is responsible for the formulation of the Three Charters for National Reunification—independence, peaceful reunification and national unity. He has made concrete proposals to the South Korean government for a unified democratic federal republic. All this led to the historic breakthrough of the June 2000 inter-Korean summit meeting. The result of the summit was a milestone in the long struggle for reunification: the adoption of the June 15th Joint Declaration. The DPRK saw this as “freeing north-south relations from the long-standing concept of confrontation and turning them into one of reconciliation and cooperation.” It was followed in 2007 by the October 4th Declaration, which reaffirmed the goals of the June 2000 agreement.

Last fall, however, the election of ultrarightist Lee Myung Bak in the U.S.-occupied south was a major setback to the momentum established by the two previous joint declarations. One of the main goals of the DPRK today is to move reunification forward.

Kim Jong Il’s birthday is on Feb. 16. Considering that he has led the KPA and the WPK through the country’s darkest days in the 1990s and preserved socialism, is it any wonder that it will be celebrated all over Korea?


2 Koreas to Proceed With Reunions of Families Separated by War


North Korea said Friday that it would honor its agreement to allow hundreds of older Koreans separated by the war on the peninsula six decades ago to reunite with their long-lost relatives, officials here said.

North Korea had threatened to scrap the reunions scheduled for this month unless South Korea canceled the joint annual military exercises it planned to begin with the United States on Feb. 24. During a high-level inter-Korean government meeting on Wednesday, the North said that if the South could not cancel the drills, it should at least postpone them for a few days so they would not overlap with the reunions slated for Feb. 20-25.

But during the second round of talks on Friday, North Korea retracted its demand and agreed to hold the reunions as scheduled, said Kim Kyu-hyun, the chief South Korean delegate.

The softening of the North’s stance came a day after Secretary of State John Kerry rejected Pyongyang’s demand.

Secretary of State John Kerry, in Beijing on Friday, urged China to pressure North Korea to halt its nuclear weapons programs.China Set to Press North Korea Further on Nuclear Aims, Kerry Says FEB. 14, 2014
If held, the family reunions would signal that relations were thawing on the peninsula after a particularly tense period last year following a North Korean nuclear test that resulted in new international sanctions.

Mr. Kim said his delegation explained that the reunions could be an important part of policy of “trust politics” espoused by South Korea’s president, Park Geun-hye. Since her inauguration in February last year, Ms. Park has said that South Korea would help the impoverished North with trade and aid — but not until the North took meaningful actions to show that it could be trusted.

The two Koreas also agreed to stop slandering each other, Mr. Kim said, after an earlier request for this by the North, which is known for its flights of rhetoric against the South and the United States. The delegates also agreed to hold high-level talks again, but did not set a date, the South Korean side said.

North Korea — a police state with near-total control of information — had earlier made another demand the South would not accept: It wanted Seoul to gag conservative domestic news media and commentators whose criticism North Korean officials said had damaged the prestige of their top leader, Kim Jong-un.

Some South Korean news media and commentators have turned more hostile toward Mr. Kim and have become more skeptical about the stability of his government after he had his uncle Jang Song-thaek executed in December.

Family reunions remain a highly emotional issue for Koreans, and they are considered a key barometer of relations between the nations. No telephone, letter or email exchanges are allowed between the citizens of the two countries, so for the families separated by the war, the occasional government-arranged reunions are virtually the only chance they have to meet.

The Koreas held their last family reunions in 2010.

In recent days, South Korea has sent several trucks and 100 officials and workers to clear a heavy snowfall that has recently blanketed the Diamond Mountain resort in North Korea, where the reunions are supposed to take place.


Unionists call for UK chart ban for hunger strike song Roll Of Honour


Unionists are calling for a ban on an Irish rebel song commemorating the IRA hunger strikers which has reached the UK Top 40 Singles chart.

The Roll Of Honour, which celebrates the lives of 10 republicans who died at the Maze Prison, sits 29th in the charts, ahead of artists such as Rihanna, Katy Perry and Ellie Goulding.

Originally released in the 1980s, the ballad is packed with anti-establishment anger including lyrics which brand England "a monster" and laud Bobby Sands as "gallant" and "brave".

It has shot up the charts after a campaign by Celtic fans opposed to anti-sectarian football legislation introduced by the Scottish Government.

If it remains in the Top 40 it will feature on the Big Top 40 Show broadcast tomorrow on Radio One.

A BBC spokesman said: "If the track charts on Sunday a short clip will be played with context around it given by the presenter."

Unionists last night called for the song to be pulled from the airwaves.

DUP MP Gregory Campbell wants the song to be banned.

He said there was a duty for the BBC as a public service broadcaster not to broadcast material promoting terror.

"If the BBC was faced with any other song that commemorated murder, and on occasions multiple murders of innocent people, they would take an executive decision not to promote such a recording," he told the Belfast Telegraph.

"Exactly the same principles should apply to this as would if it were al-Qaida, Basque separatists or any of the other Middle-Eastern terrorist groups."

Ulster Unionist MLA Tom Elliott said: "I would ask that the BBC does not play this song because it glorifies terrorism and is highly offensive."

It is understood that a clip of the instrumental intro and the first two lines will be played on Sunday if the song remains in the Top 40.

A BBC source told the Belfast Telegraph: "We believe it would be wrong to ban the song outright as free speech is an important principle and a ban would only give it more publicity."

First released in 1982, The Roll Of Honour by The Irish Brigade describes the hunger strikers as "martyrs" and "the bravest of the brave".

The Irish Brigade was asked by supporters group Fans Against Criminalisation (FAC) to cover the song to highlight opposition to the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communication (Scotland) Act.

A statement from Fans Against Criminalisation said: "We urge the Celtic support to download this song to embarrass those who seek to criminalise us to demonstrate that we stand by those who are being arrested at their homes and dragged through the courts and that we will not tolerate the continual harassment of our fellow fans at the hands of Police Scotland."

A statement from The Irish Brigade, said: "It was an honour and privilege to be asked by Celtic Fans Against Criminalisation to permit them to promote the song The Roll Oof Honour to aid the funding of their campaign against the law that affects everyone with Irish roots or a love of Irish culture."

The band denied the song was sectarian.

Celtic FC did not respond to requests for comment.

Roll of Honour lyrics

Read the roll of honour for Ireland’s bravest men

We must be united in memory of the ten,

England you’re a monster, don’t think that you have won

We will never be defeated while Ireland has such sons.

In those dreary H-Block cages, ten brave young Irishmen lay

Hungering for justice as their young lives ebbed away,

For their rights as Irish soldiers and to free their native land

They stood beside their leader – the gallant Bobby Sands.

Now they mourn Hughes in Bellaghy,

Ray McCreesh in Armagh’s hills

In those narrow streets of Derry, they miss O’Hara still,

They so proudly gave their young lives to break Britannia’s hold

Their names will be remembered as history unfolds.

Through the war-torn streets of Ulster the black flags did sadly sway

To salute ten Irish martyrs the bravest of the brave,

Joe McDonnell, Martin Hurson, Kevin Lynch, Kieran Doherty

They gave their lives for freedom with Thomas McElwee.

Michael Devine from Derry you were the last to die

With your nine brave companions with the martyred dead you lie

Your souls cry out: “Remember, our deaths were not in vain.

Fight on and make our homeland a nation once again!”


The Roll Of Honour, an Irish rebel song, was recorded by The Irish Brigade in the 1980s. The band, from Co Tyrone, formed after the 1981 hunger strike. The song was also covered by the Wolfe Tones. It is associated with the hunger strikes, when 10 republican prisoners died at the Maze.


China Focus: China trumpets "core socialist values" amid moral decline


China has trumpeted core socialist values in an ongoing Marxist education campaign amid a perceived moral decline in society after decades of breakneck economic growth.

The People's Daily, the flagship newspaper of the Communist Party of China (CPC), ran a series of editorials and op-eds on Monday urging efforts to bolster core socialist values and promote cultural and ethical progress.

"As social reform has gradually deepened and the country has increasingly opened up to the world, Chinese have embraced diversified thoughts, including the decayed, outdated ideals of mammonism and extreme individualism," the newspaper said in one editorial.

On Dec. 23, 2013, the CPC issued an unusually detailed guideline on bolstering core socialist values to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

According to the guideline, core socialist values include the national goals of prosperity, democracy, civility, and harmony; the social goals of freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law; and the individual values of patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendship.

Social openness and freedom have been greatly increased in the past three decades, accompanied by excessive liberalism, which has harmed social morality, said Liu Dongchao, a Marxism professor with the Chinese Academy of Governance, referring to unexpected online "moral support" for the recent Dongguan scandal.

A number of social networking website users expressed sympathy after state television exposed the thriving underground sex trade in south China's Dongguan on Feb. 9 by sharing encouraging phrases, such as "Dongguan, hang in there!" and "Today we are all Dongguan people."

"Such widespread online backlash against CCTV reflects the conflict and confrontation between mainstream social values and those negative and ridiculous thoughts," Liu said, adding that it's necessary to promote core socialist values among the public.

Senior Chinese official Liu Yunshan on Jan. 14 said a positive social atmosphere should be created to praise the virtue of keeping one's word, punish those who break promises, and to promote polite tourist behavior to improve the tarnished national image of Chinese travelers.

Food safety has been a sore point for Chinese consumers after several scandals were revealed, from melamine-tainted milk in 2008, which ruined public trust in the domestic dairy industry, to a recent scandal in which millions of tonnes of cooking oil was recycled and sold back to customers.

"Integrity, which is highlighted as one of the individual values, serves as a lifeline for the sound development of the market economy, and any commercial cheating not only causes public scepticism but also dents people's faith in integrity," said the People's Daily in an op-ed.

The Party called on several sectors of society, from schools to media organizations, to promote the core socialist values.

Core socialist values should be included in the overall national education plan and "cover all schools and those receiving education," said the latest guideline, adding that the values should be incorporated into the curriculum and become a way of thinking for students.

The media must steadfastly uphold correct guidance of public opinion, the guideline said, adding that radio and television stations should run more public service broadcasts spreading mainstream socialist values during prime time, and newspapers should give more prominence to such issues.

"Core socialist values will serve the need to create a positive social environment and make the nation ideologically and spiritually stronger," Liu said.


Senegal urges other partners to emulate China for Africa

The plan launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping in favor of Africa should be emulated by other partners of the continent, Senegal's President Macky Sall has said.

"I believe that the plan launched by the Chinese president in favor of Africa is an example for all other African partners. Anything else is just politics," he said, adding that "Africa had sufficiently matured to defend its interests in the cooperation with China."

Speaking during an interview with Chinese media before leaving for a state visit to China on Wednesday, Sall rejected accusations that had been made against China.

"I cannot say that there's exploitation of our natural resources in the relations between China and Senegal. That does not exist in our relation with China," Sall explained.

In his view, accusations made against China of only getting interested in Africa's natural resources can only be explained in the context of competition between the continent's partners.

"The reality of the situation is that cooperation between China and Africa is mutually beneficial. Everyone should have his part," Sall said.

"China has financial resources while Africa has natural resources and this partnership should be mutually beneficial," he said.

"Africa needs a lot of investments because it suffered a lot in its history, and did not benefit from massive investments like Europe after World War II through the Marshall Plan," he said.

On the security front, Sall urged China to work closely with African countries to contribute to border surveillance and fight against international terrorism.

Senegalese president kicks off visit to China


Senegalese President Macky Sall left Dakar on Tuesday for Beijing on a four-day visit to China.

Before the departure of the presidential delegation, Senegalese Foreign Minister Mankeur Ndiaye had arrived in Beijing with officials including heads of public institutions, according to the state news agency of the West African country.

President Sall told Chinese media on Saturday that the visit will "certainly consolidate the already excellent relations between China and Senegal."

"China has become one of the biggest partners of the African continent. This is a new form of cooperation that we positively appreciate because it allows African countries, especially Senegal, to equally diversify its cooperation partners," he said.

The president reaffirmed his determination to consolidate "traditional ties with the country's historical partners."

Sall expressed hope that China will provide more support in loan to boost development in Senegal.


President Sall supports creation of Chinese Cultural Center in Senegal


Senegal's President Macky Sall, in an interview accorded to Chinese media in Dakar, said he supports the creation of a Chinese Cultural Center in the West African country.

"I think that the Chinese Cultural Center will certainly offer us an opportunity to develop bilateral partnership in the area of culture. There is so much to do in different domains such as dances and music," he said.

According to the president who is expected to make an official visit to China on Wednesday, there is need to enhance Senegalese- Sino cultural cooperation.

"Culture, as one philosopher once said, is the alpha and omega, it's the beginning and the end of everything. In this area, we have a long history with China," he affirmed.

Speaking of the airing in Senegal of a Chinese television series "Doudou and her Beautiful Mothers," which was jointly produced with Senegalese comedians, the president said the series showed how "our people, our artists and comedians can work together."

He hailed the completion of a number of projects of cultural infrastructure by China in Senegal. China has so far constructed the Dakar Grand Theater while building the Black Civilization Museum in the Senegalese capital.

Senegal's president lays foundation stone for Black Civilization Museum


Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade on Tuesday laid the foundation stone in the capital Dakar for the Black Civilization Museum which is funded by China to the tune of 30 million U. S. dollars.

The museum will be constructed besides the Grand National Theatre, which was also constructed by China and inaugurated in April.

The design of the museum was made by the Beijing Institute of Architecture and the construction work will be done by Shanghai Construction Group within 28 months.

"This building, just like all others within the Cultural Park will not be considered as a Senegalese monument, but an African monument," Wade said.

While thanking China, the Senegalese president said the museum will be used for the conservation of cultural values of the black people and for the presentation of Africa to the world.

The Chinese ambassador to Senegal, Gong Yuanxing, hailed the good cooperative relations between his country and Senegal since the resumption of diplomatic ties in October 2005, stressing the need to increase cultural exchanges between the two countries.

The museum is one of the elements of the Cultural Park which President Wade refers to as one of the "Seven Wonders."

The six other buildings are the Grand National Theater, the Contemporary Art Museum, the National Library combined with the National Archives, the School of Beautiful Arts, the School of Architecture and the Music Palace.


Yellow Peril!: An Archive of Anti-Asian Fear

by John Kuo Wei Tchen and Dylan Yeats


The “yellow peril” is one of the oldest and most pervasive racist ideas in Western culture—dating back to the birth of European colonialism during the Enlightenment. Yet while Fu Manchu looks almost quaint today, the prejudices that gave him life persist in modern culture. Yellow Peril! is the first comprehensive repository of anti-Asian images and writing, and it surveys the extent of this iniquitous form of paranoia.

Written by two dedicated scholars and replete with paintings, photographs, and images drawn from pulp novels, posters, comics, theatrical productions, movies, propagandistic and pseudo-scholarly literature, and a varied world of pop culture ephemera, this is both a unique and fascinating archive and a modern analysis of this crucial historical formation. 


North Korea says U.N. rights report based on 'faked' material


North Korea said on Monday a United Nations report on its human rights record due to be issued later in the day was based on material faked by hostile forces backed by the United States, the European Union and Japan.

A statement sent to Reuters from the Communist state's diplomatic mission in Geneva said that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea "categorically and totally rejects the report," drawn up by a three-member Commission of Inquiry.

The text of the report was due to be released in Geneva at 1300 GMT.

The two-page North Korean statement, in English, said the report was an "instrument of a political plot aimed at sabotaging the socialist system" and defaming the country.

Rights violations listed in the document, forwarded to Pyongyang for comment by U.N. officials several weeks ago, "do not exist in our country," the statement declared.

And it denounced the Commission as "a marionette running here and there in order to represent the ill-minded purposes of the string-pullers, such as the United States, Japan and the member states of the EU."

The Commission was set up by the U.N. Human Rights Council a year ago at the request of the European Union, the United States and Japan under a resolution adopted by consensus at the 47-member state forum.

The independent panel is chaired by jurists from Australia, Indonesia and Serbia. It was barred from North Korea and took evidence from refugees and defectors who have fled.

The North Korean statement suggested the creation of the Commission and the report itself were part of an effort to change the country's current system of government under the cover of human rights concerns.

North Korea would "continue to strongly respond to the end to any attempt of regime-change and pressure under the pretext of 'human rights protection'," it said.


The Renminbi as a Game Changer
Why the yuan could soon emerge as a viable alternative to the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency

Beijing Review

The announcement of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, which heralds China's plans to liberalize the financial economy, has been seen as a welcome indication by most Western financial firms who have been pressuring China for years to allow unrestricted convertibility of its currency, the renminbi. This announcement follows a historical pattern of U.S. policy pressure on other countries' monetary management such as when the United States pressured Japan to float its currency in 1973 after the U.S. unilaterally abandoned the gold standard in 1971.

A free floating currency, especially from an economy as large as China's, is conventionally seen by financial mavens as the last great frontier for rapid profits from foreign exchange trading. Wall Street is salivating and cannot wait for this market to reach takeoff. But while the financial benefits that will accrue to Western financial firms in the short term will be unmistakable, China's move to internationalize the renminbi could actually rival the U.S. dollar in our lifetime.

Since the end of World War II, the U.S. dollar has enjoyed the primacy of being a world reserve currency and continues to do so. About two thirds of all international transactions are conducted in U.S. dollars and a large number of nations rely on financing from U.S. credit. Thus, many countries shudder at the thought of the U.S. Federal Reserve's tightening since the easy credit that flows to their shores can suddenly dry up and cause a credit crunch that in the past has resulted in the Asian crisis, the Russian crisis, and more recently the 2008 global financial crisis.

However, reliance on the U.S. dollar is slowly being eroded as countries seek to avoid being vulnerable to such credit shocks. The growing use of the renminbi in many parts of the world for trade settlement and even loan growth will slowly marginalize the U.S. dollar. Thus, when the Fed finally implements the tapering off of its extraordinarily loose monetary policies, instead of creating another Asian crisis as it did in 1997 or other similar panics, these nations will likely find alternative sources of credit in the form of China's renminbi to keep their economies running smoothly.

While the other alternative reserve currency, the euro, can also function as an alternative source of credit, the European Union will face considerably more challenges in getting consensus on European-wide bank regulation given the highly variable political challenges across the member states. China, on the other hand, can act more quickly and decisively as one nation in the credit markets should another international financial crisis befall the world, and this ability could quickly challenge the supremacy of the U.S. dollar in international transactions.

Many argue that the U.S. dollar's status as the world reserve currency is guaranteed for the foreseeable future given the strong fundamentals of the U.S. economy and its military that is second to none. Though no one denies U.S. military superiority, the fundamentals of the U.S. economy are far more questionable if one examines its long term prospects.

First, the political will needed to reign in deficit spending is nonexistent. With annual tax revenues of $2.2 trillion, but transfer payments for such entitlement outlays as pension and unemployment amounting to $2.4 trillion every year, the United States is already $200 billion in the hole without spending a single dime on any of the other government services. Once the other government spending such as military is added to the annual budget, the United States will face deficit spending north of $1.3 trillion every year.

With U.S. total debt exceeding $60 trillion, no one actually believes that the United States will ever pay its debt obligations. The avoidance of much needed infrastructure spending such as a high-speed train between Boston and Washington D.C. that can improve American productivity compounds American slippage in competitiveness.

Finally, the much discussed problems in America's K-12 public education as well as the uselessness of many college degrees from many U.S. colleges and universities undermines the ability of American labor to keep up with competition from global talent. The long held view that U.S. innovation will be America's trump card may also turn out to be a case of the emperor with no clothes. America's social media websites does little to improve the welfare of citizens; Apple products are losing their allure without Steve Jobs; and Tesla's electric cars may prove to be nothing but toys for the wealthy. Even fracking shale gas will have its limits. The only way to ensure that natural gas will continue to be produced in the United States is if there is enough demand to absorb the huge supply. Creating enough demand will require the United States to export natural gas by liquefying it into LNG and making it usable at the destination. However, the process of creating LNG adds so much additional cost to U.S. natural gas that other nations will no longer see it as a compelling source of energy.

Without strong economic fundamentals, more and more polite company will agree that the U.S. dollar is highly overvalued and at risk of going into freefall.

Of course, the U.S. buildup of its military is intended in part to coerce nations from abandoning the use of the U.S. dollar. The threat of military action on the part of the United States to maintain the status quo is no different than the coercive tactics used by imperial colonialists of earlier centuries to extract goods and services from developing countries without reciprocal exports. Everyone knows that the United States imports far more than it exports, and this trend shows no sign of reversing course as U.S. manufacturing continues to decline rapidly toward the single-digit percentage of GDP. The problem of relying on its military threat, however, may be effective against smaller nations, but would be suicidal against China. With China's trading partners and allies spanning the entire globe, U.S. military retaliation against China could easily invite the wrath of the entire world. No matter how superior the U.S. military is, it cannot wage war against billions of people and be certain of success.

Certainly no one wishes the U.S. dollar to depreciate suddenly and massively. Such a calamity will stop cross-border trade instantaneously and would inflict more harm than Lehman's collapse. Even the Chinese, who hold over $1 trillion in foreign reserves largely in U.S. Treasuries, hope never to see that day. But the fact that the Chinese recognize that such a scenario is not impossible, they certainly now see the need to accelerate the internationalization of the renminbi as serving their own interests as much as it serves the interests of Wall Street.

By providing the world with an alternative credible currency with the economic fundamentals to support its use, Chinese credit could displace the use of U.S. credit in a material way for the first time since Pax Americana. If that happens, the days that the United States can maintain consumption levels at 70 percent without inflation will be numbered.


Pakistan is falling to bits. The sectarianism which Pakistan was founded on was a lot less violent than it is now with forces in the 'west' in the Persian Gulf allying with sections of the Pakistani elite resulting in the places being torn apart in a bloody and traumatic mess. 

In all of this, Pakistan's relations with China remains a constant. Historically founded on their mutual alliance in the face of the other Asian giant, India (albeit, a relationship which needn't have been so), this alliance has been perhaps the most stable and positive thing for Pakistan. As India and China continue to positively work on their differences, and work together strategically in the BRICS alliance against white imperialism, despite the saddening state of things in Pakistan, its relations with China is perhaps one of the only hopes for the country.

In addition to the relationship with China, one can only hope and wish that there are elements in the Pakistani elite who can, teaming up with patriotic and revolutionary forces amongst the Pakistan masses, move their country away from violent sectarianism and strife and towards unity, nation building and people-centred development. 

I know this is a bit fantastical for the moment, but perhaps the only hope for Pakistan is to extricate itself from the veritable path to hell and collapse which it is currently on, and team up with the BRICS, ally with Russia, find peace with India and help in stabilising and developing an increasing properous environment and hence overcoming some of the worst situations in the region, such as Kashmir and Afghanistan. 

In the event that this does not take place, Pakistan and its related issues will continue down the path of disasters in which the masses suffer the most. - Sukant Chandan, Sons of Malcolm

Pakistan Looks to China for Big Energy and Infrastructure Projects

Islamabad Expected to Sign $20 Billion of Projects With Chinese During Presidential Visit


Pakistan's president is looking to strike agreements with China for joint energy and infrastructure projects valued at an estimated $20 billion as part of a strategy to build a trade and transport corridor between the countries.

Mamnoon Hussain, who began a visit to Beijing on Tuesday, was expected to oversee the signing of memorandums of understanding on projects to be completed by 2018, including upgrades of road and rail links and construction of an airport in the Chinese-built Arabian Sea port of Gwadar, in southwest Pakistan, said Ahsan Iqbal, Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform.

Chinese and Pakistani authorities selected these as the first so-called early-harvest projects of a longer-term plan to enhance economic ties and transport links between Pakistan and China, which share a border and have had close diplomatic and defense ties for decades, largely because of their mutual distrust of India.

Indian security officials view the plan with suspicion, fearing China wants to increase its economic influence in South Asia and use Gwadar as one of a string of Chinese-financed ports in the region, where its navy could seek shelter and supplies as it expands operations in the Indian Ocean.

The long-term plan to build a China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, including an oil and gas pipeline from Gwadar to China's northwestern border, has been discussed for years, but has been delayed by corruption, economic instability and security issues in Pakistan, analysts and diplomats say.

"In the past, the economic relationship could not match the political one. Now the leadership on both sides has realized that we have to bridge that gap," Mr. Iqbal said in a telephone interview.

"The main idea is not just a bilateral corridor. We're seeking a much broader integration of the region. Essentially, this economic corridor will integrate a region with a population of some three billion people—about half the world."

In recent months, China has renewed its commitment to the corridor. Beijing hopes the project will establish a new route for energy imports from the Middle East and help to promote economic growth in China's northwestern region of Xinjiang, home to a separatist movement among members of the mostly Muslim Uighur minority.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Tuesday the planned corridor would have a "model effect" on the region.

"This project is also important for strengthening the entire communication between South Asia and East Asia, bringing economic development and improving the quality of life in the peripheries [of China and Pakistan]," she said.

"As for India's concerns and understanding of this issue, China has been very clear: We think this is a historical issue between Pakistan and India, and we hope the two sides can peacefully solve their differences," she added.

Mr. Iqbal said the Pakistani government was hoping most of the early harvest projects would be funded through private investment from Chinese companies on a build-operate-transfer basis as well as through concessional loans from China.

"They're saying they'll decide what to fund on a project by project basis," he said of the Chinese authorities. "We'll complete the projects tomorrow."

He added that the two sides would discuss a Pakistani proposal that China establish two $10 billion funds for investment in Pakistan —one for infrastructure and one for energy—for the early projects.

The early harvest projects included construction of a motorway from the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore to the southern port of Karachi, and upgrading a stretch of road from China's border to the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, he said.

Also included were plans to build an airport, a power plant and new roads in Gwadar and to upgrade rail infrastructure between Lahore and the northwestern city of Peshawar, he said.

The initial list also included investment in ongoing projects to develop the Thar coalfield and construct power plants in Gadani, in the southern province of Baluchistan, and Sahiwal, in the southern province of Sindh, he said.

He said Chinese and Pakistani authorities planned to draw up a timetable by August this year for longer term projects, which included the pipeline from Gwadar to China and a new rail link across the border.

Last year, China agreed to build two large 1,100 megawatt nuclear power plants for Pakistan in Karachi under a $9 billion deal, financed largely through a concessional loan from China.

Mr. Iqbal said Pakistan's government was taking steps to improve security in areas where it was seeking Chinese investment and was cooperating closely with Chinese authorities on counter-terrorism. "We've always cooperated with them on security," he said. "The success of the economic corridor depends on stability."


South Africa, Palestine sign MoU for cooperation


South Africa and Palestine Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen bilateral governance cooperation.

The MoU was signed by South Africa's Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Lechesa Tsenoli and his Palestinian counterpart Saed Al Koni in Pretoria, where the Palestinian official is on a visit from Feb 16, Xinhua reported.

It is aimed at providing a framework for the two countries to cooperate in the sectors of the local governance and municipal development like finances, amalgamation and restructuring.

The MoU is a symbolic representation of a step towards building a better world, said Lechesa Tsenoli. "It will offer us an opportunity to learn from each other."

"We view this as a great opportunity for our people, especially the youth to be skilled and trained."

"The MoU will lay the foundation not only for the government to government exchange, but also for people to people," said the South African minister.

South Africa has maintained good relations with Palestine since its ruling party African National Congress established close relations with the Palestine Liberation Movement during their national liberation struggle.

South Africa established diplomatic relations with the state of Palestine Feb 15, 1995 after the apartheid ended in 1994.


China's disprivileged get better care


China allocated more subsistence allowance for the poor in 2013, with a total fund of more than 156.6 billion yuan (25.8 billion U.S. dollars), Vice Minister of Civil Affairs Dou Yupei said on Wednesday.

Last year, subsidies for the urban poor totaled more than 72.4 billion yuan, up 13.9 percent year on year, and those for rural poor people added up to 84.2 billion yuan, with an annual increase of 17.3 percent, Dou said at a press conference.

China spent another 17.4 billion yuan on 53.82 million poor seniors, people with disabilities and juveniles who have no source of income in rural areas.

"A total of 79.816 million people were receiving government assistance on a regular basis, with 174.03 billion yuan spent on them in 2013," said Dou, adding that some 100 million medical grants were issued.

According to the vice minister, the central government also allocated disaster-relief funding of more than 10.57 billion yuan last year, with 12 million people relocated from areas hit by earthquakes or floods.

He said that the ministry together with other nine departments conducted a campaign that helped 159,000 vagrant juveniles.

Since China issued a guideline to bring more security to orphans in 2010, the country has set a minimum-standard monthly living allowance of 1,000 yuan per child living in orphanages and 600 yuan for those in adopted households, Dou noted.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


All proceeds from the sale of this song went to Hizbullah fighters and their families injured of imperialism and the zionist state's aggression against Lebanon, an aggression defeated by Hizbullah in july 2006


Guangxi policeman Hu Ping sentenced to die for killing pregnant woman
Former official whose shooting of pregnant restaurant owner prompted President Xi's harsh criticism will appeal his death sentence


A court in Guangxi province yesterday convicted a former policeman of killing a pregnant woman and injuring her husband, and sentenced him to death.

The policeman, Hu Ping , was detained in October after he shot the restaurant owner in Pingnan county, Guigang , following a quarrel. Hu, 33, was allegedly drunk at the time, and the victim was five months pregnant, according to a Xinhua report.

The woman's husband was wounded in the shoulder.

Prosecutors said Hu fired arbitrarily after the victim told him there was no milk tea on sale at the restaurant.
President Xi Jinping spoke in unusually harsh terms about the incident during a speech to top judges and law enforcement officials last month, calling the suspect a "bastard", according to anonymous sources familiar with the meeting.

"It is very unusual to hear the president swear in such nationwide meetings. He must have been very angry," said a person briefed about the speech.

In a sharply critical speech to the judges and senior police officers, Xi said corruption among law enforcement bodies inflicted greater damage on society than did that in other government departments, sources said.

He cited the case of Wang Lijun as an example of how such incidents harmed the public image of the police.

Wang, police chief of the southwestern municipality of Chongqing under its now disgraced former Communist Party secretary Bo Xilai , was convicted of helping cover up a murder involving Bo's wife, Gu Kailai . Wang was sentenced to 15 years in jail in 2012, while Bo was condemned to life imprisonment last year. Gu received a suspended death sentence.

The president also pledged to "get rid of graft in the political and legal sectors and clean up the black sheep of the family", according to Xinhua, which published parts of Xi's remarks.

Yesterday, Hu said in court that he would appeal against the verdict. The victim's family has claimed compensation of 1.23 million yuan (HK$1.56 million).

During his trial last week, the former policeman told the court that he was carrying a pistol while off duty because weapons were loosely regulated at the local police station. In his defence, Hu also said he was drunk, but a physical examination report by a hospital said he was sober when the shooting occurred.

Prosecutors told the court Hu should be seriously punished because as a policeman, he had very little sense of law and used his privilege to "bully the people".

The police chief of Pingnan and a number of other local officials were punished following the murder, Xinhua said earlier, without providing additional information.

Police officers are banned from carrying guns while drinking alcohol or off duty, the Ministry of Public Security said in a statement in 2003.

Monday, 17 February 2014



Those who collaborated with nato and lynchers in Libya shall never be forgotten

Sukant Chandan
Sons of Malcolm
17 Feb 2014

Feb 17th, 2011, a date on which today is the third anniversary of perhaps one of the most infamous days and chapters in the annals of white supremacism /imperialism along with their supporting allied spectrum of forces of collaborators from the western/empire leftists - stop the war coalition, student broad left/socialist action, ceasefire, counterfire, pambazuka, democracy now, pulse, awaaz, etc - through to the colonised Muslim forces across the board - Ikhwan factions, Al-Qaeda factions, Hamas - and I have to be honest and state that despite their leading and heroic role in general resisting imperialism, Iran and Hizbullah too at the time (the irony considering events in Syria and their involvement is staggering)). This was the orgy of lynching of Blacks and anti-nato patriots white washed by all these collaborating forces as the 'Arab Spring/Uprising/Awakening/Revolution' etc.

The simple ABC that when nato bombs we close ranks and fight single mindedly against the greatest killing machine ever known to Humanity, was lost. People lost their minds, minds brainwashed and in drunken stupor and stoned off their heads on aljazeera crack, violent political sectarianism and and all the just under the surface slavishness to white imperialism and visceral hatred of Africa came viciously to the surface like an almighty fountain-head for everyone to see. Not one protest in Tunisia, they lost their minds. Hardly protests in Egypt, they were preoccupied losing their minds on behalf of the 'west'. Syria stood by Libya, and it is facing its own 'Libya' now. Algeria stood by Libya, and it will be facing its own 'Libya' soon tragically.

The first and defining act of those who 'rose up' on the first nights on and after the 17th feb was the mass celebrated orgy of grabbing darker skinned people and stringing them up and chopping up their bodies while hundreds of men cheered, jeered, scores of phones filming it, such was their pride, (documented here - ) AND ALL THIS WAS GIVEN COVER AND JUSTIFICATION BY ALL THE ABOVE SAID COLLABORATING FORCES of the infamous and total lie of 'Gaddafi's African Mercenaries', something ALL YOU COLLABORATORS promoted for some six months until the media whores of your masters - the western media - set foot in the new nato death squad state in Tripoli and saw with their own eyes that this was happening everywhere they went (alex thompson at channel 4 news' report stands out, not giving that devil any credit of course). Since feb 2011 some of us were raising alarms at what was taking place, but were insulted, dehumanised, told to shut up by a massive campaign of social fascism in order for them to indulge their depraved fantasies onto Libya.

The once vanguard of Pan-Africanism, vanguard of concrete and actual support to nearly every movement on the planet against imperialism and white supremacy, the vanguard of the anti-zionist struggle (having got nearly of of Africa to cut ties with the zionist state), of the GlobalSouth struggle in its development of unity with the south America, the pioneer of oil sovereignty backing up Iran, and the gulf before they took those steps; the Libyan Jamahirya founded on the Sept 01 1969 Al-Fatah Revolution has been turned into its opposite:

A Libya which is now ruled by literally hundreds of death squad factions, trading in drugs, kidnapping women every week for ransom and rape, trading in African bodies and sending them into the Mediterranean sea to be slaughtered, a base for the export of this 'model' to Mali, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and more, a network and industry of torture dungeons where innocents and those who raise the banner of independence and unity against this 'order' are put through this ordeal so human rights watch, amnesty, and others can once having given the 'human rights' cover for this to occur then can hustle further in reporting on that which they helped create. Those who said nearly nothing, did not encourage people to take to the streets but now who are making political careers and money off writing books after the event. Your collaboration on the greatest crime to have ever taken place in the last thirty years will has been recorded and registered in the memory of the honest, the truthful, the uncorrupted.

And who are the honest, and righteous in this context? It is Hugo Chavez, who stood up immediately in defence of his brother-comrade Gaddafi and said 'he is not fickle and will not forsake his brother', it is The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan who said 'I am no punktified negro, you cannot tell me who if not and who is my brother'; it was Fidel Castro who said immediately after feb 17 2011 "nato is coming for Libya", a veritable clarion call to Humanity to throw themselves into a united defence of Libya against nato; it was Daniel Ortega who made it known in the media that he stood solid with Gaddafi and the Libyan people.

While the youth represented by the 'under class' of britain were rioting in Aug 2011 after killing one of our brothers by the pigs (the english version of the lynching in Libya), on THE SAME DAY the british state killed **85** innocents in Zliten, Libya, THIRTY THREE children, 32 women, and 20 men ( ) however, in gross contrast to the Mark Duggan campaign NOT ONE vigil, NOT ONE campaign, NOT ONE mobilising meeting, NOT ONE protest for these people, they remain in what Fratnz Fanon described as the "zone of non-being", they don't register as Humanity, as humans, a zone perpetuated by the near total gamut of 'activists' etc in england/britain.

This does not have to be the case. It is the hands, minds and hearts of US to move these dynamics away from depravity and inhumanity to justice and Humanity. All the while, the Libyan people are increasingly of the opinion they know well what they lost and how precious and valuable it is. Two million refugees fled the country, all of whom are sympathetic to the Resistance in Libya, two million plus their families in Libya, that is the mass base for the Resistance. The Green flag was raised in Sabha in the south of Libya some weeks ago by allied forces of Resistance (ie., not all pro-Jamahirya, but rallied around that legacy and path, as they see it as a noble and resistant one), and also in at least four towns in the north around Tripoli. Slowly, surely, torturously, the Resistance will gain in momentum, Libya will show that the African-Berber-Tuareg-Black-Sahel-Arab-Mediterranean-Islamic alliance which Libya of the Jamahirya was/is cannot be extinguished until humans of that land are extinguished, until Humanity is extinguished. We remain steadfast. 'The martyrs and ancestors blood who waters the tree on whose shade we find relief from the Sahara sun for ourselves and the coming generations' is something we have no question but to remain loyal to. " I am not a coward, I am not fickle." - (Hugo Chavez in relation to Gaddafi, Feb 2011) 


Start 11mins into the video

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Friday, 14 February 2014


Russia and Egypt stress necessity of exerting efforts to resolve crisis in Syria politically


Russia and Egypt stressed in a joint statement the necessity of continuing efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria politically and emphasizing prevention of foreign intervention in the Syrian affairs.

a statement issued following a meeting between Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, and his Egyptian counterpart, Nabil Fihmi, and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his Egyptian counterpart Abdul-Fattah al-Sisi, said that the ministers expressed concerns over the continuation of violence and instability in Syria which led to the death of thousands and the injury  of many others and the increase of the number of the displaced people inside and outside Syria.

The two countries stressed the necessity of respecting Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, expressing strong rejection of any intervention in the Syrian affairs.

The statement added that the participants in the meeting supported the political solution to the crisis in Syria which started through Geneva 2 conference by direct talks between the Syrians to implement Geneva Communiqué issued June 30, 2012 and UN Security Council resolution No. 2118.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Egyptian counterpart, Nabil Fahmy stressed that a political solution is the only way for solving the crisis in Syria, asserting the necessity of combating terrorism and stopping all kinds of violence in the framework of a Syrian-Syrian dialogue based on Geneva communique.

In a joint press conference in Moscow on Thursday, Lavrov said that “Russia insists on the necessity of abiding by all items of Geneva communique and not focusing on one item without the other items.”

He asserted that the terrorism phenomena which Syria and many countries in the region have been suffering from is one on the most intensive issue, asserting that Russia started consultations on submitting a new draft resolution to the UN security Council on tackling the issue of counterterrorism in Syria.

The Russian Foreign Minister said that the gunmen hindered the delivery of the humanitarian aid to the old city of Homs and we demand guaranteeing the delivery of the assistance to other areas besieged by the gunmen, such as Nobul al-Zahraa in Aleppo countryside.

Lavrov called on the western and the regional countries which are able to influence the gunmen to exert efforts to lift the siege imposed by them on the Syrian areas and delivering relief aid to these areas.

For his part, the Egyptian Foreign Minister stressed that Russia and Egypt agree on the importance of making the political track on solving the crisis in Syria a success in order to create a new climate which achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people for better future.


Thursday, 13 February 2014


China to Fund Zimbabwe's "Comprehensive Financial Package"


The government of Zimbabwe is looking to China to help fund its $27 billion plan to rebuild its economy. The Africa Report wrote on Wednesday that this fund would be more than twice the size of the economy of the impoverished southern African nation. The five-year plan will seek to improve basic services and revitalize the slowing economy.

On February 11, Zimbabwe's Finance and Economic Development Minister Patrick Chinamasa and the Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe Lin Lin had signed the deal in Harare. As reported in People's Daily, it included the loan amount of $23 million earmarked for the construction of clinics, primary and secondary schools in resettled areas acquired under the land reform program, as well as boreholes drilling and acquiring meteorological equipment.

Not revealing details, Chinamasa, who visited Beijing last month, said, "The government of the People's Republic of China and the government of Zimbabwe are working towards a comprehensive financial package. (We) have committed ourselves to finalizing the matter within three months."

Zimbabwe had not been able to obtain funds from western governments and funding institutions such as the World Bank, as it had previously failed to repay billions of dollars in debt. Since 2005, the nation has adopted a “Look East” policy as a result, relying increasingly on emerging Asian economies to offset sanctions from traditional Western partners, People’s Daily reported.

China, on the other hand, is interested in the rich mineral resources in Zimbabwe, including the world’s second largest reserves of platinum, huge deposits of gold, alluvial diamonds, coal, and chrome. China had previously loaned nearly $700 million to Zimbabwe, in March 2011, the biggest package to date. In addition, last November, China’s Export Import Bank agreed to lend Zimbabwe $320 million to expand its Kariba hydro-power plant.


ANC supporters flee as police fire rubber bullets after they tried to confront members of the opposition Democratic Alliance party as they marched in central Johannesburg

I would request that people see the parallels of this stuff from the leader for the main ally of the imperialists in South Africa with what is happening in Venezuela. The exact same narrative is being used in Venezuela against the Bolivarian Revolution as it is being developed in South Africa against the ANC government. The old colonial tory boys were watering at the mouth in financing their fantasies of the white-supremacist democratic party getting a Black face in the form of Ramphele, although that fell apart before it started. Nonetheless, the white imperialists are continuing to lay the ground for 'regime change' against the ANC government. People perhaps should remember Nelson Mandela's words: " horror books are being published about what will happen "when Mandela goes", to advance this agenda of gloom and doom on which the enemies of real progress and social transformation rely to create the conditions for the defeat of the ANC, so that they are better able to ensure that no progress and no transformation occur". (source)
 - Sukant Chandan, Sons of Malcolm

ANC violent, can't be trusted to lead a democracy: Zille


"The ANC behaved like the ANC normally behaves," she told reporters after the disruption of the DA's march for "real jobs" in Johannesburg earlier.

"They can't be trusted to lead a democracy."

She said the African National Congress held an illegal march and came armed. She questioned why the police did not stop them. DA members boarded buses and left.

Zille said she would consult her lawyers about taking legal action against the ANC. DA spokesman Mmusi Maimane said the ANC could not be allowed to carry on that way.

"We can't accept this behaviour," he said referring to ANC members storming the DA march.

"It is a violation of our democracy."

The DA never made it to Beyers Naude Square, a block from the ANC's headquarters, Luthuli House, where it had planned to hand over a memorandum to the ANC.

Maimane said they were assured that a ruling party delegation would be there to receive it. He said the DA came to march peacefully and it was the ANC that was violent.

South Africa police clash with ANC supporters at opposition march


South African police fired rubber bullets on Wednesday at stone throwing supporters of the ruling ANC who tried to confront members of the opposition Democratic Alliance party as they marched in central Johannesburg.

The incident is a sign of rising tensions in South Africa before general elections on May 7, which are seen as the biggest political test yet for President Jacob Zuma and his African National Congress (ANC), which has been in power for 20 years since the end of white apartheid rule.

Police, between the lines of rival supporters, opened fire briefly at ANC members clad in the party's yellow T-shirts.

A police spokesman said petrol bombs were also thrown at officers who responded with stun grenades as well as rubber bullets.

Four people - wearing t-shirts bearing the ANC logo - were subsequently arrested for public violence and illegally carrying dangerous weapons during the march, police said.

Thousands of supporters from both parties were brought in by bus; the DA to march in what it said was a protest about high rates of unemployment in Africa's largest economy and the ANC to defend its headquarters in Johannesburg.

After the brief clash with police the marchers turned around and the protest ended, with DA members saying they had decided to call things off to prevent further violence.

Commentators have viewed the march by the DA, the country's biggest opposition party, as an action or provocation deliberately designed to expose what the opposition says is the ANC's intolerant nature.

"Will every voter now get the point about what an undemocratic and violent and intolerant organization the ANC is," DA leader Helen Zille told local TV news channel eNCA.

"We knew we were not getting to our end destination from the start, because the ANC came with missiles, petrol bombs, bricks and stones. I was amazed that the police allowed them to do that," she said.


The DA is trying to shake its image as a party devoted to the interests and privileges of the white minority and almost all of the marchers clad in its blue shirts on Wednesday were black, drawing scorn from ANC supporters.

ANC spokesman Jackson Mthembu condemned the DA march.

"It cannot be a wise step for any party to want to march to another party office, very ill informed, very dangerous, very risky, because we share nothing in common with the DA, how can you march ... to the revolutionary house," he said.

Sipho Mkhwanazi, a 40-year-old ANC supporter, was equally critical of the DA.

"Those poor black people who were marching today possibly got paid to come here and be the face of the DA."

The DA's attempts to broaden its demographic appeal have suffered some recent setbacks.

Prominent black anti-apartheid activist Mamphela Ramphele last week backtracked on a brief pledge to run for president for the DA, frustrating the party's push to win more black votes in the election.

The ANC is expected to easily extended its two-decade rule but with a reduced majority as millions of black South Africans remain mired in poverty and frustrated with the slow pace of change and economic transformation.

Still, South Africa remains a very different place, a point highlighted by the stark contrast between Wednesday's march and one from 20 years ago, just ahead of the elections that brought Nelson Mandela to power as the country's first black president.

In that incident, thousands of members of the Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom Party marched on the ANC's Johannesburg headquarters and security guards opened fire with live ammunition, killing 19 people.


Royal marine vehicles destroyed in 'anarchist' attack


Three military vehicles are destroyed in Bristol in a targeted arson attack claimed by an anarchist group, police have confirmed.

Avon and Somerset police today confirmed to Channel 4 News that three vehicles were set alight at the Royal Marine reserve base at Clifton in Bristol.

"At around 3.40am on Tuesday someone has gone to the Royal Marine Force Voluntary Reserve Base in Litfield Place, Clifton Down and set fire to three vehicles," a police spokesperson stated.

"All three were significantly damaged during the fire."

Police have begun an arson investigation, and the scene was cordoned off for much of the day while a forensic examination was carried out.

Officers are conducting house-to-house enquiries and say they are following up CCTV evidence showing a person running from the area at the time of the attack.

"We would like to speak to anyone who saw this person, knows where they went or who they are," a police spokesman added.

A statement posted online by a group calling itself the Informal Anarchist Federation on Tuesday claimed responsibility for the attack.

The group is part of an international network using the same names and style of political communiques to claim low level arson, bomb and gun attacks.

The statement claimed: "This morning smoke rose above Clifton from the two vans and one large white personnel transporter we'd torched with low-tech firestarters after breaching the compound of the Royal Marine Reserve’s Bristol detachment, who’ve been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan."

The group's message called for further attacks against military targets and railed against the Army’s recruitment tactics.

The Informal Anarchist Federation has previously claimed responsibility for a string of attacks ranging from sabotaging a section of trainline ahead of the Olympics to burning down a police firearms training centre construction site.

Already this year they have released statements claiming responsibility for a number of arson attacks on car showrooms around Bristol and Bath, as well as leaving an explosive device at the offices of Vinci Life Sciences.