Monday, 29 December 2008


Palestinians are at a loss to describe this
latest catastrophe.

International civil society must act now

"I will play music and celebrate what the Israeli air force is doing." Those chilling words were spoken on al-Jazeera on Saturday by Ofer Shmerling, an Israeli civil defence official in the Sderot area adjacent to the Gaza Strip. For days Israeli planes have bombed Gaza. Almost 300 Palestinians have been killed and a thousand injured, the majority civilians, including women and children. Israel claims most of the dead were Hamas "terrorists". In fact, the targets were police stations in dense residential areas, and the dead included many police officers and other civilians. Under international law, police officers are civilians, and targeting them is no less a war crime than aiming at other civilians.

Palestinians are at a loss to describe this new catastrophe. Is it our 9/11, or is it a taste of the "bigger shoah" Matan Vilnai, the deputy defence minister, threatened in February, after the last round of mass killings?

Israel says it is acting in "retaliation" for rockets fired with increasing intensity ever since a six-month truce expired on 19 December. But the bombs dropped on Gaza are only a variation in Israel's method of killing Palestinians. In recent months they died mostly silent deaths, the elderly and sick especially, deprived of food, cancer treatments and other medicines by an Israeli blockade that targeted 1.5 million people - mostly refugees and children - caged into the Gaza Strip. The orders of Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister, to hold back medicine were just as lethal and illegal as those to send in the warplanes.

Ehud Olmert, Israel's prime minister, pleaded that Israel wanted "quiet" - a continuation of the truce - while Hamas chose "terror", forcing him to act. But what is Israel's idea of a truce? It is very simple: Palestinians have the right to remain silent while Israel starves them, kills them and continues to violently colonise their land.

As John Ging, the head of operations for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, said in November: "The people of Gaza did not benefit; they did not have any restoration of a dignified existence ... at the UN, our supplies were also restricted during the period of the ceasefire, to the point where we were left in a very vulnerable and precarious position and with a few days of closure we ran out of food."

That is an Israeli truce. Any act of resistance including the peaceful protests against the apartheid wall in the West Bank is always met by Israeli bullets and bombs. There are no rockets launched at Israel from the West Bank, and yet Israel's extrajudicial killings, land theft, settler pogroms and kidnappings never stopped for a day during the truce. The western-backed Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas has acceded to all Israel's demands. Under the proud eye of United States military advisors, Abbas has assembled "security forces" to fight the resistance on Israel's behalf. None of that has spared a single Palestinian in the West Bank from Israel's relentless colonisation.

The Israeli media report that the attack on Gaza was long planned. If so, the timing in the final days of the Bush administration may indicate an Israeli effort to take advantage of a moment when there might be even less criticism than usual.

Israel is no doubt emboldened by the complicity of the European Union, which this month voted again to upgrade its ties with Israel despite condemnation from its own officials and those of the UN for the "collective punishment" being visited on Gaza. Tacit Arab regime support, and the fact that predicted uprisings in the Arab street never materialised, were also factors.

But there is a qualitative shift with the latest horror: as much as Arab anger has been directed at Israel, it has also focused intensely on Arab regimes - especially Egypt's - seen as colluding with the Israeli attack. Contempt for these regimes and their leaders is being expressed more openly than ever. Yet these are the illegitimate regimes western politicians continue to insist are their "moderate" allies.

Diplomatic fronts, such as the US-dominated Quartet, continue to treat occupier and occupied, coloniser and colonised, first-world high-tech army and near-starving refugee population, as if they are on the same footing. Hope is fading that the incoming administration of Barack Obama is going to make any fundamental change to US policies that are hopelessly biased towards Israel.

In Europe and the Middle East, the gap between leaders and led could not be greater when it comes to Israel. Official complicity and support for Israel contrast with popular outrage at war crimes carried out against occupied people and refugees with impunity.

With governments and international institutions failing to do their jobs, the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee - representing hundreds of organisations - has renewed its call on international civil society to intensify its support for the sanctions campaign modelled on the successful anti-apartheid movement.

Now is the time to channel our raw emotions into a long-term effort to make sure we do not wake up to "another Gaza" ever again.

• Ali Abunimah is co-founder of The Electronic Intifada and author of One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse

Sunday, 28 December 2008


Israeli massacre in Gaza:

International call for action!

Projected back to the middle ages, the Israeli killing machine is slaughtering my Arab people in Palestine while the whole world is enjoying its Christmas shopping and when Europe just decided to raise its level of partnership with the Zionist state in spite of a negative advice from the European Parliament.

The aggression is so barbaric and flagrant with hundreds of bodies torn to pieces. I don’t know what western TV is showing but on Arabic television it is a stuning scene. The answer of the resistance must be hard and resolute.

We know that an invasion is on it’s way, at least a partial one unless “Israel” is planning once more to fight its typical cowardly war from far in the sky.

Moubarak gave his blessings to this attack by allowing Livni to boast that she will destroy Hamas during her visit yesterday to Cairo. And also by starving the people of Gaza through the Egyptian-Israeli blockade for long months now.

The Arab official regime is compliant and partner in Crime. Europe is a direct partner in this crime through its push in the back of Israel through upgrading the partnership.

The U.S. is a partner in crime through its continuous material and moral support to the Zionists.

I see now a little baby cut into pieces, how can we retaliate is the only thought on my mind. I embrace the cycle of violence because we are facing extermination, and Livni made no secret of her plans to on the one hand transfer the last remaining Arabs in Palestine and the other hand destroying Hamas. What was taken by force can only be liberated by force, and the battle is one of existence and not of borders. There is no place for Zionists on our Arab national soil, there is no place for colonialism and racism and murder here, the more they kill us the more we are determined to make every single Zionist vanish from the face of the earth.

I call upon our Arab Nationalist youth everywhere to retaliate by any means necessary.

I call upon Moslim youth everywhere to reatliate by any means necessary.

I call upon the Socialist youth of the world to retaliate by any means necessary.

Let it be known. Let it be done.


Gerry Adams calls for solidarity
with the people of Gaza

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has called for solidarity
with the people of Gaza in the wake of repeated Israeli
bombardment of the region, which has killed at least 270
people and wounded hundreds more.

Sinn Féin has called on Israel to immediately end its
attacks on Gaza and for international political pressure to
be applied for the Israeli Government to end hostilities.

The Sinn Féin President today said:

"People in Ireland and across the world have been horrified
by the events in Gaza, particularly as they occur during
this time of the year when the thoughts of millions of
people are focused on the Holy Land.

"The cause of peace and stability in the Middle East can
only be damaged by this latest outrage.

"I would urge all parties and groups in the region to
accept inclusive dialogue and political negotiation as the
most effective pathway to peace and for all acts of
military aggression to end."


Tuesday, 23 December 2008


Mêmes causes, même combat, et pourtant…

Le Grand Soir

Trois ans après les banlieues françaises, c’est au tour des villes grecques de flamber. Il n’est pas difficile de trouver des similitudes entre les deux phénomènes. L’étincelle qui a mis le feu aux poudres, est la mort d’un jeune ici, de deux là, dans le cadre d’une intervention policière. Et l’absence de perspectives économiques, sociales et politiques de la jeunesse est devenue plus qu’une évidence dans notre monde frappé par une crise profonde du capitalisme.
Ce ne sont pourtant pas les similitudes qui interpellent aujourd’hui mais bien la différence de traitement, en particulier par les partis de gauche, de la révolte des jeunes.

Que dirait-on aujourd’hui d’un président de parti communiste qui déclarerait, à propos des jeunes Grecs : "Que les choses soient claires : incendier des voitures, des écoles, des bâtiments, des entreprises, c’est de l’autodestruction. Il n’y a rien de bien à dire de ces actions. Elles touchent d’autres travailleurs des mêmes quartiers et cités. Elles touchent le peu de biens sociaux qui subsistent encore dans ces quartiers. Et elles touchent surtout la solidarité entre tous les travailleurs qui sont frappés par le raz-de-marée néolibéral" (1). C’était pourtant la teneur générale de la plupart des propos "de gauche" à l’égard des jeunes Français. Aujourd’hui rares sont les condamnations des révoltes de la jeunesse grecque. Le ton général est à l’analyse des causes et à la compréhension. Les organisations syndicales grecques n’ont pas renoncé à leur action de grève et de manifestation au beau milieu des journées d’émeute. Il ne viendrait à l’esprit de personne de reprocher aux jeunes de briser la "solidarité entre les travailleurs". Au contraire, dans plusieurs pays européens, de grandes coalitions de gauche se forment pour appeler à soutenir la révolte des jeunes Grecs.

La crise financière a bien sûr fait voler en éclat la sacro-sainte confiance dans ce système d’exploitation qu’on nous présente depuis vingt ans comme le seul possible. Elle a ouvert les yeux et préparé les esprits à l’hypothèse récemment impensable que la seule solution soit au contraire d’y mettre fin.

Mais au-delà de cette évolution récente des mentalités, la différence de traitement à l’égard de ces deux jeunesses ne doit-elle pas aussi être attribuée à un mal persistant au sein de la gauche ? A savoir son incapacité à considérer les jeunes des banlieues françaises autrement que comme des "jeunes de l’immigration", dont il faut par définition redouter le communautarisme, le manque d’esprit civique et l’absence de solidarité de classe ?

Dans son article « La crise financière, et après ? », l’économiste François Morin écrivait il y a peu qu’un scénario de rupture brutale pouvait être envisagé. Il émettait l’hypothèse d’une « explosion sociale violente dans plusieurs pays, tenant à la baisse du pouvoir d’achat et au chômage de masse », et qui pourrait avoir « des effets de contagion à une large échelle ». Les jeunes Français des banlieues, victimes plus tôt, en raison de la discrimination raciste, de la baisse du pouvoir d’achat et du chômage de masse, ont-ils eu le tort de se révolter trop tôt ? Ou est-ce plutôt l’incapacité de la gauche à percevoir, comme elle le faisait jadis, dans la situation faite à ces jeunes, l’annonce du sort réservé à l’ensemble des travailleurs ?

Au lieu de reprocher à ces jeunes de briser la solidarité des travailleurs, ne faudrait-il pas inverser la façon de poser le problème ? Et le poser ainsi : combien de temps encore les responsables des partis et organisations de gauche, y compris syndicales, attendront-ils pour organiser la solidarité du mouvement ouvrier encore structuré avec cette jeunesse populaire que la précarité, la dérégulation des modes de production, la relégation dans les quartiers ont isolée ? Bref, pour la considérer, sans préjugés, comme partie intégrante du monde du travail ?

On ne pourra pas faire l’économie de ce débat car dans toutes les grandes métropoles du monde capitaliste, la part des travailleurs issus de l’immigration ne cesse d’augmenter. Une mobilisation sociale de grande envergure, capable de renverser réellement la vapeur et d’imposer une alternative politique réelle, ne sera possible que si la gauche résout cette question essentielle.

La révolte des jeunes Grecs et le soutien qu’elle recueille laissent espérer que les mentalités sont profondément en train de changer sur le vieux continent et que le temps des idées et des pratiques nouvelles est enfin arrivé.

Nadine Rosa-Rosso

(1) Peter Mertens, 16.11.2005 Solidaire (France : pourquoi les banlieues flambent)

Monday, 15 December 2008



LA Times

Reporting from Baghdad -- President Bush looked slightly
bemused after he ducked to avoid a shoe hurled at him.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki looked mortified, and as
the assailant's second shoe came flying Sunday, he did what
any gracious host would do: reached out and tried to catch
it before it hit his American guest.

Maliki missed, but so did the shoe, landing like the first
one with a loud thud against the wall behind the two
leaders, who held their ground as other journalists and
security officials at a news conference wrestled the
shoe-thrower to the ground. Later, Iraqi journalists
identified him as Muntather Zaidi, a correspondent for
Baghdadiya, a satellite TV channel that broadcasts from

Colleagues said Zaidi has done extensive reporting from
Baghdad's Sadr City district, the stronghold of anti-U.S.
cleric Muqtada Sadr, and was rescued by Sadr's Mahdi Army
militia after being abducted by an unidentified group in
November 2007.

Zaidi was one of several Iraqi journalists attending the
Sunday evening news conference in Baghdad's heavily secured
Green Zone. His outburst came without warning as Bush and
Maliki prepared to answer questions.

The first shoe flew over the heads of other journalists and
might have hit Bush square in the face had he not ducked to
avoid it.

"This is a gift from the Iraqis. This is the farewell kiss,
you dog," the man said, according to a pool translation.

Seconds later, the journalist hurled his other shoe with
similar precision as another Iraqi journalist reached over
in an attempt to stop him.

"This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were
killed in Iraq," he said, according to the translation.

Maliki flung his arm in front of Bush's face, his hand
outstretched like a baseball player reaching for a line
drive in an attempt to block the flying object as it sailed
over Bush's head.

After being pinned to the ground, the shoe-thrower was
dragged out by security guards. Officials from Baghdadiya
refused to comment.

White House Press Secretary Dana Perino reported suffering
a minor eye injury during the melee.

Bush played down the incident.

"All I can report is it is a size 10," he said jokingly.

"So what if a guy threw his shoe at me," the president
added, dismissing it as "one way to gain attention."

Thursday, 11 December 2008


Davey-D, Hip-Hop News

hen I first heard the Arab Money song, I kept thinking to myself it was just a matter of time before some of the cats within the Arab Hip Hop community were gonna raise and eyebrow and say something. Yeah, we all have seen news clips and heard the stories of kings and shieks in some of Arab nations who are just wylding out in money earned from their vast oil reserves. We've all heard the news reports about how America is in a financial tailspin because of so called 'Arab Money'.

How that translates in certain Hip Hop circles where money and power is often prized, bragging about being rich like the folks who run shit in places like Dubai is the ultimate goal. Its the ultimate symbol of power. It says I'm richer than Donald Trump. I got Arab Money!!!. Keep in mind, Hip Hop is no stranger to this phenomenom. We have always been in search of power.

I can recall the early days of Hip Hop when cats started off taking on fancy titles like Grandmaster, Grandwizard, King,Queen, Prince etc. Hip Hop pioneer Afrika Bambaataa would bestow the title 'King' and 'Queen' on early followers of his Zulu Nation in an attempt to help young wayward brothers and sisters feel good about themselves. Bam's approach was in the tradition of the freedom fighters from previous generations who wanted Black people to no longer be known as Negro or colored. It was rooted in those who wanted us to connect back to African centered consciousness.

Sadly what Bam was trying to do was in steep competition with the early Black exploitation movies where Black men would take on defeat white gangstas. That wasn't so bad but eventually that aspect gave way to Superfly movies and that would be an inspiration for early Hip Hop cats to show up at gigs and display their monetary prowess.

I recall the early days when cats would show up to early gigs being driven in fancy OJs. They would make it a point to have those rides pull up so they could step out sporting expensive sheep skin coats and other fancy threads purchased at places like Dapper Dans. If you didn't have the loot for Dapper Dan than you got your shit from the 'Jewman' on Delancey or JujU's or Onyx up in the Bronx. As I said a lot of that early swagger was a hold over from pimp culture personified by the Superfly image. Others say it was a hold over from the Harlem drug culture best personified by Nicky 'Mr Untouchable' Barnes, Guy Fischer and their ilk. As things evolved Hip Hop carved out its own signature fashion statements which included everything from fat gold chains to collections of expensive suede sneakers or shoes i.e. Pumas or British Walkers. Being fly, street savy or being a hardrock was the goal back then as it is today in many of our hoods.

Over the years I've seen Hip Hop embrace and emulate Italian Mafia culture, Columbia Drug cartel culture, Foreign dictatorship culture. We embraced the Jiggy era and became enamoured with the Donald Trumps of the world and started embracing the business tycoon, big money mogul culture. You name it, if it represented power, good or bad we found a way to embrace it.

Folks may recall it was just recently that Hip Hop mogul Jay-Z tried to one up his competition who were all up in the club making it rain with dollars, by making it rain with Euros. When he did that it was reported that the stock market took notice of his move. I guess we should not be surprised that a guy like Busta comes along and decides he'll skip making it rain English pounds or some other foreign currency and just go for the zenith-Arab Money.

AS I'm writing this, I wonder if Busta would've been allowed to do release a song called 'Jewish money'? How long do you think that would be tolerated? Folks forget that Diddy tried to flip a rhyme in his song 'All About the Benjamins' where he bragged about 'stacking chips like Hebrews'. The story goes, Clive Davis who headed up the label that distributed Diddy's Bad Boy heard it and was having no parts of it. He put a stop to that quick, fast and in a hurry. That line was omitted from both the radio edits and non radio edits of the song. I'm wondering who was tghe record executive who greenlit 'Arab Money'. How did that get by? But lets not digress.

This quest for power has not been limited to rap stars. As a radio guy I can tell you first hand that the balling mentality was fully embraced and oftentimes fueled by record label executives and their promotional staff. I'm sure there are deejays reading this who can tell stories about how the promo guy who was working the records seemed determined to be more of a star then the artists he was pushing. I recall how cats would show up at the station sporting the latest gear and exuding a swagger that sometimes resulted in the promo guy getting more air time than the artist. This mentality was aided by cats whipping out the record label expense card which allowed him to rent fancy rides, get suites in 5 star hotels and take an entire radio station's staff out on the town to drink bottles of Crystal or Hennessy. Keep in mind all this was always at the artist's expense. All that money spent would later be recouped, but lets not digress.

The larger point I'm making here is that many in Hip Hop have always been in search of acceptance and power. Such sentiments may not be directly articulated, but collective actions speak volumes. One has to wonder why else would a generation of rappers aspire to be like former Mafia boss John Gotti at a time when the people associated with Gotti as well as those in his old Queens neighborhood were making it quite clear that they had no love for Hip Hop and the 'NIGGERS' who did the music. I clearly recall those days when we would get clowned for trying to be Italian.

The quest for Arab Money was obviously an attempt to pay homage to the perception of all Arabs being rich. The are in many people's minds the ultimate ballers. However, people who understand their culture won't stand for the nonsense, and so when Busta's song dropped you heard the grumblings. You heard the upset from many Arabs who clearly understood that the majority of their folks are barely getting by. Cats simply aren't balling in places like occupied Palestine. Just like we here in the states have a few ballers in our midsts they too have ballers but how many of us ordinary folk really ball? Not many.

I recall when I went to Beruit a few years back and having to explain that Black folks in America are not like the folks in the video throwing money at the cameras. It a gross corporate backed stereotype which cast us all in a false light. Well, many of us here are subjected to constant barrage of media images that have us believing all Arabs are ruthless terrorists or rich oil owning sheiks.

So as I noted I knew it was just a matter of time before there would be a response. Members of the group Arab Summit dropped a song called 'Real Arab Money' and took Busta to task. There was talk others would soon follow up songs. Before it got too far out of hand a conversation was had, Busta explained himself, cleared the air and apologized. He called for his song to be pulled, the Arab Summit cats pulled theirs and we are now celebrating the maturity of rappers for resolving a dispute peacefully.

I appreciate what took place, but I couldn't help thinking to myself, that over the past 20 years I seen everyone from Diddy to Public Enemy apologize to groups they offended. The Jewish community brought PE to task for remarks made by Professor Griff. The end result was the group breaking up for a while and Chuck taking a tour of the Holocaust museum.

A few years ago Diddy apologized to Japanese women for offending them. Several years ago Cypress Hill was forced to endure a year long radio ban in San Francisco resulting in them issuing an apology to the Gay community for offensive remarks their opening act made during a concert. A hype man tried to amp up the crowd by yelling out 'what are we men or fags?'.

Andre 3000 was forced to apologize to the Native American community when he came on TV during an awards show doing some sort of dance dressed native headgear. Folks weren't having it and he made attempts to smooth things over.

Many rappers were taken to task for remarks they were deemed insensitive to the victims of 9-11. Remember how Jadakiss caught heat for suggesting George Bush knocked down the Twin Towers in his song 'Why'? Not sure if Jadakiss apologized, but I do know the radio stations around the country bleeped out Bush's name.

Kanye West may not have apologized to white men or white women but I do know radio outlets around the country bleeped out the words white man when he suggested that white men profit off our misery in the song 'All Fall Down'. In his song Gold Digger they bleeped out the word 'white girl'

Personally I have no problem with folks trying to clear the air and make amends for wrong doings. My question is when will Hip Hop apologize for the foul things rappers say everyday about sistas? When will folks apologize for the foul things we say about each other in songs? Can we get a moratorium on rapping about violence? Moving weight? Pimping? or balling at a time when everyone is losing their jobs?

Could you imagine if Busta and all other artists held a press conference and publicly apologized to Black women for all the foul shit that has been said in our songs and all the foul shit shown in our videos? Could you imagine if they said that all artists will put a a moratorium on these offensives things? Could you imagine that? Imagine if all those guys came together and compiled all the songs that artists like Paris, Jungle Brothers, Nas, NY Oil and others where they have uplifted women and put that out for the world to embrace?

My fear is that such a thing would happen and the corporate backers of this music and culture would shut it down. For example, even though Busta has apologized, Arab Money is still being played on radio. Maybe those in power are holding on to those offensive Arab stereotypes. I recall when Brand Nubian did a song called 'Sincerely' where they apologized to Black women on their Foundation album. I spoke with Lord Jamar at the time and he explained that the group was overruled by their label Arista/BMG which at the time was headed up by Clive Davis who didn't want that released as their first single. I recall commercial radio at the time refused to play it even on the anniversary of the Million Man March which is when Brand Nubian's album came out.

I guess at the end of the day it is what it is... Like I said, I'm glad Busta cleared the air with the Arab community and apologized. I'd like to see more artists do the same as it pertains to the one group of people I feel endure the most hurt from rappers-Black women.

Thats some food for thought

Wednesday, 10 December 2008



Who are the protesters in Greece?

Al Jazeera English

The fatal police shooting of a teenager in Athens on
Saturday and its violent aftermath are in many ways a spill
over of a decades-long conflict that has simmered between
police and far-left anarchist groups.

The violence has also laid bare a deeper anger that has
been gaining ground in Greece over the government's
policies in slashing budget deficits and pushing on with
unpopular reforms such as privatisations.

This anger has been exacerbated by a series of financial
and political scandals among prominent members of the
government of Costas Karamanlis, Greece's prime minister.

Meanwhile, Greece's manufacturing sector shrank at a record
pace in November due to a fall in new orders and
unemployment has risen sharply.

University and high school students in particular have been
at the centre of the protests, angry at the poor standard
of their educational system, the introduction of private
universities and their lack of prospects in the current
economic climate.

Political awakening

Speaking to Al Jazeera, John Psaropoulos, editor in chief
of Athens News, a weekly newspaper, identified both
political and social reasons for the violence taking place
across the country.

Psaropoulos said: "The political reason is that some
parties on the left are keen on making political capital
out of any kind of mobilisation of this kind.

"We are talking about university students and even younger
ages. A lot of kids of high school age have been turning up
and taking part and that is very much a organised thing, it
is not a spontaneous outpouring.

"But the social cause is more spontaneous, we saw enormous
riots involving high school and university students during
an attempt by the conservatives at reform two years ago in

"And that's where that age group acquired a renewed sense
of its own power. That period also awakened in them that
their quality of education is not the best, their
professional prospects on graduating from university are
not the best.

"And that age group does have a particular dissaffection
with their educational and professional prospects".

Sacred right

Despite the riots in 2006, Karamanlis and his conservative
New Democracy party won a second term in national
parliamentary elections in September 2007.

However, his majority was cut to one seat by the dismissal
of a dissident legislator last month.

The prime minister's increasingly unpopular government has
already faced a growing number of sometimes violent
demonstrations against its economic and educational

Although not many people support street violence,
demonstrations have a special place in Greece as the right
to protest is considered sacrosanct by many citizens.

The anarchists who take part in the demonstrations tend to
espouse general anti-capitalist and anti-establishment
principles, and have a long-running animosity toward the

The movement partly has its roots in the fight against
Greece's 1967-74 military regime and it is no accident that
the current violence is centred around Athens Polytechnic.

In November 17, 1973, the army stormed the polytechnic and
killed a number of striking students.

To this day, many Greeks hold the incident as reason enough
to restrict the power of the country's security forces.

While violence between the police and anarchists is
normally limited, previous fatalities during demonstrations
have led to an escalation in violence.

The last fatal police shooting of a youth in 1985 sparked
months of nearly daily clashes and the left-wing November
17 group bombed a bus full of riot police in retaliation.

Historical roots

Greek anarchism first surfaced in the last quarter of the
19th century amid economic and social turmoil in the

However, despite efforts by some individuals and very small
groups, the movement initially remained amorphous.

The ideological mixture of members ranged from beliefs
about individual terrorism to ideas involving Christian
social mores.

It was only around the beginning of the 20th century that
some anarchist groups tried to intervene in working-class

From the mid-1920s, and until the popular uprising in 1973
against the military regime and the showdown at the
polytechnic in Athens, there was no organised anarchist
activity barring some individual actions.

The main reason for this was the almost complete domination
of the working-class movement by Greece's Communist party,
the German occupation during World War Two and the later
military regimes which suppressed any such activities.

Mass migrations to the USA, Canada and Australia also added
to the anarchists' woes.

In the early 1960s some radical left-wing groups
reappeared, only to go underground when a new military
regime seized power in 1967.

Following the events of November 1973 and the fall of the
country's military regime in 1974, some anarchist groups
began to resurface.

They espoused a mixture of ideas dominated by the
counter-culture movements of the 1960s.

The majority of those involved were university and high
school students, with few real workers.

It is this same group that are now at the centre of the
current violence and the future of Karamanlis' government,
and the reforms that have angered so many, looks
increasingly uncertain.

Saturday, 6 December 2008



Thanks to the Black Panther Alumni for putting the PDF up on their site.
What follows is a very brief account of Che-Leila.

Che-Leila started off by anti-imperialist students at Sussex University in the English southern coastal city of Brighton in the academic year 2001-2002.

Che-Leila was named after Che Guevara and Palestinian revolutionary Leila Khaled. Che-Leila was a federation of student societies which brought together the Cuba Solidarity Society (formed that year), Marxist-Leninist Study Society (also formed that year) and the Palestine Solidarity Society (formed the previous year).

The activities of the Che-Leila societies and the joint activities under the Che-Leila umbrella conducted some of the most successful student political work that Sussex had seen for a very long time.

In late March 2002 Che-Leila sent six students to Palestine. On their first day in Palestine in Ramallah the Israelis declared a curfew and the Che-Leila activists decided to stay in the city to struggle on a social and political level with the residents of the city. At that time the Al-Aqsa Intifada was raging against the Israeli occupation. People will remember that it was at this time that the late Palestinian President and Arafat was surrounded in his compound.

The Che-Leila students conducted mainly medical work in distributing food and medicine in ambulances in the city.

Recognising the great media exposure that the situation was under in the British press, and the widespread reporting of our delegation in the media, three of the students (the students were living in different parts of the city and communication between them was not easy) decided to formulate a press release declaring the founding of the Che-Leila Youth Brigade (CLYB) whose founding statement can be read below.

CLYB was intended to be a nation-wide movement bringing together youth in the anti-war movement around a program of anti-imperialist internationalism and grassroots strategies.

At the time the ISM was getting most of the coverage in respect to solidarity work with the Palestinians. The CLYB respected the ISM and maintained an attitude of friendship and cooperation with them, but differed from them as we sought to learn from the resistance of people across the world, and respect the ideologies and organisations of people’s resistance movements.

On their return the delegation was welcomed back by around 300 supporters at Heathrow airport after being questioned by Special Branch officers under the Terrorism Act. The police had no control over the situation at the airport, and we held an open air rally just outside the terminal.

CLYB was honoured to have held its first public rally with Leila Khaled as the main speaker in London on the 16th May 2002.

CLYB sent another five delegations to Palestine in the following three years, and also delegations to Lebanon and Syria (2003) Vietnam (August 2002) and to Derry, Ireland (2005) for the Sinn Fein Youth/Ogra Shinn Fein national conference.

The CLYB also organised the only speaking tour in London for the Arab European League and their leader Dyab Abou Jahjah at the height of the repression they were going through in Belgium in February 2003.
The CLYB were speaking at campuses across Britain; had some of the biggest and loudest contingents on demonstrations and were recruiting hundreds of young people. CLYB did not have the organisational capacity to handle this sudden growth.

Leading members of the CLYB were harassed by the state, especially by the Special Branch police under the Terrorism Act, although the organisation was a purely non-violent movement which sought to directly and practically support civil anti-imperialist resistance. We were attacked in the right-wing and Zionist press, and also attacked by an MP in the House of Commons for being a ‘the youth movement of the PFLP in Britain’, although our political outlook was respectful towards all the factions in the Palestinian resistance.

There were several reasons why the CLYB was targeted by the state for relatively low-level harassment. It was partly due to the politics of resistance the organisation was espousing. At that time there were very few effective organisations doing this. CLYB were one of the first political organisations to call on the anti-war movement to have a deeper understanding and respect towards movements like Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas and Lebanese Hizbullah as well as leftist and left-nationalist resistance movements, and to link the politics abroad with politics in Britain, especially the issues of Islamophobia and repression under the guise of the ‘war on terror’. CLYB also embarked on several strategic projects to go to the grassroots and break out of the ivory towers of the student milieu.

CLYB ceased to be an organisation by 2005, in which year the third and last issue of the Che-Leila magazine was printed.

CLYB became defunct for a number of reasons. One reason being the nature of students and student activism. Another factor was that too much focus was given by some leaders of CLYB on political disagreements internal to another organisation that they belonged to at the time and therefore diverging from the more important tasks of building the movement.

However, the CLYB remains an important experience in the recent history of the anti-imperialist movement in Britain.

One often hears people asking why the organisations doesn’t re-launch itself. To date there are no plans of this happening.

Sukant Chandan
Sons of Malcolm / co-founder of Che-Leila and Che-Leila Youth Brigades
6 Dec 08, London

'Che-Leila' Youth Brigades Launched in Occupied Ramallah
"Love the people, serve them and become a part of them"
(Leila Khaled's Autobiography 'My People Shall Live')
Founded in Ramallah, Palestine, April 5th 2002

Why the launch of Che-Leila?

Che-Leila is a non party-affiliated organisation in Britain
that will provide support to the international movements
who are fighting imperialism, which is the source of
poverty, hunger, destitution and humiliation in oppressed
peoples' countries. It is unlike any other organisation in
Britain as it seeks to concretely support those civil mass
organisations of people who are seeing to the peoples basic
human needs under imperialist exploitation and oppression.
It has been too long in Britain that people have not been
supported because a section of British people have been
corrupted by the same system that they claim to fight. In
Ramallah, we are meeting many peoples organisations who are
arrogantly dismissed by these people in Britain. They are
doing revolutionary work, and we as revolutionaries in the
heartland of British Imperialism are duty bound to do our
utmost to support them.

Inspired by the unity in Palestine and the Arab world

In Ramallah we are following the tremendous international
support that the people of occupied Palestine are
receiving, especially the Arab youth. We were very much
inspired by the youth of Jordan and Egypt (Cairo University
students are heroically facing batons, water cannons and
armoured trucks on their campus while striking against US
and Zionist presence in their country).

Living through the events in the Northern towns and cities
last summer in Britain, we watched with mixed feelings our
Asian youth fighting police and fascist provocation, a
provocation which is always encouraged by the racist press
and the racist Labour government. While seeing the defence
of the Asian community as just, we were pained to see the
division amongst the youth of our two communities - white
and black. In Ramallah we are profoundly inspired by the
unity of the 'National and Islamic Forces', where Islamic,
Communist and Secular organisations are all united against
a common enemy - the dark Zionist forces. This has to serve
as an example to us in Britain. This unity, which is being
steeled with every martyr and action of resistance in
Palestine and South Lebanon, this is the most potent force
against oppression.

Repression increases, lets increase our resistance!

Che-Leila Youth will never be intimidated!

Youth who have founded Che-Leila have been supporting
peoples movements for several years. Che-Leila activists
have been to Cuba, Ireland, Libya, Algeria, Palestine,
Colombia to see and help our people there. Under the
Terrorism Act 2000 we are being criminalised for supporting
these movements. We have no rights under this law. We can
be imprisoned and/or fined upto £2,500 for simply refusing
to answer questions. This is unjust and we must resist
unjust laws. This law is also an attack on our own movement
for our rights in this country. Any physical attack on the
British infrastructure is seen as a terrorist action. This
means a strike could be seen as a terrorist action. The
brutal attack on leading trade unionist Bob Crow of the
Rail and Maritime Transport Union is a signal from the
powers that be that we will be repressed in defending our
rights at work. Che-Leila activists have been detained and
arrested under the Terrorism Act 2000, we are all targets
and must prepare ourselves for the inevitable repressive
actions that the British state will conduct against our
peoples in Britain. We must support people who are against
the Terrorism Act and the 'emergency terrorist laws' that
treat foreign nationals even worse than under the Terrorism
Act 2000.

Ideological and organisational discipline! Lets Learn!

Withincreased repression and exploitation the only weapons
we have, are first, understanding, (knowing what you are
fighting against and fighting for), and then organisation
so that we can be ready not only for defensive actions but
also positive actions. The unity of these two will make us
unstoppable. We must learn from movements who are showing,
IN PRACTICE these strengths.

Why the name 'Che -Leila'?

The names comes from Che Guevara and Leila Khaled. Two
names which are on the lips of revolutionary youth around
the world. These names we have seen everywhere in Ramallah
and occupied Palestine, on flags, on streets and in peoples
names themselves. Che Guevara is the legendary
revolutionary who fought with Castro in Cuba for freedom
and also a great internationalist who also fought in other
parts of Latin America and in Africa against imperialism.
Leila Khaled, living in Jordan today, is probably the most
famous Palestinian revolutionary woman whose 'Che Guevara
Unit' conducted many historic and world shaking actions for
the Arab and Palestinian masses. Che-Leila represents the
unity of young men and women against imperialist oppression
and exploitation.

Why 'Youth Brigades'? Activities:

Che-Leila Youth Brigades are interested in the practice of
understanding, not in understanding alone. And this is what
we have done by coming to Palestine. We are honoured to
stand with the Palestinian people and help them to
defiantly survive the Zionist occupation. We have faced
detentions, arrests, tanks and machine guns from the
Zionist army in our efforts to distribute medicine and food
to families who desperately need these supplies. The
Palestinians face torture under arrest, bullets from the
guns, shelling from the tanks, rockets from the Apache
helicopters and missiles from F-16 fighter jets. We think
it is true humanitarianism to remove these obstacles by
whatever means the Palestinians see fit, so as to ensure a
decent life for their people.

The Che-Leila Youth Brigades will continue to stand by
oppressed people in practice. We are organising another
delegation Palestine right now. We are also sending
delegations to Vietnam in July this year and Zimbabwe after
that, two countries that have shown that racist and
imperialist occupations can be overthrown.

Activities include raising money to send people, but
especially raising money for those people we are visiting.
For Palestine over £1000 was raised in a few weeks and
given to mass organisations that see to peoples medical and
nutritional needs.

Between delegations the activity is a process of applying
the understanding we have learnt internationally to our
specific circumstances in Britain. This means study groups,
seminars, conferences, cultural events, leafleting and
producing newsletters and magazines, demonstrations and
mobilisation of our people against the imperialist system,
and, as we live in Britain, British Imperialism in

"Love the people, serve them and become a part of them"
(Leila Khaled's Autobiography 'My People Shall Live')

Thursday, 4 December 2008


Fred Hampton: Martyr of the Liberation Struggle

Fred Hampton (August 30, 1948 – December 4, 1969) was an
activist and deputy chairman of the Illinois chapter of the
Black Panther Party (BPP). He was murdered in his apartment
by the the Chicago Police Department and the Federal Bureau
of Investigation.

He was drugged and brutally killed at the age of 21 for
being one of the most effective upcoming leaders and
organisers of the Black Panthers. Panther Mark Clark was
also killed in the same attack.

This is how Mutulu Shakur (Tupac's Step-Dad, still in
prison today) recounts that day: "Fred Hampton and several
Party members including William O'Neal
came home to the BPP Headquarters after a political
education class. O'Neal volunteered to make the group
dinner. He slipped a large dose of secobarbital in Fred's
kool-aid and left the apartment around 1:30am, a little
while later, Fred fell asleep. Around 4:30am on December 4,
1969 the heavily armed Chicago Police attacked the
Panthers' apartment. They entered the apartment by kicking
the front door down and then shooting Mark Clark pointblank
in the chest. Clark was sleeping in the living room with a
shotgun in his hand. His reflexes responded by firing one
shot at the police before he died. That bullet was then
discovered to be the only shot fired at the police by the
Panthers. Their automatic gunfire entered through the walls
of Fred and his pregnant girlfriend's room. Fred was shot
in the shoulder. Then two officers entered the bedroom and
shot Fred at pointblank in his head to make sure that he
was dead, and no longer a so-called menace to society. It
has been said that one officer stated, "he's good and dead
now." The officers then dragged Fred's body out of his
bedroom and again open fired on the members in the
apartment. The Panthers were then beaten and dragged across
the street where they were arrested on charges of attempted
murder of the police and aggravated assault. The incident
also wounded four other Panther members."

One of the most important achievements of Brother Fred was
the brokering of a peace pact between Chicago's gangs and
the recruitment of some of them into the Panthers. He also
developed an alliance for struggle with gangs and other
progressive forces in the city which he coined the 'rainbow
coalition', a term and concept Jesse Jackson later
appropriated. He continues to be an inspiration today and
his example and martyrdom will always remain in the hearts
and minds of strugglers.

Sukant Chandan
Sons of Malcolm / Black Panther Commemoration Committee

Fred Hampton doc-film


Power anywhere where there's people. Power anywhere where there's people. Let me give you an example of teaching people. Basically, the way they learn is observation and participation. You know a lot of us go around and joke ourselves and believe that the masses have PhDs, but that's not true. And even if they did, it wouldn't make any difference. Because with some things, you have to learn by seeing it or either participating in it. And you know yourselves that there are people walking around your community today that have all types of degrees that should be at this meeting but are not here. Right? Because you can have as many degrees as a thermometer. If you don't have any practice, they you can't walk across the street and chew gum at the same time.

Let me tell you how Huey P. Newton, the leader, the organizer, the founder, the main man of the Black Panther Party, went about it.

The community had a problem out there in California. There was an intersection, a four-way intersection; a lot of people were getting killed, cars running over them, and so the people went down and redressed their grievances to the government. You've done it before. I know you people in the community have. And they came back and the pigs said "No! You can't have any." Oh, they dont usually say you can't have it. They've gotten a little hipper than that now. That's what those degrees on the thermometer will get you. They tell you "Okay, we'll deal with it. Why dont you come back next meeting and waste some time?"

And they get you wound up in an excursion of futility, and you be in a cycle of insaneness, and you be goin' back and goin' back, and goin' back, and goin' back so many times that you're already crazy.

So they tell you, they say, "Okay niggers, what you want?" And they you jump up and you say, "Well, it's been so long, we don't know what we want", and then you walk out of the meeting and you're gone and they say, "Well, you niggers had your chance, didnt you?"

Let me tell you what Huey P. Newton did.

Huey Newton went and got Bobby Seale, the chairman of the Black Panther Party on a national level. Bobby Seale got his 9mm, that's a pistol. Huey P. Newton got his shotgun and got some stop signs and got a hammer. Went down to the intersection, gave his shotgun to Bobby, and Bobby had his 9mm. He said, "You hold this shotgun. Anybody mess with us, blow their brains out." He put those stop signs up.

There were no more accidents, no more problem.

Now they had another situation. That's not that good, you see, because its two people dealing with a problem. Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, no matter how bad they may be, cannot deal with the problem. But let me explain to you who the real heroes are.

Next time, there was a similar situation, another four-way corner. Huey went and got Bobby, went and got his 9mm, got his shotgun, got his hammer and got more stop signs. Placed those stop signs up, gave the shotgun to Bobby, told Bobby "If anybody mess with us while were putting these stop signs up, protect the people and blow their brains out." What did the people do? They observed it again. They participated in it. Next time they had another four-way intersection. Problems there; they had accidents and death. This time, the people in the community went and got their shotguns, got their hammers, got their stop signs.

Now, let me show you how were gonna try to do it in the Black Panther Party here. We just got back from the south side. We went out there. We went out there and we got to arguing with the pigs or the pigs got to arguing-he said, "Well, Chairman Fred, you supposed to be so bad, why dont you go and shoot some of those policemen? You always talking about you got your guns and got this, why dont you go shoot some of them?"

And I've said, "you've just broken a rule. As a matter of fact, even though you have on a uniform it doesn't make me any difference. Because I dont care if you got on nine uniforms, and 100 badges. When you step outside the realm of legality and into the realm of illegality, then I feel that you should be arrested." And I told him, "You being what they call the law of entrapment, you tried to make me do something that was wrong, you encouraged me, you tried to incite me to shoot a pig. And that ain't cool, Brother, you know the law, dont you?"

I told that pig that, I told him "You got a gun, pig?" I told him, "You gotta get your hands up against the wall. We're gonna do what they call a citizens arrest." This fool dont know what this is. I said, "Now you be just as calm as you can and don't make too many quick moves, cause we don't wanna have to hit you."

And I told him like he always told us, I told him, "Well, I'm here to protect you. Don't worry about a thing, 'm here for your benefit." So I sent another Brother to call the pigs. You gotta do that in a citizen's arrest. He called the pigs. Here come the pigs with carbines and shotguns, walkin' out there. They came out there talking about how they're gonna arrest Chairman Fred. And I said, "No fool. This is the man you got to arrest. He's the one that broke the law." And what did they do? They bugged their eyes, and they couldn't stand it. You know what they did? They were so mad, they were so angry that they told me to leave.

And what happened? All those people were out there on 63rd Street. What did they do? They were around there laughing and talking with me while I was making the arrest. They looked at me while I was rapping and heard me while I was rapping. So the next time that the pig comes on 63rd Street, because of the thing that our Minister of Defense calls observation and participation, that pig might be arrested by anybody!

So what did we do? We were out there educating the people. How did we educate them? Basically, the way people learn, by observation and participation. And that's what were trying to do. That's what we got to do here in this community. And a lot of people don't understand, but there's three basic things that you got to do anytime you intend to have yourself a successful revolution.

A lot of people get the word revolution mixed up and they think revolutions a bad word. Revolution is nothing but like having a sore on your body and then you put something on that sore to cure that infection. And Im telling you that were living in an infectious society right now. Im telling you that were living in a sick society. And anybody that endorses integrating into this sick society before its cleaned up is a man whos committing a crime against the people.

If you walk past a hospital room and see a sign that says "Contaminated" and then you try to lead people into that room, either those people are mighty dumb, you understand me, cause if they weren't, they'd tell you that you are an unfair, unjust leader that does not have your followers' interests in mind. And what were saying is simply that leaders have got to become, we've got to start making them accountable for what they do. They're goin' around talking about so-and-so's an Uncle Tom so we're gonna open up a cultural center and teach him what blackness is. And this n****r is more aware than you and me and Malcolm and Martin Luther King and everybody else put together. That's right. They're the ones that are most aware. They're most aware, cause they're the ones that are gonna open up the center. They're gonna tell you where bones come from in Africa that you can't even pronounce the names. Thats right. They'll be telling you about Chaka, the leader of the Bantu freedom fighters, and Jomo Kenyatta, those dingo-dingas. They'll be running all of that down to you. They know about it all. But the point is they do what they're doing because it is beneficial and it is profitable for them.

You see, people get involved in a lot of things that's profitable to them, and we've got to make it less profitable. We've got to make it less beneficial. I'm saying that any program that's brought into our community should be analyzed by the people of that community. It should be analyzed to see that it meets the relevant needs of that community. We don't need no n*****s coming into our community to be having no company to open business for the n*****s. There's too many n*****s in our community that can't get crackers out of the business that they're gonna open.

We got to face some facts. That the masses are poor, that the masses belong to what you call the lower class, and when I talk about the masses, I'm talking about the white masses, I'm talking about the black masses, and the brown masses, and the yellow masses, too. We've got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. We say you do'nt fight racism with racism. We're gonna fight racism with solidarity. We say you don't fight capitalism with no black capitalism; you fight capitalism with socialism.

We ain't gonna fight no reactionary pigs who run up and down the street being reactionary; we're gonna organize and dedicate ourselves to revolutionary political power and teach ourselves the specific needs of resisting the power structure, arm ourselves, and we're gonna fight reactionary pigs with INTERNATIONAL PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION. That's what it has to be. The people have to have the power: it belongs to the people.

We have to understand very clearly that there's a man in our community called a capitalist. Sometimes he's black and sometimes he's white. But that man has to be driven out of our community, because anybody who comes into the community to make profit off the people by exploiting them can be defined as a capitalist. And we don't care how many programs they have, how long a dashiki they have. Because political power does not flow from the sleeve of a dashiki; political power flows from the barrel of a gun. It flows from the barrel of a gun!

A lot of us running around talking about politics don't even know what politics is. Did you ever see something and pull it and you take it as far as you can and it almost outstretches itself and it goes into something else? If you take it so far that it is two things? As a matter of fact, some things if you stretch it so far, it'll be another thing. Did you ever cook something so long that it turns into something else? Ain't that right?

That's what were talking about with politics.

That politics ain't nothing, but if you stretch it so long that it can't go no further, then you know what you got on your hands? You got an antagonistic contradiction. And when you take that contradiction to the highest level and stretch it as far as you can stretch it, you got what you call war. Politics is war without bloodshed, and war is politics with bloodshed. If you don't understand that, you can be a Democrat, Republican, you can be Independent, you can be anything you want to, you ain't nothing.

We don't want any of those n*****s and any of these hunkies and nobody else, radicals or nobody talking about, "I'm on the Independence ticket." That means you sell out the republicans; Independent means you're out for graft and you'll sell out to the highest bidder. You understand?

We want people who want to run on the People's Party, because the people are gonna run it whether they like it or not. The people have proved that they can run it. They run it in China, they're gonna run it right here. They can call it what they want to, they can talk about it. They can call it communism, and think that that's gonna scare somebody, but it ain't gonna scare nobody.

We had the same thing happen out on 37th Road. They came out to 37th road where our Breakfast for children program is, and started getting those women who were kind of older, around 58---that's, you know, I call that older cause Im young. I aint 20, right, right! But you see, they're gonna get them and brainwash them. And you ain't seen nothin till you see one of them beautiful Sisters with their hair kinda startin getting grey, and they ain't got many teeth, and they were tearin' them policemen up! They were tearing em up! The pigs would come up to them and say "You like communism?"

The pigs would come up to them and say, "You scared of communism?" And the Sisters would say, "No scared of it, I ain't never heard of it."

"You like socialism?"

"No scared of it. I ain't never heard of it."

The pigs, they be crackin' up, because they enjoyed seeing these people frightened of these words.

"You like capitalism?"

Yeah, well, that's what I live with. I like it.

"You like the Breakfast For Children program, n****r?"

"Yeah, I like it."

And the pigs say, "Oh-oh." The pigs say, "Well, the Breakfast For Children program is a socialistic program. Its a communistic program."

And the women said, "Well, I tell you what, boy. I've been knowing you since you were knee-high to a grasshopper, n****r. And I don't know if I like communism and I don't know if I like socialism. But I know that that Breakfast For Children program feeds my kids, n****r. And if you put your hands on that Breakfast For Children program, I'm gonna come off this can and I'm gonna beat your ass like a ...."

That's what they be saying. That's what they be saying, and it is a beautiful thing. And that's what the Breakfast For Children program is. A lot of people think it is charity, but what does it do? It takes the people from a stage to another stage. Any program that's revolutionary is an advancing program. Revolution is change. Honey, if you just keep on changing, before you know it, in fact, not even knowing what socialism is, you dont have to know what it is, they're endorsing it, they're participating in it, and they're supporting socialism.

And a lot of people will tell you, way, Well, the people dont have any theory, they need some theory. They need some theory even if they don't have any practice. And the Black Panther Party tells you that if a man tells you that he's the type of man who has you buying candy bars and eating the wrapping and throwing the candy away, he'd have you walking East when you're supposed to be walking West. Its true. If you listen to what the pig says, you be walkin' outside when the sun is shining with your umbrella over your head. And when it's raining youll be goin' outside leaving your umbrella inside. That's right. You gotta get it together. Im saying that's what they have you doing.

Now, what do WE do? We say that the Breakfast For Children program is a socialistic program. It teaches the people basically that by practice, we thought up and let them practice that theory and inspect that theory. What's more important? You learn something just like everybody else.

Let me try to break it down to you.

You say this Brother here goes to school 8 years to be an auto mechanic. And that teacher who used to be an auto mechanic, he tells him, "Well, n****r, you gotta go on what we call on-the-job-training." And he says, "Damn, with all this theory I got, I gotta go to on-the-job-training? What for?"

He said, "On on-the-job-training he works with me. Ive been here for 20 years. When I started work, they didn't even have auto mechanics. I ain't got no theory, I just got a whole bunch of practice."

What happened? A car came in making a whole lot of funny noise. This Brother here go get his book. He on page one, he ain't got to page 200. I'm sitting here listening to the car. He says, "What do you think it is?"

I say, "I think its the carburetor."

He says, "No I don't see anywhere in here where it says a carburetor make no noise like that." And he says, "How do you know its the carburetor?"

I said, "Well, n****r, with all them degrees as many as a thermometer, around 20 years ago, 19 to be exact, I was listening to the same kind of noise. And what I did was I took apart the voltage regulator and it wasn't that. Then I took apart the alternator and it wasn't that. I took apart the generator brushes and it wasn't that. I took apart the generator and it wasn't that. I took apart the generator and it wasn't even that. After I took apart all that I finally got to the carburetor and when I got to the carburetor I found that that's what it was. And I told myself that 'fool, next time you hear this sound you better take apart the carburetor first.'"

How did he learn? He learned through practice.

I dont care how much theory you got, if it don't have any practice applied to it, then that theory happens to be irrelevant. Right? Any theory you get, practice it. And when you practice it you make some mistakes. When you make a mistake, you correct that theory, and then it will be corrected theory that will be able to be applied and used in any situation. Thats what we've got to be able to do.

Every time I speak in a church I always try to say something, you know, about Martin Luther King. I have a lot of respect for Martin Luther King. I think he was one of the greatest orators that the country ever produced. And I listened to anyone who speaks well, because I like to listen to that. Martin Luther King said that it might look dark sometime, and it might look dark over here on the North Side. Maybe you thought the room was going to be packed with people and maybe you thought you might have to turn some people away and you might not have enough people here. Maybe some of the people you think should be here are not here and you think that, well if they're not here then it won't be as good as we thought it could have been. And maybe you thought that you need more people here than you have here. Maybe you think that the pigs are going to be able to pressure you and put enough pressure to squash your movement even before it starts. But Martin Luther King said that he heard somewhere that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars. And we're not worried about it being dark. He said that the arm of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward heaven.

We got Huey P. Newton in jail, and Eldridge Cleaver underground. And Alprentice Bunchy Carter has been murdered; Bobby Hutton and John Huggins been murdered. And a lot of people think that the Black Panther Party in a sense is giving up. But let us say this: That we've made the kind of commitment to the people that hardly anyone else has ever made.

We have decided that although some of us come from what some of you would call petty-bourgeois families, though some of us could be in a sense on what you call the mountaintop. We could be integrated into the society working with people that we may never have a chance to work with. Maybe we could be on the mountaintop and maybe we wouldn't have to be hidin' when we go to speak places like this. Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about court cases and going to jail and being sick. We say that even though all of those luxuries exist on the mountaintop, we understand that you people and your problems are right here in the valley.

We in the Black Panther Party, because of our dedication and understanding, went into the valley knowing that the people are in the valley, knowing that our plight is the same plight as the people in the valley, knowing that our enemies are on the mountain, to our friends are in the valley, and even though its nice to be on the mountaintop, we're going back to the valley. Because we understand that there's work to be done in the valley, and when we get through with this work in the valley, then we got to go to the mountaintop. We're going to the mountaintop because there's a motherfucker on the mountaintop that's playing King, and he's been bullshitting us. And weve got to go up on the mountain top not for the purpose of living his life style and living like he lives. We've got to go up on the mountain top to make this motherfucker understand, goddamnit, that we are coming from the valley!