
Hillary Clinton is the San Diego Chargers

As a long-suffering Chargers fan, I have seen this story time and time again:
  • Get a big lead
  • Get injured at the wrong time
  • Play it conservative
  • Underestimate your opponent
  • Keep key components of your offense on the bench
  • Panic and make a stupid decision
  • Keep playing it safe
  • Lose a game you have no business losing
The world cannot afford another Mike McCoy, Hillary. 


Why is They?

For some unknown reason, Fox Sports San Diego likes to air, on TV, a replay of one of our horrible radio sports talk shows.  They often air it after a Padres game, so if you're like me and doodling on your phone or tablet, you end up unwittingly exposed to this garbage. So tonight it's on, and before I can change the channel I realize they are talking about Colin Kaepernick (San Francisco played the Chargers in San Diego tonight). One of the hosts, Steve Hartman - Ted Cruz lookalike and for decades one of the worst sports talk hosts in San Diegon - makes a statement disguised as a question: If Kaepernick plays terrible tonight in San Diego (he did not, btw), does that hurt his message?


It may be the most San Diego Sports Talk takes of all San Diego Sports talk takes. In a year where Donald Trump is running for president, this may be the stupidest thing I've heard all year.

But that's not even why I decided to post after a two month absence.

As I'm trying to process what I've just heard, this is what is on the screen:

That can't be right, right? Is that acceptable use of "is"? I always take a hard stand on this sort of thing only to be proven wrong. Like, I used to think the plural of "fish" was "fish" and anyone who said "fishes" was obviously a moron. Turns out I was mistaken. I was indignant enough about this to write this post, but now I'm having doubts. Can someone please confirm that Fox Sports San Diego is are the morons and not me I me I? MOOSEN.


the purple banana

Some random thoughts on Prince.
  • In all honesty, there aren't many Prince songs I like. The entire list consists of "1999", "Little Red Corvette", "Delirious", "When Doves Cry", and my favorite Prince song "Let's Go Crazy." That energy! That guitar solo! Whenever I hear it it takes me straight back to middle school at P.W. Engvall when music was almost enough to take my mind off of the tornado of home life.
  • I never really paid attention to the lyrics of "Let's Go Crazy". I just now looked them up. Wow. That song really makes no sense. All these years I've been singing "Let's look for the purple banana til they put us in the truck" thinking, knowing, that I was completely mishearing and butchering the lyrics. But I was right this whole time! 
  • While I didn't like many Prince songs, I've always acknowledged he was a genius. He did his own thing on his own terms, and I always respect that. He was one of the best all-around musicians of our time. I always kind wished he's do a metal cide-project so he could just let loose and shred. 
  • April 29th, 1997 was a weird day. I went to see Built to Spill and Modest Mouse at Canes. Modest Mouse was supposed to open, but there was some hang up that caused them to run late. So Built To Spill played their set. When Modest Mouse arrived they hurried on stage and tore through a few songs before the place shut down and everyone got kicked out. Everything was so rushed because apparently Prince had rented Canes for an after-show party. Built to Spill fans exiting the show squeezing past Prince fans entering the venue was an odd sight.  
RIP to an interesting dude who marched to the bead of his own drum (or Shiela E's, whatever) and a hell of a guitar player. 


I'm almost halfway finished, how do you like it so far? #GarryShandling

RIP Garry Shandling. 

The Larry Sanders Show was great and it deserves every ounce of praise it gets, and it was as influential as a show can get.

But my first experience with Garry Shandling was It's Garry Shandling's Show, and that is what I will always remember when I think of Garry Shandling.

Its run coincided with my high school years. We were an HBO family, and it was on Showtime, so I didn't get to see it that much in it's initial run (it later moved to network TV). The first time I saw it was at my friend Gary's when he was visiting one summer. Apparently they were a Showtime family. The theme song sucked me in, and at the time I thought it was about the funniest and unique damn thing I'd seen.  It was meta before meta was cool, and I'd like to think it was just as influential on it's style of comedy as The Larry Sanders Show was for its.

Thanks for the laughs, Garry.


Spirit Of The American Hot Dog

I don't know what that means, but I think it could be Donald Trump's campaign slogan.


Horace Pinker / Face to Face Split EP (1993 Rhetoric)

I didn't know about this 7" until Little Jon Hanks guested on my embarrassing KFSR show and played the Face to Face cover of "Blister in the Sun." Bought this shortly after.

I strut my stuff


Choking on Progress - Substance Before Presentation (2000, self-released)

Kevin Bacon time: I knew a girl who dated a guy in this band. When I met him, he had an FYP pin. That made him okay by me. Beyond that, I don't know a whole bunch about these guys. Just some East County dudes playing basic punk rock. No harm in that. Oh, they cover Wide Awake's False Pride.

Git it.


"vote for the wrong dude as a goof" #drumpf

Every time Donald Drumpf wins a primary, I think of this old Eddie Murphy routine.