
What is this Space? What's Anarchism all about?


The Tower | Hamilton’s Anarchist Social Space

A store-front for events, socializing, organizing and political conversations. It isn't religious, a social service or a business. it's based on the principle of people helping each other out.

the Armando Del Moro Library online Catalog.

800+ Titles in the Armando Del Moro Library online Catalog. Take a look around and drop by during an event or drop-in hours to get a library card and to take out a book.

Library Catalog

Host an Event

Get in contact with us to book a space for a regular or once off event or meeting space

Space in use-edit

A Radical Social Space for Events & Organizing

Front room with seating for 35, and an office for smaller group meetings offering free space for radical, grassroots events and organizing.


Beyond drop-in hours and special events, a number of projects operate out of the space.

Topics in Anarchy: Discussion Series

To an outside observer, it can sometimes appear as though anarchists speak a distinct language. Topics in Anarchy is a monthly facilitated short presentation and discussion, seeking to define and draw out the many different ways anarchists may embrace or reject a specific word or concept.

Topics in Anarchy: Discussion Series
Winning Is Complicated: Film Series

A film series screening documentaries and films that highlight past social movements, revolutions, uprisings and insurrections, and radical community projects. A facilitated discussion follows each screening.

Winning Is Complicated: Film Series
The Tower InPrint

The Tower InPrint is an Risographic print shop that shares the space with the Tower. Politically motivations include the dissemination of printing knowledge and skills to produce anti-capitalist and cultural printed works.

The Tower InPrint
Hamilton Seed Library

The Hamilton Seed Library is a place where you can 'borrow' seeds for planting and return new ones at the end of the season. It is a community-based group.

Hamilton Seed Library
Armando del Moro Library

The Armando del Moro library is a community library focusing on anarchist and radical politics, history, and stories. Featuring 800+ books, magazines, journals and audiobooks.

Armando del Moro Library
Semo Distro

Semo Distro is an anarchist distribution project. Our dream is to spread ideas that have helped us make sense of this unfortunate world, and to provide analysis so that we may better bring about its end.

Semo Distro

Become a Monthly Sustainer

The Tower seeks to provide a space whose content isn't tied down by it's funders and doesn't require you to pay to be there. Therefore, The Tower is funded by the people who use the space and value it — It is run by time and labour freely donated by people like you. Consider helping by becoming a monthly sustainer.


Contacts Us

281 Cannon St. E. Hamilton, Ontario Canada

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